The meet-n-greet was finally over. The guys now had an hour before they were due on stage and were hanging out in the lounge backstage.

JC was sitting all alone in a chair while everything went on around him, staring at nothing in particular.

Katie noticed this, and being the caring (hormonal) person she was, decided to see what was up.

"Hey JC." she said softly, approaching him.


"What's up?"

JC shook his head. "Nothin. You?"

"Nothing." she sat down on the arm of the chair. "Is something wrong?"

He shrugged.

"You may not know me very well, but. . . you can talk to me about anything, ya know? It always helps to talk." she patted his shoulder, comfortingly.

JC sighed. "Are you sure you want to hear my pathetic complaints?"

"Yeah. I'm sure they aren't pathetic either. Things don't just bother people for no reason. Unless, of course, your Danielle."

JC let a little chuckle escape his mouth. "Your right about that."

"I know. Now, back to you."

"All right. See, my girlfriend, Alex, said she would be here tonight, To meet my friends, and she hasn't shown up yet."

"There's still an hour before the show. There's time for her to show up."

JC shook his head. "She's always doing stuff like this. I'm beginning to wonder why I even bother with her."

"Why did you start dating her?"

"Well. . . because she's beautiful."

"Is that all? Because, forgive me for saying so, but isn't that a little. . . superficial?"

"She's beautiful inside and out. " he answered. "At least, I used to think so."

"Oh. Well, then she must be crazy."

JC looked up at her. "Why?"

"Because she has an incredibly handsome, charming man sitting here wishing she was here, while she's off somewhere else, doing who knows what." Katie replied.

JC laughed. "Thanks."

"For. . . ?"

"Making me feel better."

Katie smiled. "No problem."

"Hey guys!" Chris yelled. "Hackey Sack time!"

JC jumped up and grabbed Katie's hand, pulling her along.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"To play hackey sack, of course."

"I don't know how to play."

"It's okay, we'll teach you."

Chris, Joey, and Danielle were standing together tossing a hackey sack around.

"I wanna play!" Brittny yelled, running over to the circle. Lance soon followed, then Justin, until everyone was standing in a circle laughing, and tossing around the hackey sack.

Part Fifteen
Part Seventeen
