LaRgEr ThAn LiFe PaRt 7

"Isn't this dangerous?" Holly asked Howie as he laid a checkered blanket on the ground in Central Park. "I mean. .. Central Park at night?"

"It could be." Howie replied. "But if anything happens, my body guard is right there."

"All right, if you're sure."

They sat down on the blanket, as Howie set out the sandwiches he had had made at a pretty expensive deli, two bottles of soda, chips, and strawberries.

"Wow. It looks like you went to alot of trouble for this." Holly said.

"Naw. It was nothing especially for a beautiful girl like you."

Holly blushed. "Thank you."

Howie smiled and handed her her sandwich, which was still wrapped in foil. "It's the truth."

"Stop it! You're embarassing me!"

"Why should it embarass you?"

"If I told you I thought you were gorgeous you'd be embarassed, too."

Howie thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"You are you know." Holly said quietly, unwrapping her sandwich.



Howie blushed. "Ok, I guess it is kind of embarassing."

"See, I told you."

"But, you know what the good side of this is?"

"What's that?"

"Now we can be gorgeous together."

Holly giggled, taking a bite of her sandwich. "I guess that could be a good thing."

"Yeah." Howie took a sip of his soda. "So, you are from Orlando?"

"Born and bread."

"Me, too. What part?"

"Orange County. I went to University High School for about two years, but when I turned 16, Danielle, Brittny, and Katie's CD was doing pretty well in Europe, and since we've always done everything together, they asked me to be in their band and go on tour with them. And I excepted the offer."

"Yeah. I sort of went through the same thing. Only, I graduated first."

"I wish I had. I would have liked to go to a prom, and a real graduation."

"That's too bad."

Holly sighed. "But, it's all part of the gig."

"Yeah. Like AJ says, 'Music first, music last, music always'."


PaRt 8
