A slow wail was heard through out the house.

Brittny stirred in her bed, listening to see if Danielle had gotten up to take care of Noah, so she wouldn't have to.

Almost immediately, a stream of light poured into her room though the crack in her door from the hall and she heard Danielle shuffle into the nursery.

Brittny stretched out on her full-sized bed. A smile played on her lips, remembering her kiss with Lance, and how she felt so much closer to him since that moment.

Thay'd known him for almost four years, and over that time they'd become such close friends. For the last two, Brittny had developed a minor crush on him that seemed to only grow over time.

Chris and Danielle had always teased the two of them, saying they were "in lo-ove", and that they were perfect for eachother, but neither one had ever acted on their feelings until tonight.

By now Brittny's face had broken out into a full-fledged grin. There was no sense in trying to go back to sleep now. Thoughts of Lance were going to keep her up for hours.

She rolled onto her stomach so she could look at the clock on her bedside table. "Ah. .. " she flinched. The red digits burned her eyes. It was 3:18.

Rubbing her face, and pushing her long black hair out of her face, and made her way down the hall, and into the kitchen.

Danielle was there, holding Noah who was whimpering, and pulling a teething ring out of the freezer.

"Hi." Brittny said.

Danielle looked up, startled. "Hey, Britt. Did Noah wake up? I'm sorry, I tried to get to him quickly enough not to wake anyone up."

Brittny shook her head. "No, don't worry about it. I couldn't really sleep anyways."

"Oh." Danielle closed the freezer and stuck the ring in Noah's mouth. "Why?"

Brittny shrugged, opening the cabinet. "Just the excitement of seeing our guys today, I guess."

"Yeah. It was pretty. . .interesting." Danielle got a distant look on her face, as she sat down on the bar stool.

"Tea?" Brittny asked, pulling a box out of the cabinet.

"Yeah, thanks." she replied, barely paying attention.

Brittny pulled two mugs out of another cabinet. "Danielle, you shouldn't worry about it, ya know."



"How'd you know?"

"I can practically head you worrying about it. He's not worth all the trouble."

Danielle sighed, stoking Noah's stomach. "I can't help it."

"I know," Brittny joined her at the counter. "But, if you spend all your time thinking about it, your going to go crazy."

Noah let out a little cry, as the ring slipped from his mouth. Danielle caught it before it fell to the floor, and slipped it back in his mouth. He thanked her by cooing happily.

The timer on the microwave went off. Brittny hoped up, noisily retrieved the hot mugs, and placed the tea bags in them to seep.

"Ya know when I went out for a walk earlier?" Danielle asked.


"Well, I walked over to the park, and saw Justin."

"Really? What did you do?"

"I let him talk to me, then I left."

"What did he say?"

"He said. . . that he didn't mean all the things he said when we broke up, and that he believed me when I told him, but, he was scared. And he said he still loves me."

"Ha!" Brittny sputtered, pulling milk out of the refrigerator.

"That's when I left." she finished.

"Are you gonna do anything about it?"

Danielle shrugged. "As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of want him in Noah's life. Like you said he does need a father."

Brittny handed Danielle a mug, and took her place on her bar-stool. "I think you two should sit down, talk everything out, and then you can make your decision. That way you can see if he's really changed."

"That's probably a good idea." Danielle groaned. "I don't even want to think about it anymore."

"Fine with me."

"I noticed you and Lance looking pretty close tonight."

Brittny grinned "Yeah. . . "

Danielle giggled. "So, when are you two star-crossed lovers gonna hook up?"

"He kissed me tonight."

"He did?"

"Yeah!" she squealed.

"Wow! How cute! Does that mean your dating?"

"I guess it does." honestly, she wasn't sure what it meant.

"How did it happen?"

"Well, we were just sitting here. . . "

Part Eleven
Part Thirteen
