LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 26

"Well, find them!" Cheryl screamed into her cell-phone, at 5:15 Friday morning.

Katie, Diane, Holly, Emily, Razor, and Robbie sat on the stage in the dining hall, half asleep waiting to do a warm-up before they're gig on Today.

Katie groaned, and laid down, stretching out on the stage. "Sleep. I need sleep."

"Aren't you worried about Brittny and Danielle?" Diane asked.

"I am." Katie said, sleepily. "But me sitting here stressing out over it isn't gonna get them here any sooner."

"After last night, I would think you have a reason to stress out." Holly said, a hint of anger in her voice.

Katie's eyes popped open.

"What happened last night?" Robbie asked.

"Nothing!" Katie replied, a little to quickly.

Robbie looked at her strangely.

"Well, I am worried. Danielle didn't come back last night." Emily interrupted. "I figured she was at AJ's, but it's not like her to be late for a rehearsal."

"Yeah, Brittny didn't come back last night either." Katie sat back up.

"And we know she wasn't with Brian." Holly remarked, snidely.

"Holly, would you stop?" Katie eyed her.

"No, I think you deserve to be a little more then guilty right now." Holly answered.

"What are you two talking about?!" Rex asked.

"Nothing!" they cried together.

Robbie and Rex rolled their eyes at eachother. "Chicks."

Katie rolled her eyes back at them. "Pigs."

"Now is not the best time to be fighting." Diane cut in.

Katie crossed her arms in a huff as Holly glared at her.

Why is she being like this? It's not like I had sex with him or anything. And I only kissed him once. And. . .I only had dreams about him all night long. .. but Holly doesn't need to know that.

"Uuurrrrgggg!" Cheryl yelled, throwing her phone down on the stage. "Our spot on the show has been canceled! Where are they?"

"You guys, I'm getting really worried." Emily said.

"Yeah," Razor nodded. "This really is not like them."

Katie suddenly got the feeling she knew where they were. This is weird. Katie tried to shake the feeling, but, it wouldn't go. She jumped up. "Maybe we should search the hotel again."

"Good idea.

Everyone got up, and walked into the lobby.

"Let's each take a floor, and look." Holly said, pressing the elevator button.

"God! This stupid thing still doesn't work?!" Katie cried. A sudden feeling plagues her stomach, as hey all headed to the stairs.

She stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh my god! They're in there!"

"What?" Robbie asked.


"The elevator!"

"How do you know?" Razor asked.

"I just have a feeling." she replied.

"You expect us to go on your feeling?" Robbie was skeptical.

"Just trust me, I know." Katie turned and ran to the front desk.

No one was there, so she rang the little silver bell continually, until a tired looking man came out from a room behind the desk.

"Yes?" he asked blatantly.

"Excuse me, my friends are trapped in that elevator, and, well, GET THEM OUT!"

The man looked startled. "The elevator doesn't work?"

"No. It hasn't worked all night."


"Really! And two of my friends are trapped in there!"

"Excuse me for a minute." the man walked back into the room he came from.

Katie sighed, and waiting several moments before he returned.

"So, what your telling me is the elevator doesn't work, and that your friends are in it?"


"Ok." he picked up the phone, dialed a number and spoke for a moment. Then he hung up and turned back to Katie. "Don't worry, miss, someone will be here soon to take care of it."

"Thank you." Katie turned to the other side of the lobby where everyone was waiting.

"What happened?" Diane asked.

"Someone will be here in a minute," she replied.

"I'm not so sure about this." Robbie said.

Katie sat down on a chair the hotel lobby provided. "You've got to just trust me on this one. I know they are in there."

Brittny's eyes slowly fluttered open. She rubbed them, and looked around, her image blurred, and sat up.

"Where am I?" she asked aloud.

Nick was curled up in one corner of wherever they were, an unrecognizable girl in another. AJ and Danielle were lying against the wall directly across from them in eachothers arms.

Then she remembered. She was in a elevator. A moving elevator. Wait a minute. Moving?

Brittny jumped up. "You guys!" she yelled. "Get up! The elevator is moving!"

Danielle grumbled something, but no one else moved.

She ran over and shook Nick awake, as the doors slid open. Cool air burst into the elevator.

Brittny an into the lobby excitedly. "Fresh air!" she cried.

Nick emerged next, still half asleep, his hair ruffled.

Katie ran to him when she saw him, and threw her arms around his neck. "Nick! Your ok!"

"Yeah," Nick said wearily. "Just had a long night in there."

"I was so worried about you!"

"Yeah, right." Holly mumbled, walking by them.

Nick ignored her. "So, you aren't mad at me?"

"Of course not."

The elevator engineer was not leading Lauren out of the elevator, as Emily woke Danielle and AJ.

Soon, everyone and everything was off the elevator, glad for fresh air.

Nick and AJ decided to go back up to their rooms and finish sleeping, while everyone else was ushered back into the dinning hall, by a very angry, but relieved Cheryl.

PaRt 27
