DiGiTaL gEt DoWn PaRt FiVe

Sighing, Sarah dropped the receive of her telephone into the cradle.

She had tried calling JC's house at *least* a million times, and he hadn't answered the phone once.

Finally she decided to just go on-line.

Sure enough, JC was there.

BabyBear00: Hey, where've you been?

SeriouslySexy69: Hey baby.

Seriously Sexy69: I had to fly to LA suddenly. I probably will be here for a week. But, i mailed you a present.

BabyBear00: Oh. I tried calling you a couple times, and you didn't answer. I kinda got worried! : (

Seriously Sexy69: Did you leave a message?

BabyBear00: no

SeriouslySexy69: When you call, leave a message. There's nothing I'd rather hear than the sound of your voice when I first get home. . . you know the kind I like to get back to.

BabyBear00: all right, sexy

SeriouslySexy69: : ) Man, I wish you could be here right now.

BabyBear00: me, too

SeriouslySexy69: ever since I first saw you, I can't think of anything else but holding you, touching you, whispering in your ear. . .

Sarah's doorbell rang.

BabyBear00: BRB.

She scooted out of the chair, and ran to the front door, pulling it open. It was the UPS man.

"Hi, I have a package for a. . . " he looked at his digital clipboard. "Ms. Sarah Smith from JC Chasez."

Sarah grinned. "That's me."

He handed her the digital board, and an electronic pen. "Sign at the X."

She did, and he handed her the medium sized box. "Thank you."

She closed the door, and still holding the book sat down at her computer.

BabyBear00: I just got a package from you.

SeriouslySexy69: : ) open it

BabyBear00: ok.

She ripped the tape off the box, and opened it, pulling out. . . a telephone.

BabyBear00: a phone?

SeriouslySexy69: L0L. It's a digital phone. You know, the ones where you can see the other person your talking to on a lil screen. Mine's all set up in my hotel room, waiting for you to set up yours.

BabyBear00: I will right now, but I have to sign off. Call me in 5 mins.

SeriouslySexy69: All right. Bye baby.

BabyBear00: Bye.

Sarah signed off, and set up the phone. Approximately five minutes later, it rang.

She picked up the phone, and JC's image appeared before her. "Hey."

"Hey, sexy."

The sight of JC took her breath away. He was sitting on his hotel bed in only a pair of boxers, his fit, tan body calling out to her. She just wanted to reach over and touch him.

"This is wild." Sarah said.

JC nodded. "20,000 miles away, and I can see you, and you can see me."

Sarah shifted awkwardly. All she could do was stare at the bulge in JC's boxers.

A half smile crossed his his face. "What are you looking at over there?"

"Only the most amazing dick I've ever tasted in my life." she replied coyly.

"Did you see what else I put in the box for you?" JC asked.

"There's more?"

He nodded. "Go get it."

Sarah ran over and rummaged through the box. Finally, she pulled a hard, plastic, rocket shaped device out. A vibrator.

Smiling, she walked back over to the phone, and sat down on the couch.

"Do you like that kinda stuff?"

Sarah nodded. "Yeah, but, I only have one concern."

"What's that?"

"I don't know what it is with you, but, you are the most amazing fuck I've ever had. You hit places I didn't even *know* turned me on. After you, not even moving a vibrator to my liking would feel as good."

A devilish look crossed JC's face. "What if I told you what to do? What if I directed you? Granted, it won't be the same, but. . I really want to see your sexy naked body right now."

Sarah glanced from the vibrator to the screen, and back again. "All right. . ." she agreered slowly.

JC scooted closer to the screen. "Baby, take off your clothes."

Sarah slowly unbuttoned her plaid shirt, and removed her khaki shorts, exposing her matching leopard print underwear set.

She could hear JC breathing harder as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor, then ran her finger seductively down the center of her stomach, finally removing her thong.

"God, you turn me on." he breathed.

"Tell me what to do, baby," she said. "I'll do whatever you want."

"Turn the vibrator on." he instructed.

Sarah did as she was told. It came on with a loud buzzing sound, and made her hand shake slightly.

"Spread your legs," he continued. "Mmm. . .if only I could be there to lick that pussy. . . "

Sarah sat, spread eagle, ready to explode. Just his voice was enough to give her an orgasm.

"Now, put it inside of you. Slowly at first. . . there you go. . .move it in and out. . in and out. . . now roll it a little. . . to the left. . . the right. . . deeper. . . harder. . . "

"Oooohhhhh. . . " Sarah moaned, as she did everything just as JC described. "Ooooh!"

"Now, grip it tighter, and quickly flick you hand to the right, as you push it as deep inside of you as possible."

As she did this, Sarah screamed out in ecstasy. How did he know exactly what to do?"

She could feel herself beginning to cum, and began moving the vibrator quicker as her pussy squeezed tightly around it. She gripped the couch cushion as she did all this.

Then, as she came, and let out a satisfied sigh, she noticed JC hadn't said a word for several moments.

Panting, she glanced over at the screen, and smiled at what she saw.

JC was now fully naked, lying in the bed so that he could still see the screen, stroking his hardened cock in the same rhythm as she had just been pounding the vibrator inside of her.

"Baby, I want to taste your dick sooo bad," Sarah said in a low voice. "I want to feel you inside of me." she paused for effect, watching JC pleasuring himself. "I want you."

JC continued massaging himself, when finally he moaned loudly, and grew limp.

"Do you really want to be with me right now?" he could barely get out.

She nodded.

"Then pack your bags, and come stay with me in LA."


"Yeah. I'll call to have someone pick you up in an hour and fly you on a private plane to me. Everything will be paid for, and you'll be here by tonight."

"I can't wait to see you. . . feel you." Sarah murmured.

JC lifted his eyebrows. "Damn your so sexy."

She smiled. "I'll see you later. . . " she trailed off. Then she turned off the phone without letting him reply, leaving him wanting more.

PaRt SiX
