LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 12

Later that afternoon, Brittny, Danielle, and Katie sat in the lobby of Jive's New York headquarters, accompanied by Diane and Holly, who were only their in case Kevin and Howie dropped by. Cheryl was in a meeting with the Backstreet Boys' manager.

"I hope this goes well." Katie said.

"So do I." Danielle smiled weakly.

"Wouldn't that be so tight going on tour with them? Especially since we got a little something going on with them." Brittny said, excitedly.

"Hellz yeah." Diane replied.

Holly smiled dreamily. "Howie is so sweet."

"Gag me. Brian is sweet."

"So is Nick."

"And Kevin."

"AJ is just hot," Danielle laughed. "But, he's sweet, too."

"You're hot, too, babe." a male voice said from behind them.

Everyone turned around. The Backstreet Boys were standing behind them, grinning from ear to ear.

Daniele buried her head in her hands, embarrassed.

"How much of this conversation did you hear?" Holly asked.

"Howie is so sweet." Nick mimicked, laughing.

"Gag me, Brian is sweet." Howie laughed.

The girls faces reddened, as the guys took seats next to them.

"This has just been one embarrassing day after another." Danielle groaned.

"Don't worry about it, D." AJ said.

"What are ya'll doing here?" Brian asked.

"Trying to go on tour with you." Katie answered

"What?" asked Nick, wrapping his arm around Katie.

"Our manager is negotiating a deal with yours so that we can open of you." Brittny replied.

"Phat!" Howie cried.

"You would come to, right?" Kevin asked Diane.

"Of course!" she cried.

He smiled. "Good."

"Girls!" Cheryl cried, running out of the elevator. "They agreed! You're going on tour with-" she looked around and stopped when she saw the guys. "The Backstreet Boys."

Everyone jumped up, excitedly hugging.

"That's great!" Brian cried, as Brittny threw her arms around him.

"I'm glad you all think so." Cheryl said. "There is another meeting later this week to finalize everything."

"Cool!" Katie cried.

"Well, you girls have the rest of the afternoon off. See you later!" Cheryl left.

"What do we do now?" Holly asked.

"Celebrate!" AJ exclaimed.

PaRt 13
