LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 15

AJ grinned. "I'm liking her! Wanna trade, Bri?"

Danielle wacked him in the chest as Brian wrapped his arm around Brittny protectively. "Sorry, Bone. She's all mine."

Brittny smiled.

"You won't be wanting her later. . . " she whispered in AJ's ear.

A slow smile spread across his face.

"Now. . . let's play!" Holly cried.

"K. Whose gonna go first?" Brittny asked.

"I'll go!" Diane said.

"All right. . . truth or dare?"

Diane thought for a moment. "Truth."

Everything one groaned. Truth was no fun.

"Oh my gosh! I have the best question!" Katie cried. "Now, you have to promise to answer this truthfully, ok?"


"If you could choose anyone in this room to get with, who would it be, and why?"

Diane gulped. "Truthfully?"



"Woo! Go Train!" AJ shouted.

Kevin grinned.

"Ok, Katie, tru-"

"No, no, no. You didn't say why." Katie cut her off.


Katie nodded.

"Look at this boy! Look at the muscle he got goin on here!" she cried, trying to make a joke out of it.

"Looks like all that time you spent at the gym is starting to pay off." Nick laughed.

"Okay, Nick, truth or dare?" Kevin asked.

"Uh. . " he looked at Katie. "Dare."

"I dare you to. . . um. . . can i get a little help here?"

"Let me dress you up like a girl and stay like that for the rest of the night!" Brittny cried suddenly.

"WHAT?!" he was hoping that they would dare him to do something with Katie-but this was ridiculous. "No!"

"Uh uh. You chose dare. You have to do it." Katie said.

Nick groaned. Brittny jumped up, and grabbed Nick's hand. "Come on. I have the perfect outfit for you in my room. We'll be right back." Brittny pulled Nick out of the room.

"Ok. . . " Howie looked around. "AJ! Truth or dare?"

"Pick truth! I have a good question!" Danielle exclaimed.

"Dare." AJ said.

"Ok, i dare you to answer this question."

He sighed. "What is it?"

"What the real reason they call you Bone?"

Kevin, Howie, and Brian burst out laughing.

"Uh. . . cuz. . . I'm rock solid."

"You liar!" Brian yelled.

"Ok, ok!" AJ cried.

"Come on. . . how come?" Holly asked, now curious.

"CuzIalwaysusedtowakeupwithastiffy." he mumbled.

"What? What was that?" Danielle asked.

"Cuz-I-Used-to-always-wake-up-with-a-stify." AJ said through gritted teeth.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Used to, huh? not anymore?" Danielled asked.

"Well, not for awhile. Till I met you." he whispered in a low, sexy voice.

Danielle laughed. "It's nice to know I have that effect on you."

"Well, you're starting to effect me right now. . . "

"STOP!" Katie yelled. "I don't want to know that!"

Everyone laughed.

"Okay. . . Holly. Truth or dare?" AJ asked.


"Good, good. See that bathroom over there?"


"Take my man Howie in there. I don't want to know what goes on, but, just make it good. I'll let you two know when you can come out."

"Sounds good to me." Holly and Howie stood up.

'Thanks, man.' Howie mouthed, as Holly pulled him into the bathroom.

That left Kevin, Diane, Katie, Danielle, AJ, and Brian. Katie, Kevin, Danielle, and Brian still hadn't played.

"Katie, truth or dare?" Danielle asked.


"When Nick comes back all dressed up like a girl, I dare you to out of no where start doing the Love Dance. But don't do it as soon as he gets here. Make it unexpected. When we're asking Brittny truth or dare, ok?" Danielle said.


"Wait. What's the love dance?" Brian asked.

Danielle, Katie, and Diane grinned at eachother.

"You'll see. . . "

"Ok, Danielle. You're turn." Katie said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare, of course."

"Ok. . go out onto the balcony and yell as loud as you can 'I'm a lesian and damn proud of it!' Then flash everyone who is looking up."

"Oh, that's an easy one." Danielle jumped out and ran out onto the balcony. The streets below her were crowded, and there were two guys on the balcony below her and to the side.

"Everyone!" she shouted as loud as she could.

The two guys and several people on the street looked up.

"I'm a lesbian! And I'm damn proud of it!" she pulled her shirt up, and just as quickly let it drop back down.

"Ho!" someone shouted.

AJ came out and joined her on the balcony.

"Hey lady!" one of the guys shouted below her.


"Do you like threesomes?"


"No, she doesn't!" AJ cut her off, wrapping his arms around her waist, picking her up, and carrying her back inside.

"Bye!" she yelled.

Just as she and AJ sat down, Brittny burst through the door, pulling Nick by the wrist.

"Holly! Howie! Get out here! You gotta see this!" AJ yelled.

Holly and Howie ran out of the bathrom.

"Introducing, the one, the only, the lovely, Nicole Carter!" Brittny exclaimed.

Everyone was rolling with laughter.

Nick was dressed up in a purple tube top, a leather mini skirt, and plastic high heeled boots up to the knee. Make-up was painted on his face.

Grumbling, Nick went to sit down by Katie.

"It's okay, you'd drive me to lesbianism any day." Katie joked.

"Hahahahahahaahahahahaha! That was soooooo good!" Daniele cried, gasping for air. "Brittny-" she shot Katie a look. "Truth or dare?"

Suddenly Katie got up, and began dancing seductivly around Nick's chair. She played with her shirt as she danced, raising it just above her belly button, then letting it fall back down as she straddled Nick, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Not now, Katie. . . " he hissed, uncomfortably.

Katie fell off of him, laughing.

"Did she just do the love dance?" Brittny asked.

Danielle nodded. "That was her dare."

"Ooooh." Brittny looked at Katie, who had positioned herself on the floor, sitting at Nick's feet, giggling occasionally.

"Now, back to me." Brittny said. "I choose dare."

"Ok, Brittny," Katie said. "I dare you to sing Britney Spears and act all hootchie!"

"That won't be hard for Britt!" Danielle joked.

"Ok, at least you didn't say I need to dress up like a hootch.!"

"C'mon, Britt! I'm sure Brain would enjoy that!" AJ said.

"No, I mean, I'd have to do it in front of you, too!"

"We wouldn't mind." Howie said, as Holly elbowed him in the chest.

"Ugh, Britt. I dare ya!" Brian told her.

Brittny groaned, and crawled off the bed. "Alright, alright. Which song?"

"Baby one more time." Diane said.

"Okay." Brittny stood in front of the TV, and began dancing. "Oh baby, baby." she sang, giggling. "Oh baby, baby."

She strutted her stuff around the room as she sang, every now and then struggling with words.

Grinning, she danced over to Brian, and shimmied.

Brian laughed, as Brittny, still singing, shook out her hair, and straddeling Brian, wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hit me baby one more time!"

"Wew!" Danielle screamed, clapping. Everyone joined in, clapping as Brittny gave Brian a soft kiss, then climbed off of him, and took a bow.

"Thank you, thank you."

She sat down next to Brian as the applause died down. "Alright. Who hasn't gone?"

"Brian, Howie, and Kevin." Holly answered.

"Alright. . . Howie. Truth or dare?" Brittny asked.


Everyone thought for a moment, then Brittny's eyes grew wide with laughter.

"I dare you to dress up in Holly's underwear, go into the hallway, knock on someones door and. . . "

"Would you like to buy a box of girl scout cookies?" Howie asked the wide-eyed couple that stood before him.

Everyone was rolling with laughter as they watched Howie, in a lace pink bra, and matching thong, talk to these strangers.

"Is that a no?" Howie asked

The lady burst out laughing. "No!"

"Dude, get some clothes on! You'll scare the little children!"

"Alright. Thanx anyways." Howie turned and ran red faced back into Kevin's room and changed back into his clothes.

Gasping for air from so much laughter, and rest of them stumbled back into the room, resumed their places.

Still red in the face, Howie came out of the bathroom, and sat down next to Holly, who squeezed his hand, hopping to make him feel better.

"Truth or dare?" Nick asked Kevin."


"I got one!" Danielle cried. "No game of truth or dare is complete without a strip show. Soooo. . . Kev, stip down to your boxers for Diane.

"You mean for you." Brittny mumbled, knowing Danielle had always liked Kevin's body.

Danielle shot her a dirty look.

Kevin stood up, flipped on the alarm clock radio, and began dancing with the music in front of Diane. He slowly removed his shirt, and swung it abover his head before letting it fly. It smacked Brittny in the face.

Danielle burst out laughing. "That's what you get."

Kevin's hand moved to his pants, and he teasingly removed his belt. Then he slowly moved his hand up his body to the colar of his undershirt. Thrusting his body forward, he riped his shirt off.

"Yeah, Bay-bee!" Danielle yelled playfully.

"Take it all off!" Holly cried.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Katie joked.

Brittny rolled her eyes.

Diane stared at Kevin, clearly embarassed as he removed his pants, danced over to the radio, and turned it off.

"Done!" he announced.

"Yeah!" The girls cheered.

"Well if that wasn't boring. . . " Brian trailed off.

Diane turned to Brian. "Alright, then, Brian, you're up. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." This was a very bold move on his part, considering what Howie and Kevin had just been through.

"I dare you to kiss Brittny." AJ said.

"That's it?"

"And Katie."


"What's wrong with you?" Danielle asked, smaking that back of AJ's head.

"God! You're so abusive! I just want to see a three way kiss!" AJ replied, rubbing his head.

Brittny and Katie looked at eachother, discusted.

"I don't have to kiss Brittny do I?" Katie asked.

"No. But ya'll have to kiss Brian at the same time."

"I don't like this idea." Nick said.

"To bad. A dare's a dare." Howie, obviously still angry about his experience.

Sighing, Brian, Brittny, and Katie all met in the center of the room.

Brian started off on Brittny, then AJ pushed Katie into them, and she joined in on the kiss. Soon, half of Brian's mouth was covered by Brittny, the other by katie.

Nick looked on uncomfortably, before standing up, and joining them in the center of the room.

He wrapped his arms around Katie's waist from behind and pulled her away. "Can I join you?" he whispered.

Katie turned around in his arms. "Two girls and a guy turns you on, huh?"

"You turn me on." Nick pulled her into a long, toungie kiss.

Brittny, Brian, and Katie and Nick were now heavily making out.

Katie pulled away, laughing.

"What?" Nick asked.

"Your lips gloss tastes very good."

"Thank you, it's strawberry."

Katie giggled, and leaned in for another taste.

PaRt 16
