Lance led Brittny through a short path of tall grass, to a clearing in a field, with a big checkered blanket laid out and a picnic set up, glowing under the moon.

"Lance, this is beautiful." she said.

Lance smiled, and helped her sit down and then sat down himself.

"This whole thing is almost enough to make me wanna skip dinner and go straight to dessert." Brittny said, resting her hand on Lance's knee.

"Sounds like a plan."

Brittny smiled, and leaned into Lance, letting her lips meet his.

She had scooted so close to him that you could barely distinguish between the two bodies, when Lance pulled away.

Brittny look at him, confused. "What's wrong?"

Lance shook his head. "Nothing. It's just I haven't given you your prize for the scavenger hunt you went through earlier."

"I thought you were my prize." she grinned.

"Nope." Lance pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket.

Brittny's eyes widened. Oh my God, no! He is NOT asking me to marry him! We've only been dating for two and a half weeks!

"Now, before you freak out about me asking you to marry me after only a month, which I know your doing-"

Brittny glanced down at her lap sheepishly.

"Stop. I am not doing that. I know it's to soon. What I'm holding in my hand is not an engagement ring, but, a promise ring."

"A promise ring?"

Lance nodded. "Brittny, I love you, and I know I want you to be in my life forever. I've known for years now. So, I'm promising myself to only you, because I know it's a promise I can keep. In excepting this ring, I hope you will promise yourself to only me."

He opened the box, exposing a silver Irish wedding ring (two hands clasping, with a heart above them on the band). "Will you promise yourself to me?"

A smile crept across her face, and she starred into Lance's sparkling yellow-green eyes. "Yes." she whispered. "Of course."

Lance slipped the ring on her finger, and in response, she leaned in, giving him a long, lingering kiss.

Part Forty One
Part Forty Three
