CrAzY fOr YoU pArT 8

Katie and JC sat next to eachother on the couch, eating pizza and talking.

"I was born here," Katie was saying. "But I grew up in Atlanta. When I was twelve I moved back here, then when I was fourteen I moved back to Atlanta."

"So why are you back now?" JC asked.

"I was talking to Danielle on the phone a couple months ago, and she was talking about how hard it was for her and Brittny to go to school, work, and take care of Noah, and I offered to come help out. So, here I am."

"That's cool."

"Yeah. I hung out with Joey a couple of times, but that was only when Mrs. Fatone would go to Danielle's house to talk to Anne, Danielle's mom, or one of twice when a bunch of us went to the movies."



They fell silent for a moment.

"So. . " Katie trailed off.

"Hey, JC, I see your making friends with Katie, huh?" Chris said obnoxiously, sitting down in the recliner.

JC rolled his eyes. "Get a life, will ya Chris? I'm just talking to her."

"Uh huh. . . sure. .. "

JC turned to Katie. "Apparently I'm not allowed to talk to women anymore."

Katie smiled. "Chris is just upset because Joey's talking to Danielle, LAnce is in the kitchen talking to Brittny, your talking to me, and he's," she glanced at Chris who was playing wit his pizza. "Talking to his dinner."

JC laughed.

"He's the only one who doesn't have a girl."

Hearing this, Chris looked up and stick his tongue out.

"Real mature, C." Katie said.

"Just go back to flirting and let me eat in peace."

Brittny and Lance sat silently on her bar stools in the kitchen, eating their pizza.

You'd think after a year of not seeing eachother, they'd have something to talk about, but really. ..there was nothing.

Sighing, Brittny leaned across the counter, and flipped on the radio, that they kept there.

Baby One More Time was on.

"Yuck," Brittny pretended to gag. "I hate her. What a ho."

"I'm not fond of her myself."


"No. She was always hanging all over Justin. She just didn't get the hint that he didn't like her."

Brittny laughed.

"The only good thing about her is that her name reminded me of you."

"She gives all of us Brittny's a bad name."

Lance laughed. "You give the Brittny's a good name."

Brittny blushed. "Your to kind."

Sweet Lady by Tyrese came on.

"I love this song!" Brittny cried.

"Me, too. Care to dance?"

"In the kitchen?!"

"Sure, why not?"

Brittny shrugged, and stood up. "All right."

Lance hopped off his stool, and pulled her into his arms.

They wrapped their arms around eachother, and swayed with the music.

"Ya know, I thought a lot about you while we were on tour." Lance murmured.

"Yeah?" Brittny asked, a bit shocked. Lance had never been this forward before.

"Yeah, and. . . " Lance trailed off. I have to do this. I can't go another year without her knowing.

"And. . . "

"I. . I like you, Britt. A lot."

Brittny stopped moving. "What did you say?" she asked slowly.

Lance looked at the floor. "I knew it! You hate me! I'm sorry. Can we just forget this ever happened?"


Lance pulled away. "Gosh, I feel like such an idiot."


"Why shouldn't I? I should never have said anything."

"Lance, I-"

"No, never mind. I think I'll just go home an-"

"Would you shut up?!"

Lance looked up, shocked.

"I like you, too."

Happiness filled his face, and joy danced in his yellow-green eyes. "You do?" he pulled her into an excited hug.

"Yeah. So. . . what now?" Brittny asked.

"Now," Lance paused. "This." he bent down, and dropped his lips to hers, in a slow, sweet kiss.

PaRt 9
