HeAt It Up

April 11, 2000
Someplace Over California
5:26 a.m.

"I'll just have a coke please." Justin said to the flight attendant standing over him.

She turned to her tray, and poured a can of coke into a plastic, ice filled cup, and handed it to him.

"Thank you."

The flight attendant continued on down the aisle.

"I can't believe this is finally happening." Drew, who was sitting next to him said.

"Yep, Cancun, here we come!" Justin grinned.

"Hey." Nick said, turning around in his seat. "What hotel are we staying at?"

"It's not a hotel, it's a huge house on the beach. A couple other people are renting it out, too, so we'll be making some new friends." Drew answered his brother.

"Only two of the six bedrooms are outs, unless we work something out with the people we're sharing the house with." Jeff put in from where he sat next to Nick.

"Well, we're used to sharing a cramped bus," Jeff said. "I'm sure we'll be able to handle two bedrooms in a large house."

"How are we gonna know where it is?" Nick asked.

"I have the directions, dumb ass." Drew replied. "And the house has a name."

"What is it?"

"Sunset Beach Manor."

April 11, 2000
8:50 a.m.
Cancun, Mexico

"This is it." Sarah said. "Sunset Beach Manor."

"Wow!" Katie gasped. "It's HUGE!"

"Well, we don't get the whole thing to ourselves." Sarah said. "We get one of the rooms. Apparently two other groups of people are staying here, too."

"Oh." Katie grinned. "Maybe they'll be hot guys."

Sarah laughed, and climbed out of the cab she was in, and paid the driver, who was emptying their luggage out of the trunk. "Thank you."

Gathering their bags, Katie and Sarah walked inside the house.

"We are the second room on the left on the second floor." she said looking at the piece of paper with all the information on it.

"The house is gorgeous." Katie said, looking around as they walked upstairs.

"Yeah, it is."

Sarah pushed open the second door in the hallways. "Day-um! This room is the size of two of our dorm rooms."

They both let all their stuff fall to the floor.

The room was indeed large. It was painted pale pink, with a flower border. There were two beds, one on each side of the room, a large dresser, two night tables, a desk, and a walk in closet.

Katie ran over to the sliding glass door, that led out onto a balcony. "Sarah! Come look at this view!"

Sarah raced over to the balcony. "Wow!" she cried. "The ocean looks beautiful!"

From down below the two saw two dripping wet girls in bathing suits and towels, laughing and giggling as they walked inside the house.

"Who are they?" Katie asked.

"Probably our roommates." Sarah replied, as if Katie should already know.

The laughing grew closer, and was now down the hall.

"Let's go see who they are." Sarah suggested.


They ran into the hallway, where the two girls were just about to walk into separate rooms.

"Hello?" Sarah asked.

Both girls turned around.

Katie gasped.

Email: angel00165@aol.com