"Danielle! Katie! Brittny!" Cheryl, manager of the group Unique called into their tour bus. "You have to rehearse before you get on the plane to New York! Hurry up!"

Katie McGraw, one of the three group members, jumped out of the large tour bus, energetically. "Morning Cheryl!"

"Hello, Katie. Are they ready yet?"

"Yeah, but, Danielle spilled orange juice on Brittny, so Danielle is cleaning us the mess, and Brittny is changing her shirt."

Cheryl rolled her eyes. "Figures. Danielle's always spilling something."

"Well, you know how clumsy she is." Katie laughed.

Danielle Fountaine and Brittny Abrahamson ran out of the bus.

"Good, your finally here. Here's a quick run-down of the day. We're gonna do a two hour rehearsal here in this warehouse-" Cheryl pointed to the building before them. "The band is already set up and waiting. After the rehearsal is over you're going straight to the airport. You can change and pack on the bus, only what you need, because the rest of your stuff will be driven over to New York, but won't get their until Tuesday. When you get to New York, you'll have two hours to get settled in your hotel room before you perform at a charity benefit concert. A lot of important people will be there, so make it your best. You'll spend the next week in New York and I can assure you you'll be busy. So, let's get in there and rehearse!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Danielle cried, saluting Cheryl.

She looked at her sternly.

Danielle smiled weakly, and the three girls jogged into the warehouse.

They positioned themselves in front of the three microphones and began stretching.

They each wore black tear-away Adidas pants, tennis shoes, and different colored halter sports bras.

Brittny's shoulder-length, straight black hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, Katie's shoulder-length brown hair was up in a loose, messy, but cute bun, and Danielle's shoulder-length wavy golden brown hair was pulled into two braided pigtails.

As the girls did their vocal exercises, their band, which consisted of Diane "Wick" Marin on keyboard, Holly "Mo" Moran on bass, Erik "Razor" Klarke on guitar, and Robbie Wilson on drums, and Emily Chung who played violin for one of their slow ballads, and saxophone for another, also warmed up.

"All right, girls!" someone cried, entering the room.

Everyone looked up. Sara Korte, the girls choreographer was entering, followed by Kate Morris, the girls vocal coach.

"Hi, Sara! Hi, Kate!" Brittny cried, cheerfully.

"Hi, girls." Kate said.

"Hey! You ready to sweat?!" Sara asked.

"You sound like an aerobics instructor. Danielle laughed, adding her squeaky valley-girl giggle.

Katie and Brittny laughed.

Kate walked over to them. "Next week your probably going to preform "Reality", "99% Perfect", and "Near" the most, so, we'll focus mostly on those. Then Sara will work with you on your moves."

They agreed, then ran through the songs, correcting any mistakes they were making.

Then they worked on choreography. "Reality" was a slow ballad, so it required no moves. "99% Perfect" was semi-fast and had very complicated moves. "Near" was a very fast-paced and upbeat song, so they did a lot of jumping around, and ended with the girls doing back walkovers into a side split.

When the rehearsal was over, it was safe to say the girls were tired. They ached, and their faces glistened with sweat, but they hurried onto the bus, so they wouldn't miss their flight.

Two hours later, the girls, their band, and their 'crew' were on a plane flying from Orlando, where they were based, to New York. To save money, they flew coach, and luckily, the only people who recognized them were the flight attendants.

Brittny, Danielle, Katie, Diane, Holly, and Emily all sat in the middle section of the plane, Cheryl, Sara, Kate, Erik, and Robbie behind them.

All the girls were turned towards eachother talking about what it was like to be semi-famous.

Their first single, "Near", had been released only one month ago, and their self-titled album Unique was scheduled to be released Friday. "Near" was at the top of the singles chart, and Billboard was already predicting that their album would be one of the best selling of all times.

"Every time we get up on stage together, I remember the first time we all played together." Brittny was saying.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"We were what twelve? That was like seven years ago!" Diane cried.

"Oh my gosh, that was sooo funny! You and Holly were making up your own back-up music as you went along, Brittny and I couldn't remember any of the words, and Katie kept getting mad at us!" Danielle laughed.

"It's a good thing we kept practicing, cause we were awful!" Katie giggled.

"Yeah, and-"

"Okay, girls! Time for a quick briefing." Holly was inturrupted by Cheryl, standing at the edge of their aisle.

Everyone groaned.

Cheryl gave them the 'Sorry but we have to do this' look that they had come to know to well, and pulled out her adgenda.

"All right. Tonight, which is Sunday, at 6:30 you have soundcheck for the benifit concert your preforming at. The concert starts at 8. Monday we have to be at the Rosie O' Donnel studio at 9:30. The show taped at 10:30, and you go on at 11:15. Tom Hanks and Tommy Jones, a five year old boy who saved his mothers life will also be on that show."

"Wow." Katie gasped. "How did he do that?"

Cheryl shrugged. "You can ask him yourself, tomorrow."

"Ok, I think I will."

"After that you go shopping.-"

"Yes!" Brittny cried, at the mention of one of her favorite past-times.

"You'll go shopping with Jade," she continued on. "Who will help you with new clothes when you go on tour."

"We're going on tour? A real tour, not just a middle school tour?" Danielle asked.

"The deal isn't finalized, but I think we might have you opening for a very well-known band. Which brings me to Tuesday. You are booked for Live! With Regis and Kathy Lee. With the Backstreet Boys, who you will be seeing a lot of for the next week, and hopefully the next three months."

"Your trying to get us to open for the Backstreet Boys?" Katie squealed.

Cheryl nodded, smiling broadly.

"Oh my gosh!" Katie had been a huge fan of the boys since they had first come out, even before they went Europe.

"Girl, calm down!" Brittny laughed.

"Anyways, after Live, I have a meeting with the manager of the Backstreet Boys, I need you to be in the same building, in case your needed, and I'm pretty sure the Backstreet Boys will be there, but other then that you have the rest of the day off. Then, on Wednesday you are taping an interview for MTV's 1515, and you have a short photo shoot with Tiger Beat magazine."

"Yippie!" Brittny cried. "A teeny bopper magazine!"

"Shuddup!" Danielle laughed. The two girls had always had fun joking about teeny boppers, even when they were ones themselves.

"Thursday, you go on a rather new talk show, Rita, with 98* and Katie Homes. After you tape that, you do a photo shoot and interview with YM magazine, with yet again the Backstreet Boys. Friday you go on the Today show for their Summer Concert Special. Then you have a photo shoot with Jump. After that you have a guest spot on MTV's Total Request Live-"

"I love that show!" Danielle cried. "Carson is such a cutie!"

"To bad he's going out with Jennifer Love Hewitt." Katie pointed out.

"I like her, too, so I'll let that one slide."

"You do that."

"And that is also with the Backstreet Boys."

"Damn." Brittny said. "What is this? BSB mania or something?"

Cheryl shrugged. "It just worked out that they were scheduled for all the same stuff."

"I'm gonna laugh when they think we are stalking them." Katie laughed.

"Well, as soon as TRL is done, we have to head over to Virgin Records, where you will perform out front, then do a record signing, because your album comes out Friday. Ok, Saturday you have a small concert in central park, I have another meeting with the BSB's manager, while you go a photo shoot and interview with BOP. Then you are performing on Saturday Night Live. We leave for California late Sunday afternoon. And questions?"

"Yeah. When do we sleep?" Danielle asked.

"We'll make time. If that's all, I'll just go sit down." Cheryl left, and they all groaned.

"I cannot believe how packed our schedule is."

"Shoot, I'm gonna get some sleep now, cuz it looks like we aren't going to get much in the next week."

Everyone agreed, and the rest of the flight was spent asleep.

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