I BeLiEvE iN yOu PaRt TwO

Taking a deep breath, Joey smoothed out his blue blazer, and crisp khaki pants, then straightened his tie, positioning it perfectly against his white, button-down shirt.

His foot shook nervously as he sat in the waiting room of Martin Stephens' office.

This was the fifth audition this week he'd been on with different agencies and management companies, and so far he hadn't had to much luck.

Joey knew in order to further his career as an actor and singer he would need to have a manager to represent him. And with every audition he went on, it seemed he got farther and farther from his dream.

"Mr. Fatone?" the secretary asked. "Mr. Stephens, Mr. Fountaine, and Mrs., Lawrence will see you now."

Joey smiled nervously. "Thank you."

Taking another deep breath, Joey walked into the large office.

Inside, a long table with two men and two women sat.

Everyone stood up when he walked in, except a young women that look about his age. She sat, slumped over in her chair, starring down at the table. Her long golden brown hair fell down loosely, covering his view of her face.

"Hello, Mr. Fatone. I'm Martin Stephens. These are my assosiates, Michael Fountaine, and Alliyah Lawrence." Mr. Stephens motioned to the girl.

"This is Danielle, Mr. Fountaine's daughter."

She looked up at the sound of her name.

Joey gasped. She was so beautiful, it took his breath away.

Their eyes met for a short moment, and Joey felt a surge of electricity jolt through his body. The nervous butterflies in his stomach multiplied. If only he weren't on an interview right now, he'd like to talk to her.

"She'll be joining us due to lack of anything better to do." Mr. Fountaine cut in.

Danielle looked away and glarred at her father.

"Please have a seat." Mr. Lawrence said.

Joey silently took a seat.

"Do you prefer Joseph or Joey?" Mr. Stephens asked.

"Joey," he replied.

"All right, well, Joey, everything we really want to know about you is in your file. So, there's only one thing for you to do." Mr. Stephens began.

"Sing for us." Mrs. Lawrence said.

Joey inhaled deeply. "All right. I chose 'I Wanna Be Your Man' as my song today."

Everyone nodded.

Joey glanced over at Danielle quickly. She was starring at him intently.

"Baby, baby, baby, I wanna know you, Place no one above you, I wanna love you, Baby, baby, baby, I wanna be your man." he sang, sounding remendously good for singing a cappella. "I remember the first time I came to this park, it was one day last month, I saw you looking like a star, I'll never forget the scent of your perfume, girl I've just gotta see you again." Joey sang the chorus once more, then stopped singing.

The whole room grew silent.

Mr. Fountaine took a deep breath. "Well. . . while that was extremely enlightening, Joey, we just don't see that there is a place for you in our firm at the moment."

Joey's face fell. "Oh."

"Maybe some other time." Mrs. Lawrence suggested.

"No," Joey said. "I understand."

Joey stood up. "Thank you for your time."

Without saying another word, or letting them say another, he exited the room.

His face was red with embarrassment. He felt so stupid. How could he let himself think that they would have liked him?

Joey sped down the hall, and to the elevator.

"Joey!" a voice cried. "Wait!"

Joey stopped, and turned around.

It was Danielle. God, he couldn't stand to face her.

She jogged up to him. "I cannot believe they did that to you." she said.

"You were amazing. And if they had any common sense they would have drawn up a contract right then and there."

Joey looked away, and pressed the down button. "Maybe they do have common sense. Maybe I'm just crazy thinking I could actually make a career out of this."

Joey felt two soft hands cup his face in them, and pull his head so it was centered on his neck. He was now looking into two beautiful, sincere green eyes.

"Joey, listen to me. My father and his colleagues are as holes. You have more talent in your little finger then the three of them could ever dream of having. Don't you ever, ever, let anyone tell you otherwise."

Joey just starred into her eyes. He was so captivated by the honesty in them. She truly believed what she was saying. And that meant more to him then anything in the world.

"Thank you." he whispered.

Danielle dropped her hands from his face. "I just couldn't believe they did that."


Joey glanced to his side. The elevator doors slid open.

"Are you going down?" Danielle asked.

Joey nodded.

"I'll go with you."

They both walked onto the elevator.

The elevator was uncomfortably silent for a moment.

"I-" Joey shook his head. "Never mind."

Danielle looked up at him. "What?"

"Well, I was just wondering. I know we don't know eachother or anything, but. . . can I get your number?"

A bright smile spread across her face. "Yeah."

She pulled a pen out of her purse, and walked over to him, picking up one of his hands, where she proceeded to write her number on his hand.

When she was done, Joey brought his left hand to her hand, and held it in both of his, running his thumb over her fingers.

She took a step closer, starring down at her hand, and then looked up.

"You have soft hands." she barely got out.

Joey brought her hand up so it was level with his face, and slowly pressed his lips against her knuckles.

Danielle took another step closer, and now their bodies were nearly touching.

It seemed as though they were magnets, drawn to eachother by some unseen force.

The only think Joey was aware of at that moment was how close Danielle's lips seemed to be. How if he titled his head just right, and moved just an inch closer-


Startled, the two jumped apart.

They both glanced at the now open elevator doors.

"I guess you have to go." Danielle said.

Joey nodded. "I'll call you."

She smiled. "Ok."

Joey bent down and left a kiss on her cheek before turning around, and walking away.

"Oh daddy, that's so sweet!" Destiny cried. Joey nodded, starring at his wife's unconscious body. "From the moment I saw her, I knew, I just knew that was it for me, she was the one." Destiny tilted her head to the side. "What happened?" "Well, it didn't come about as smoothly as you may think. . . "

PaRt ThReE

Email: angel00165@aol.com