CrAzY fOr YoU pArT fOuRtY sEvEn

Groaning, Brittny climbed out of bed at 8:30 the next morning, to silence the continuously ringing door bell.

"What the hell do you want?" she muttered, rubbing her eyes, and pulling open the door.

Suddenly, she felt two arms scoop her up, throw her over a shoulder, and run into the house.

"AAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" she screamed, as she was dropped onto the couch.

Lance was standing over her, and Justin, Joey, Chris, and JC all entered the room, laughing hysterically.

"What are you doing here so early?" she asked.

"We came to kidnap you ladies, and take you out for breakfast since we have the day off." he replied.

"And why the HELL did you attack me when you walked in the door?"

"They told me to sweep you off your feet."

"That's not exactly what we meant, bone head." Chris said, throwing a couch pillow at Lance's head.

He shrugged, and helped Brittny off the couch. "Go get ready."

Rolling her eyes, she went into her bed room.

Justin walked down the hall, and into Danielle's room. "Rise and shine!"

Danielle's eyes show open. "Huh? What?"

"Morning sleepy head." he chuckled.

"Oh, Justin. It's you."

"Wake up. We're going out for breakfast."

Danielle groaned. "Ok. Do me a favor."


"Do take care of your son."

Justin nodded giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Ok."

Justin left the room, and passed Joey in the hall, who was knocking on Katie's door.

"Come in!" Katie shouted.

Joey pushed Katie's door open. "Hey Katie Kat."

Katie looked up. "Hi." she said, sounding very tired. In fact she looked very tired. She was fully dressed, but her hair was frazzled, and she had huge bags under her eyes.

"Are you doin ok?"

She nodded, unconvincingly. "Did you want something?"

"Yeah. We came to take you ladies to breakfast. Would you care to join us?"

"Is JC going to be there?" she asked.

Joey nodded.

Katie shook her head. "No thank you, I'd rather not."

Joey sat down next to Katie on her bed. "C'mon. You know JC's gonna be around here all the time. Your gonna have to get used to it, and the sooner the better."

"I know, but. . . "

"But nothin! Your goin!"

Katie sighed. "If you insist."

"I insist."


Joey stood up. "We're leaving in ten minutes," he informed her. "Be ready."

With that, he left.

Forty-five minutes later, everyone was at Ruth's, a little known breakfast diner in Orlando, sliding into a huge circular booth in the corner.

Danielle strapped Noah into a highchair, then turned to the table.

"Chris!" she whined.

"What?!" he whined back, mocking her.

"Your sitting in my seat!"

Chris cocked an eyebrow at her. "Your seat? Is your name written on it?"

"No, but. . I want to sit next to my boyfriend!"

"Sorry. Looks like I got to Justin before you did."

"Fine!" Danielle pouted, sliding into the booth, and right onto Chris's lap. "Looks like I'm just going to have to sit on you so I can be by Justin."

Chris dropped his arms to his side. "Tell me again why it's supposed to bother me that I have a girl in my lap."

Danielle rolled her eyes. "I'm not doing this for your pleasure."

Chris groaned. "Are you gonna sit like this for the whole meal?"

"Yup." she quipped, moving around. "It's actually pretty comfortable."

"Are you sure?" Chris brought his hands up and began tickling her sides.

"AAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!" she squealed, squirming around in his arms. "Ok! Ok! STOP! I'll move!" she shrieked. She slid off his lap.

"Ok," Brittny said. "Can we stop acting like two year olds now?"

"Do Danielle and Chris ever *not* act like two year olds when they are together?" Joey asked.

"No!" Katie cried, an irritated tone in her voice.

"At least we don't have sticks up our asses and know how to have fun." Chris said.

"Yeah!" Danielle cried.

"I know how to have fun!" Joey exclaimed.

"Right. Your idea of fun is trying to see how many girls you can get to give you there number in one night." Danielle pointed out.

"Sounds like fun to me." Lance said.

"Don't you start." Brittny told him.

"Hello, everyone." the waitress interrupted. "I'm Joann, and I"ll be your waitress for the day. Are you ready to order?"

"No, we'll need another minute or so, thanks." JC replied.

Joann nodded, and walked away.

Danielle looked past Chris at Justin. "Baby,"


"I miss you."

Justin grinned. "I miss you, too."

They both leaned over Chris, meeting in the middle with a kiss.

"Ewww!" everyone chorused childishly.

"EEEEEEEE!" Noah cried, joining in on the noise making.

"Ugh." Chris groaned. "Ok, ok, Danielle, you can switch seats with me."

Danielle smiled brightly, and switched with Chris.

Chris pulled Noah out of his high chair. "Hey big guy."

Noah wrapped his fingers around Chris's nose, giggling delightedly.

Joann returned to the table, just think. "Aww! How adorable! Is he your son?"

"No." Chris laughed, pointing at Danielle and Justin. "He's theirs."

"Oh, I love children." she looked directly into Chris's eyes. "I like men who like children."

"I-I like children." he gulped.

"Good." Joann smiled, and turned to the rest of the table. "Is everyone ready to order?"

"Yup." they all replied.

Everyone ordered, then Joann disappeared.

"Guy, I talked to Jive this morning." Lance said. "And I have some kinda bad news."

"What?" JC asked.

"We only have a week left here."

"WHAT?!" Brittny cried.

"The Fourth of July is our last night in Orlando."

part 48
