LaRgEr ThAn LiFe-ThE eNd

Brittny and AJ's eyes flew open, and they jumped apart.

"What are you two doing?" Danielle yelled.

"Oh my god!" Brittny cried.

"I had no idea!" AJ exclaimed.

"What the hell do you mean you had no idea?!"


"Were kissing Brittny!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"So, what, did you just trip into her bed?"

"Not exactly."

"What's all the yelling about?" Brian asked, coming out of the bathroom, a white towel wrapped around his waist.

"They were kissing!" Danielle cried.


"We weren't kissing!" AJ cried.

Danielle's eyes widened. "If that wasn't kissing. . . "

"Let me explain!" he begged.

Danielle and Brian glared at him.

"It was pitch black in the room when I came out of the bathroom. I thought I was kissing you!"

"And I thought I was kissing you, Brian." Brittny said.

"Bull shit!' Brian cried.

"What a lie!" exclaimed Danielle.

"I'm sorry! I know how you must feel, but-"

"You know how I feel?" Danielle asked, cutting Brittny off. "I don't think so! You wanna know how I feel? Brian and Katie KISSED!"

Brian's look of anger changed to horror.

Brittny stood up. "What?" she asked quietly.

"Last night while we were in the elevator, Brian and Katie kissed. Katie told me everything."

Brian and Brittny looked equally shocked.

"How could you?" she whispered.

"How could I? How could you?"


"Ugh. I can't stand being around you two liars!" Danielle said.

"Baby, please," AJ climbed off the bed.

"Don't baby me, you bastard!"

"Danielle, it was an accident!"

"Stop making excuses! I can't stand you!"

AJ reached out to touch Danielle's hand.

"Don't touch me!" she shrieked.

AJ jumped back.

"I HATE you!"

"Baby, you don't mean that."

"Yes I do! I hate you! You and Brittny both! I hope you two are happy together!" Danielle darted for the door.

"Danielle!" AJ cried, chasing after her. "Please! I love you!"

Danielle whirled around, tears burning her eyes. "It's over!"

"No. No, it's not."

"It's over AJ! End of story! I hope I never see you again. I hope you burn in hell! I hope all your teenybopper fans hate you, too!"


"No! Danielle nothing!" she paused for a moment starring straight into his eyes. She could see so much in his eyes.

He gazed at her, his big brown puppy dog eyes apologetic, scared, and all at the same time loving. Tears were welling up in the rims of his eyes.

"Goodbye AJ," she whispered. "It's over."

ThE wHoLe StOrY
