HeAt It Up PaRt FiVe

April 11, 2000
Cancun, Mexico
12:30 p.m.

Sighing, Brittny collapsed on the light brown leather couch. Danielle had holed herself up in her room, and wasn't planning on coming out any time soon.

"Hey, Brittny right?" a male voice asked.

Brittny looked up. Jeff was standing over her. Her heart began pounding in her chest. She still could not believe four pop stars were sharing the house with her. Stay calm. Just act cool.

"Yeah," she smiled. "And your Jeff."

Jeff flopped down next to her. "That's me. What's up?"

Brittny rolled her eyes. "It's only been half a day here and already my vacation is shot to hell."

"Ah, it can't be that bad!"

"Don't be so sure of that."

"What exactly is going on with those two?"

"Well, yesterday Danielle and I were walking out of class together and we saw that other girl-Kelly or Katie or something-making out with Danielle's boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend now. And, we come here, and there she is. Staying in the same house as us for a week and a half." Brittny explained.

"Did she do it on purpose?"

"No. She claims she didn't know he had a boyfriend, but. . . ya know, it's still gotta hurt. I mean, in high school, they were voted cutest couple. They'd been together for six years now. Since their junior year. She's probably going through a lot of shit right now."

Jeff nodded. "I can understand that," he paused. "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Brittny gave him a sideways glance. "Are you kidding? I haven't met a guy that can handle me."

Jeff's eyebrows rose. He seemed intrigued now. "Oh, really?"


"Well, I think I could handle you."

Smiling mischievously, Brittny slid off the couch. "So young, so naive."

"What? You don't think I could?"

"Honey, you probably couldn't handle half of this if you tried." Brittny flipped her hair over her shoulder, whirled around, and walked out of the room, quite aware that he was starring after her. And that was just what she wanted.

April 11, 2000
Cancun, Mexico
12:32 p.m.

"Katie, stop moping! Let's go to the beach!" Sarah cried, as she hung a shirt up in the closet.

"No. I'm too pissed!"

Sarah rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure why. I mean, you were the one tonguing her boyfriend. Not the other way around."

"Are you taking her side?" Katie asked, sitting up.

Sarah turned to Katie. "Well. . . she didn't really do anything wrong. I mean, how do you think you would feel if it was the other way around?"

Katie stood up angrily. "I can't believe your on her side!"

"It's not so much that I'm on her side, I just think you owe her an apology. That's all."

"Aurrggh!" Katie screamed, and stormed out of the room.

April 11, 2000
Cancun, Mexico
12:35 p.m.

"We got pretty lucky man!" Nick cried, walking into the room he shared with Justin, tossing him a Mt. Dew.

"Why do you say that?" Justin asked, popping it open.

"We're staying in a house with four beautiful women!" he cried.

"Yeah," Justin chuckled. "I'm digging Danielle."

"Really? She seemed like a bit of a bitch to me."

Justin shrugged. "Nah. I like women who can stand up for themselves."

"Well, she did that all right!" Nick laughed.

"Yeah," he nodded. A sly grin slipped across his face. "Besides, did you see that ass?!"

Nick burst out laughing, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "I'm more into Sarah and her tight lil ass."

"I can see why."

"Back off, man, she's mine."

Justin held up his hands. "Take her."

"Yo, we should take them out clubbin tonight." Nick suggested.

"That's a great idea."

"Come on. Let's go tell everyone."

PaRt SiX

Email: angel00165@aol.com