MoRe ThAn A fEeLiNg

It was the middle of July, and JC Chasez and Justin Timberlake once again found themselves in the middle of a crowded airport. Only this time they weren't dropping someone off, they were picking someone up.

Someone was Danielle Fountaine. She was arriving home from Sweden, where she had spent the past month and a half recording her debut album.

JC had mixed emotions about seeing her again. He'd always had strong feelings for Danielle, but the day she left, he found a letter from her that broke his heart. It was a love letter. But it wasn't written for him. It was for Justin.

JC hadn't been as close to Justin since the day he read the letter. Justin didn't know quite why, but, he didn't want to cause any problems, so, he said nothing.

"JC!" Danielle cried, running to him from the terminal, and throwing her arms around him, enveloping him in a huge hug.

"Hey, Dani." he said softly, taking a deep breath and inhaling her scent as she pulled away.

"Justin," she said slowly. "You came."

Justin grinned, and pulled her into a hug. "How could I not come meet the next world famous pop diva, at the airport?"

"Well, when you put it that way. . . " she laughed.

"Come on, let's get your stuff, and go home." JC said.

Danielle's eyebrows rose. "Is something wrong, JC?"

"No." he said, not sounding at all convincing. "Why would anything be wrong?"

Danielle and Justin exchanged a look.

"All right. . . let's go get my stuff."

The three began walking to baggage claim, Justin and Danielle walking in front of JC, laughing and giggling like old times.

JC marveled at how beautiful she looked. Then again, to him, she always looked beautiful. But today, it was agonizing. Her long, golden brown hair falling perfectly down her back, her green eyes sparkling, and laughing like always, the short, white shorts that cut off just at the right place, and the red spaghetti strap tank top that fit her just right.

He couldn't stand to look at her. He thought he might either end up bursting into tears, or killing Justin. Whichever came first.

After they got all her luggage, and loaded it into JC's red 4-Runner, they headed back to Danielle's house.

"Ah," Danielle said, unlocking her front door. "It's good to be home."

"Yeah, I know the feeling," Justin said. "Feels good to be home after a long time away."

"Yeah," JC said through clenched teeth.

"Are you sure something's not wrong?" Danielle asked.

JC just nodded.

"Well, kids, I'm gonna take off. I promised Chris I'd meet him for dinner." Justin said, setting one of Danielle's suitcases in the hallway.

"Wait," Danielle said, looking at Justin with big, vulnerable eyes. "I was just wondering if you got all the letters I sent you while I was gone."

JC rolled his eyes. He knew exactly what she was implying. Of course Justin had gotten all the letters-except the one she really cared about.

"Yeah," he smiled. "I especially loved those post cards. They were hilarious."

Danielle's face fell, but she plastered a fake smile across her face. "Yeah, well. . I'm glad you enjoyed them."

"I'll see you later," Justin said, kissing Danielle on the cheek. "I'll call you so you can tell me all about Sweden tomorrow, ok?"

Danielle nodded slowly. "Yeah. Sure. Bye."

Justin waved and walked out the front door, Danielle starring after him.

JC's heart sank. Her face was twisted with pain.

JC rested his hand on her shoulder. "DO you need help with your bags?"

"No." Danielle replied, her voice strained. "Do me a favor though."


"Order some pizza, while I go unpack."

"Ok." JC watched as Danielle carried her bags into her room, then went into the kitchen, and grabbed the cordless phone.

"Hey, Dani?" he called, holding the phone in one hand, and jogging back to her room. "What kinda pizza do you-"

"JC stopped short as he pushed open the door. Danielle was sitting on her bed, sobbing into her hands.

"Danielle," he said softly, walking over to Danielle, and sitting on her bed. "What's wrong?"

"I-uh-Justin!" she sobbed.

JC pulled her into his arms. "Shh. Don't cry. Shh."

"Do you remember that letter I asked you to give Justin?" she asked, talking into his chest, which was now damp from her tears.

"Yeah. . . "

"I told him that I loved him in it. And I said. . I said if he didn't feel the same way-at all- just act like I never wrote it. And. . .and. . .and. . " she broke down and began crying again.

JC stroked the back of her head, trying to comfort her.

Should I tell her? he asked himself. He couldn't stand seeing her in this much pain, and. . .

"I didn't give him the letter."

Danielle pulled away from JC. "What?"

JC took a deep breath. "I didn't give Justin the letter like you asked." he repeated.

The hurt on her face was replaced by anger. "Why the hell not?!"

He was silent, and wouldn't meet her eyes.

"JC!" Danielle yelled, standing up. "Why not?!"

"Because it hurt to much." he mumbled.

"What? I don't understand! I-"

"I'm in love with you!" JC shouted, jumping up. "Ok, I said it! I love you!"

Danielle stood completely still. "Your what?"

"All those feelings you have for Justin, I have for you. No, not feelings. They are so much more then just feelings. It's love, and when I first read the letter, I thought it was written for me. And my heart almost burst I was so happy. I couldn't believe you could actually love me back." JC collapsed back on the bed. "I guess I was right."

"Oh, JC, I had no idea."

"I wish we could keep it that way." he muttered, hanging his head.

He felt Danielle sit down next to him, and her hand on his knee.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" she asked.

"I didn't think you could ever feel the same way. I didn't think I was good enough for you."

"JC, look at me."

JC looked up into her eyes. They were starring at him intently. That was one of the things he loved most about her. She wasn't afraid to look you straight in the eye, and expose herself completely through them.

"How could you ever think that? You are one of the most amazingly talented, caring, sweet, loving, and beautiful people I know. You mean more to me than anyone."

"Then why didn't you write the letter to me?" he whispered.

"I had the same fears you did."

Danielle lifted her hand JC's knee to his face, caressing his cheek. She slowly moved her face closer, until her lips gently met his.

JC's head was spinning. Was this actually happening? He couldn't believe she was kissing him. That her soft lips were pressing against his.

Finally, they both slowly pulled away.

"I guess," she whispered, her eyes still closed. "We both thought wrong."
