LaY dOwN bEsIdE mE

AJ McLean, Nick Carter, and Brian Littrell walked up to the front of the long line out side of The Globe, Orlando’s hottest new nightclub.

“Hey, Trax, what up dawg?!” AJ asked the bouncer, doing some slick hand shake that guys always seem to greet each other with.

“Hey! Bone! Back in O-tOwN?” Trax asked.

“Yeah. For the next week.”

“Cool. You and your friends want in?”

AJ nodded.

Trax unhooked the red velvet rope and let them pass through.

“Thanks. I’ll see you later, man.” AJ said.

Trax nodded, and went back to work as AJ, Brian, and Nick went inside.

The loud, booming music hit them all at once, causing them to feel the need to dance.

"Hey, Bone!" Nick called over the pulsating beat. "Brian!"

AJ and Brian turned toward Nick, AJ narrowly missing a girl dancing by him.

"Yeah?" Brian asked.

"I'll see you both later. There's a hottie at the bar I think I want to meet!"

AJ grinned. "Go for it!"

"Good luck!" Brian cried.

Nick gave them a thumb’s up sign, smoothed out his hair, and worked his way over to the bar.

AJ and Brian continued making their way through the crowd, looking for girls.

Suddenly AJ spotted her. The woman he knew he wanted to spend his life with. Well, at least the night with.

She was a petite girl, with short, full dark brown hair. She was wearing a short black skirt, and a tight red shirt that fir her small body perfectly.

He watched her from behind as she danced.

"That's her, Bri!" AJ called.

"Who's what?" Brian asked.

AJ pointed at the girl. "She the one I'm gonna take home tonight."

"You seem sure of yourself." Brian folded his arms over his chest.

"That's because I have the gift."

Brian chuckled.

"Do me a favor."


"Go to the bar and grab me two Long Island Ice Teas." AJ slipped him a twenty.

"Sure." Brian accepted the bill, and took off towards the bar.

AJ watched the girl as she danced slowly and confidently.

He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. Every move she made as her body swayed and turned excited him in ways no one else ever had before.

Brian ran back over and handed AJ the drinks.

"Thanks, man."

"Ok. I'll catch you later."

AJ nodded, and Brian left again.

He continued watching the girl as she slowly turned around, still dancing.

She looked right at him, and he continued to stare, a flirtatiously cocky look on his face.

The girl ignored him, and kept dancing, until finally, she just stopped, and gave AJ an exasperated look.

He flashed her his best smile.

Grinning, she sauntered over to him.

"Hey baby." he said smoothly.

Her smile turned from a happy one, to a more flirtatious one. "Hey. . . "

"Let me ask you something."

"What's that?"

"If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

She starred up coyly at him. "Depends."

"Depends?" his face fell. "On what?"

The girl nodded her head toward the drink in his left hand. "Who's the drink for?"

AJ glanced down at the drink and smiled once more. "Oh, I'm saving this for the most beautiful woman in the house tonight."

The girl's smile dropped. "Oh. Where is she?"

"Standing right in front of me." he held the drink and she accepted it.

"I have another question."

"What would that be?"

"What's your name?"

"Jenna Scapicchio. Do you have a name?"

"AJ McLean."

It seemed as thought a light flashed on in her face. "Oh, I know you. Your in that group."

AJ nodded. "Not now, thought. Right now I'm just AJ."


"So, you gotta man?" AJ asked.

Jenna shook her head as she took a sip.

"That's hard to believe."

"Well, believe it. It's the truth."

"Maybe I could change that." AJ suggested.

"Maybe." Jenna answered, setting her drink down on a nearby table and grabbing AJ's hand. "Come on. Let's dance."

She pulled him onto the dance floor, and began to dance.

AJ could hardly control himself, every time their bodies touched, or she rubbed up against him. He wanted to do things to her his mother wouldn’t approve of.

After several trips to the bar, and just as many to the dance floor, Jenna wrapped her arms around AJ's shoulders, and lifted her lips to his ear.

"Take me home with you tonight." she murmured, in a low, breathy whisper.

AJ pulled away, and nodded. AJ took her hand, and led Jenna out to his car.

The trip to his house wasn’t very long at all.

When they got inside, AJ didn’t even bother to turn on the lights. The two of them were already in each other’s arms, laying passionate kisses on each other’s lips.

“Do you. . . want. . . anything?” AJ asked between kisses.

“You,” Jenna answered. “Now.”

AJ grinned, and pulled her into his bedroom, and turned on a dim light.

As AJ walked over to his stereo system, put some soft music on, and lit a few candles, Jenna sat down in a seductive position on his bed.

It was a king sized waterbed with a leopard prink quilt, and black silk sheets and pillows.

After he lit the last candle, AJ turned out the lights, pulled off his shirt, and crawled on top of Jenna, burying kisses into her neck.

Jenna moved her hands down AJ’s fit stomach, and slipped her fingers just barely inside his pants and tugged at them.

AJ pulled Jenna’s shirt over her head, and the two continued undressing each other, feeling their way around in the darkness, and getting to know each other better in the best possible way.


The next morning Jenna woke up with a pounding headache, and in an unfamiliar bed.

Massaging her temple, she sat up and inhaled the deep smell that covered her body. The smell of cologne unkown to her. She couldn’t deny how good it smelled, but it scared her that she didn’t know who’s smell it was.

After quickly gathering her clothes and putting them on, she hurried out of the exotically decorated bedroom.

As soon as she saw him, the memories of the night before flooded her mind.

“Mornin’ beautiful.” AJ said from the kitchen. He was making coffee.

“I-I have to go.” Jenna said.

AJ stopped. “What? Why?”

“I-I just have to leave.”

“When can I see you again?” he asked.

“You can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Look, AJ, I don’t usually do things like this, and I just-I can’t see you again.”

“But, I like you a lot, Jenna.”

“I’m sorry.”


“No. It won’t work out.” Jenna glanced once more at AJ’s hurt face, and walked out the door.


“So your telling me you met a hot, sweet, sensitive guy the other night who was amazing in bed, and you left him?” Ali Cosset, a close friend of Jenna’s asked her two days later as they car pooled to work.

Jenna nodded.

“Are you CRAZY?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“Well, why’d you leave him?”

“Because I was scared. I’ve never met a guy before and then two hours later gone home with him.”

“But you liked him?”


“No.” Ali shook her head. “Crazy isn’t the word to describe you. DUMB is more like it.”

Jenna sighed. “Your right. I blew it. I’m an idiot.”

“Why don’t you just call him?”

“Hmmm. . .maybe the fact that I don’t have his number?”

“There’s a little thing called a phone book that we earthlings like to use.”

“He’s unlisted.”


“So fans don’t call his house.”



“Who exactly is this guy?”

“AJ McLean.”

“And that would be?”

“Backstreet Boys. . . “

“Oh my God. You screwed one of those fine pieces of meat?”

Jenna laughed. “Yeah.”

“Ok, dumb doesn’t even BEGIN to describe you. Moronic. .. challenged. . . clinically insane is what you are.”

“I know, I know. But, what’s done is done. I just want to forget the whole thing.”

“Whatever you say.”

Jenna reached over and turned the radio on full blast, willing herself not to think about AJ.


“Do you want to come up and chill?” Jenna asked Ali that night after work.

“Sure.” She replied, parking the car in front of Jenna’s apartment.

The girls walked up to the second floor.

“What good shows are on tonight?” Ali asked as Jena pulled out her keys and unlocked the door.

“Uh. . .let’s see. .. Monday? I don’t know.” The two girls walked into the dark apartment.

“Have you seen that new show? Time of your life?” Ali asked.

Jenna flipped on the light, and screamed. “Oh my God! AJ! What are you doing here?!”

AJ was sitting comfortably on her couch, two-dozen red and white roses surrounding him. “I came to see you.”

“How did you find me?”

“I have my ways.”

Jenna propped her hand on her hip. “How the hell did you get in here?”

“Your supers daughter is a fan, so she gave me the key.”

Jenna rolled her eyes. “It’s nice to know you can trust people in this building.”

AJ stood up. “Jenna, I know we don’t know each other very well, but. . I like you a lot.”

Jenna’s face softened. “I like you, too.”

“Then why did you leave?”

“I was scared.”

“Of what?”

Jenna shrugged. “You breaking my heart.”

AJ picked up one of the white roses. “See this?”

She nodded.

“White roses mean true love.” He handed her the rose. “This means I won’t break your heart.”

Jenna looked up at AJ, shyly. She took a step toward him, and placed one hand on his chest. She stood on her toe and moved her face up toward his.

“Aww!” Ali squealed from the entrance of the living-room.

Jenna’s body relaxed and she glared at Ali.

“Sorry. I’ll just. .. leave you two alone.” She turned and walked out of the door.

“So, what do you say? Will you let me take you out?” AJ asked.

Jenna smiled, and nodded. “But there’s something I want to do first.”


Jenna wrapped her arms around his shoulder, stood up on her toes, and let her lips meet AJ’s.

AJ took the rose, tucked it behind her ear, enclosed her hand in his, and the two left Jenna’s apartment to begin their first date.
