HeAvEnS mIsSiNg An AnGeL pArT tWo

Pacing back and forth was all Jeff could to-and pretty much all he had done for the past hour.

He was in the hospital waiting room, waiting for any news on Danielle, and so far-nothing.

He didn't' have any clue what could be wrong with her. She'd seemed fine when he talked to her the other night.

"Mr. Timmons?"

Jeff stopped pacing and looked at the doctor. "Yes?"

"Ms. Fountaine is awake, and we will allow her to see you. Dr. Morrow is in with her talking about her condition at the moment. Follow me to her room."

"So, she's all right?"

The doctor was silent.

Jeff's heart began to beat faster as they walked down the hall. If the doctor wouldn't even tell him what was wrong-he couldn't imagine how bad it could be.

"Here we are." she said softly. "Go on in."

Jeff pushed open the door.

Danielle was sitting up on the bed, starring blankly at the wall, Dr. Morrow writing something on the clip board.

"Honey?" Jeff asked, slowly walking over to him. "What's wrong? You've got me so worried!"

Danielle looked up at Jeff as he sat down next to her, and burst into tears.

"Danielle! What's wrong?!" he pulled her into his arms. "What's going on?"

Danielle sobbed into his chest for a moment, then pulled away, looking up at him with a tearstained face.

"I have AIDS."

PaRt ThReE

Email: angel00165@aol.com