LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 10

"Thank you, Kevin. I had a great time." Diane said, pulling her room key out of her pocket.

"My pleasure. I hope we can do it again sometime soon."

"Yeah. That would be nice." Diane tuned to unlock her door, and exhaled. Kevin's body was just so. . . fine. And he was so polite and such a gentleman. He turned her on more then she could have expected. She wanted to run her hands all over his body. . . it was all she could do not to. . . damn she wanted him so bad.

She pushed her door open, and turned around. "Goodnight."

"Night." he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Diane smiled, and shut her door as Kevin walked away.

AJ and Danielle walked down the street loudly singing songs they had heard in the play and laughing at themselves.

"Damn, D, we sounds good together."

Danielle laughed. "We make beautiful music together."


Danielle took a deep breath and exhaled. "Wew. I need to calm down so I can fall asleep when I get back to my room. Ya know, we're going to be on Regis and Kathy Lee together tomorrow."

"Yup. I guess we should both cool off."

Danielle nodded.

"Let's talk about calm topics."

"Like what?"

AJ laced his fingers through Danielle's. "Uh. . poetry."

"I love poetry!"

AJ laughed. "You are so enthusiastic about everything."

"Does that bother you?"


"Then quit complaining. Now, on to poetry."

He laughed again. "Okay. . . who's you're favorite poet?"

"I can't tell you."


"Because you'll make fun of me."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will!"

"Please?" he looked at her with wide puppy dog eyes.

"Oh alright. A.A. Milne." she mumbled.

"As in the author of Winnie The Pooh?"

"Yeah. Go ahead. Laugh. I know it's childish."

"No way! A. A. Milne is one of my favorites to. Not for love poems or anything, but, I still like him."

"Are you for real? You're not just trying to make me feel better?"

"I'm dead serious."

Danielle smiled. "I used to always leave poems by him for my friends. Like hidden messages, ya know? One time I gave this one to Brittny about Christopher Robin and Pooh being best friends-"

"Us two?"

"Yeah! Anyways, I put it in a letter to Britt once, to show her that she was one of my best friend."

AJ stopped walking and turned toward her. "You know, you talk alot."

Danielle cocked one eyebrow. "And this is bad how. . . ?"

AJ wrapped his arms around her waist. "You don't leave any akward pauses to fill with a kiss."

"Well, if ya wanna kiss me. . . " she rested her arms on his shoulders, and moved her body closer to his. "I'm not gonna stop you."

AJ smiled slyly, then pulled away, and began walking.

"Where do you think you're going?"

AJ shrugged. "I guess I decided I just can't kiss you.'' he shook his head teasingly.

"Oh really?" Danielle caught up with him. "And why's that?"

"Good things come to those who wait."

"If you wait any longer, I'm just gonna have to kiss you myself."

"Well, you gotta go what you got-"

Danielle grabbed AJ by his jacket and pulled him into a kiss, silencing him.

"I told you good things come to those who wait."

"Goodnight, Howie." Holly said, unlocking her door.


Holly pushed open her door.


She turned around.

"I-I had a wonderful time with you. I really think I like you alot, and I would like it if I could see you again."

She smiled. "Any time."

Howie smiled back. "I'll call you."


He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Mmmm." she whispered. "They don't call you sweet D for nothing."

Brian and Brittny stepped off the elevator, holding hands. They walked down the hall, and stopped in front of her room.

"Thank you." Brian said.

"You're welcome. What are you thanking me for?"

"This has been the best night I've had with a girl in a long time."

A smile spread across her face. "I had fun, too."

Brian starred intently at her. She starred back.

He reached out and pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "God, you are so beautiful." His thumb brushed her cheek, and he cupped her chin in his hand, pushing her face upward.

She put her hands on his chest, as their faces moved closer, their eyes locked, until finally, their lips met.

"Katie," Nick whispered. "Katie, wake up."

Not to long ago, Katie had fallen asleep in his arms, and he knew it was getting late.


She stirred, but didn't wake.


Her eyes finally fluttered open, meeting Nick's. "Oh. Was I alseep?"

"Yeah. You were."

"You're a comfortable pillow."

Nick sat up and kissed her forehead. "Well, anytime you need a pillow, give me a call."

"I think I will."

Nick helped her up, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and walked her back to her room.

"Goodnight, Nick." she stood up on her tippy toes, and gave him a light kiss, running her fingers over his face.


PaRt 11
