CrAzY fOr YoU pArT 6

"Crap!" Danielle cried, forty minutes later, pulling the last diaper off the shelf of Noah's changing table.

"What?" Katie asked, pocking her head into the nursery.

"Noah's out of diapers." she replied, as she continued changing him, which was not an easy task, due to the fact that he was squirming and screaming.

Katie joined Danielle by the table, picking up a stuffed teddy bear on her way. "Do you want me to go get some for you?" she shook the bear in front of Noah, hoping it would amuse him.

Danielle poured some baby powder on Noah's butt. "No, it's ok. I'll go get some."

"Well, I'll take care of him while you go, then." Katie offered, making a face at Noah.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I need to get to know him anyways, since I'm living with him."

"All right." Danielle snapped Noah's baby over-alls on, and walked to the door. "The guys should be here in five minutes, the pizza in ten. I'll be back in about fifteen."

"Ok." Katie scooped Noah up in her arms. "Say bye-bye mommy. Bye-bye." she made his hand wave.

"Bye Noah. Bye Katie, thanks. Britt! I'm going to get diapers!"

"See ya!"

Danielle left.

Ding Dong! The doorbell rang.

Brittny ran to get it, and anxiously threw the door open.

There was a slue of "hello's" and hugs, as Brittny greeted Joey, Lance, Chris, and JC, and ushered them into the living room.

Katie walked into the room as s everyone sat down, Noah propped on her hip, and smiled. "I knew I heard the doorbell."

Brittny stood up, and walked over to Katie. "Guy's this is Katie McGraw. Katie, this is Lance Bass, CHris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, and JC Chazes."

"Hi, guys." Katie said.

"Hi!" they chorused.

Joey jumped up. "Is this Noah?"


"Wow. Danielle sure made one helluva cute kid."

"If you think Justin's cute." Chris said.

"What?" Joey asked, gazing at Noah.

"That kid looks exactly like Justin." Chris joined them standing up.

Lance and JC joined the circle.

"To bad Justin's mom had some big dinner he had to go to." Lance said. "Because if he saw Noah, he would know for sure he's his."

Brittny shook her head. "I don't think Danielle wants him here anyways."

"She really hates him, doesn't she?" JC asked.

"Can we say bitter?" Katie said.

"Can you blame her?" Brittny asked.

"No." Joey answered. "Where is Danielle anyways?"

"Oh!" Katie cried, as if she should have told them sooner. "She went to go pick up some diapers."

The doorbell rang.

"That must be the pizza." Brittny explained.

"Pizza?" Chris asked. "YeaH!"

Laughing, Brittny jogged to the front door, and pulled it open.

Her laughter was cut-off abruptly. "Justin." she gasped.

Justin smiled weakly. "Hi, Brittny."

"What. . . what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. And Danielle. .and Noah Christopher."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please, Brittny."

"I think it would be best if you left."

"No, please." he pleaded. "I need to talk to Danielle. You don't know how important this is to me."

Brittny laughed bitterly. "And you don't think that being a father is?"

Justin hung his head. "I know I was stupid, but, please. You've got to let me talk to her."

Brittny sighed, and stepped out of the door frame, letting Justin step in. "All right, but, she's not here right now."


Brittny lead him into the living room, where everyone had sat down either on the couch, the love seat, or a recliner, except Katie and JC who were sitting on the floor, playing with Noah, and flirting.

"Yo, Justin, since when do you deliver pizza?" Chris asked.

Justin looked at him confused. "What?"

"Never mind him, he's just hungry." Lance said.

Justin shrugged.

"What are you doing here?" Joey asked.

"I ditched the dinner. I had to come." Justin gazed at Noah.

Katie was holding him in her lap, so that he was facing out, as she starred at Justin."

"Is that Noah Christopher?" he whispered, amazement in his voice.

Katie nodded. "Yeah. This is Noah."

Justin slowly walked toward them. "Can I see him?"

Katie glanced at Brittny, who shrugged.

Justin knelt down next to Katie, and gasped. "He-he looks just like me."

"I told you man." Joey said.

"Can I hold him?"

"Don't you dare touch my baby!"

Everyone looked up.

A very angry, and hurt looking Danielle, stood in the doorway.

PaRt 7
