DiGiTaL gEtDoWn PaRt EiGhT

"Hello?" JC asked groggily picking up the bedside telephone in the hotel.

"Hey JC, get your ass outta bed! It's almost one in the afternoon!" Joey Fatone cried into the phone.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." he muttered. "I had a long night. What do you want?"

"You remember that studio engineer Ron Martin we met last time we were here?"

"You mean the fag?"

"Yeah. That's him."

"What about him?"

"Well, he's throwing a blazing party tonight. We're on the guest list. I say we make an appearance." Joey replied.

"All right. Gives me a chance to show off my new accessory."

"What's that?"

"Her name is Sarah."

Joey chuckled. "All right. Meet me in the lobby at seven, and I'll pay for the cab."

"All right, man, see ya."

JC hung up the phone before Joey had a chance to reply, rolled over, and lightly shook Sarah's sleeping body. "Sweetie?"

"Hmmm?" She asked, not opening her eyes.

"There's a party going on tonight. You in?"

Sarah's eyes popped open. "Party? Of course. I'm always up for a party."

JC laughed. "All right. We're meeting Joey at seven."

"What time is it now?"


Sarah rolled back over. "Good, I still have a couple more hours to sleep!"

"Damn. This guys gotta nice ass house!" Sarah cried as she, Joey, Chris, and JC climbed out of the cab they shared. Another cab filled with Justin, Lance, and some girl Sarah hadn't been introduced to pulled up in another cab, and got out.

The stood in front of a three story, white house with a wrap around porch and a balcony.

"Yup. It's nice enough." JC answered.

"Let's go in!" Justin cried.

"Yeah, what are we standing around for?" Chris asked. "Let's go party!"

As they neared the house, they heard loud music blaring from inside.

Joey was the first there, and rang the door bell.

An average height guy with black hair, a chubby nose, and an ok build opened the door.

"Oh my gosh! You guys came! Well, come on in!" he cried.

"That's Ron," JC mumbled under his breath.

"Is he. . . ?" Sarah was cut off by Ron slapping his hand on JC's shoulder. "Joshua. .. looking slick as usual!"

"Um. . thanks, man. .. " JC turned his attention back to Sarah. "Gay?" he muttered back. "Yes. Flaming!"

Sarah giggled.

"Parties straight in there. Food, drinks, beer in the kitchen. You guys are welcome anywhere in the house. . mi casa es su casa. Make yourselves at home, and have fun!" Ron explained.

With that, everyone took off. The walked straight down the hall to the room Ron had pointed at, into a large room, that was lit only by black light, and had several strobe lights going off around the room. Everyone was dancing like crazy.

After a half an hour of dancing, JC pulled Sarah aside. "Baby, I'm sick of this. Wanna take a walk around the house, and see what else we can find to do?"

Sarah smiled back up at him. "Yeah. Let's go."

Twenty minutes later, JC pushed open the third door on the second floor. They'd visited every room on the first, and the first two on the second.

"Aahh, the game room." JC explained.

Sarah grinned. "A pool table. This guy has everything in life that I want. Damn."

"Well, he can't have everything in life you want. I mean. . he doesn't have me," he teased.

Sarah nodded. "True."

As JC walked over and explored the foosball table, Sarah ran her fingers along the oak lining of the pool table, then, hopped up so she was sitting on a corner, sitting with her legs spread, dangling over the side, and leaning back so all her weight was against her arms.

"Sarah, wanna play?" he asked, flicking one of the rods on the foosball table, and then turning around. He took in a quick breath when he saw the seductive manner she was sitting in. And quickly noticed how short her leather skirt was, because he could see that she was wearing a nice leopard printed thong.

"Yes. . . " she said seductively. "But not the same game you wanna play."

"Screw foosball. . . I like the game your thinking of better."

"So come on. . . " she threw her head back so her hair flew over her shoulder. "Maybe this time I'll let you win."

Grinning, JC walked over to her, standing between her legs, and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her head up, and into a ferocious kiss.

"MMmmm. . . " she murmured. "Ten points for the tall skinny guy."

"Only ten?" he asked.

"More pleasure earns more points."

"Oh, so that's what this game is all about."

Sarah nodded.

JC climbed up onto the pool table, his legs straddling her body, and kissing her lips, as he laid her down, and slipped his hand up her skirt, and pushed aside her thong, his fingers reaching her wet center.

As he slowly ran his fingers in and out of her, she laid back, farther, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Mmmm. . . make that twenty. . . "

JC pulled his fingers out of her, and began pulling off her skirt, as she watched him, then began unbuckling his jeans.

"Stop," she said. "Let me."

Rolling him over, Sarah sat up, and pulled his pants off of his body, throwing them across the room. She then hungrily pulled off his boxers, flinging them too across the room, and moved her head down to his penis.

Teasingly, she ran her tongue up the side of his shaft. "How should we play this game?" she asked.

"Blow me!" he said in a hoarse voice.

She circled her mouth, and brought her lips to his dick, swirling her tongue around the head of his penis, tasting the pre cum on her lips. She flicked the tip, swallowing it, then proceeded to bob her head up and down, sucking on him, making sure touch on all his spots.

Pulling away, Sarah crawled up so she was at JC's chest. "Now, what could JC want next?" she asked in a light voice.

His response was the reach up and take both of her breasts in his hand. "Let me help you with that." she reached around and unzipped her shirt, sitting up on his chest, and unhooking her bra. She slipped it off, and let it drop to the floor, as he pushed pulled her so her pussy was on his face, and brought his hands up to her breasts, massaging her nipples, as he inserted his tongue inside of her and began eating her out.

Suddenly the door burst open, and music from downstairs filled the room.

"Oh my God!" Justin cried, standing there, looking shocked.

Not bothering to grab for any clothes, Sarah rolled off of JC, and just sat on the pool table, glancing from Justin and JC who were both frozen in place.

"Fuck, Justin, get out!" JC finally shouted.

Sarah glanced at Justin, noticing a slight bulge in his jeans. "Wait, Justin, don't. Three can play at this game. . . "
