sAiLiNg PaRt 10

Brittny layed next to Lance on the couch in her cabin, watching an old movie playing on one of the ships TV stations.

It felt so right with him next to her, his arms draped comfortably around her body, but at the same time, it was just. . . wierd.

Everything had happened so fast. Only a day after they met, Lance had risked everything to be with her. Nobody had every felt that strongly toward her, and it was kind of scary.

Over the past week and a half they had become so close, spending nearly every waking minute with eachother. And now they had only ten days before the ship docked, and they would have to decide their fate.

"Ya know what?" Lance asked, breaking the comfortable silence.


"I think god must have spent a little more time on you."

Brittny rolled over so she was facing him, a smile spreading across her face. "You are so corny. You do know that, right?"

Lance chuckled. "I can't help it. I think it's the truth."

"Well, your tearin' up my heart."

Lance shook his head. "Well, for the girl who has everything I bring you love."

"I just wanna be with you." Brittny giggled.

"I need love."

"You need love."

"We all really need love!" they sang together.

Brittny laughed and leaned over to give him a short kiss. She pulled away and grinned. "Why don't we go giddy up?"

They both laughed, as Lance pulled her so she was lying on top of him.

"You have the most gorgeous eyes." Brittny said, starring into them.

"Well, that's something I don't hear often." he said sarcasticly.

"Shut up! Can't you just take a compliment?"

"Alright. Thank you for noticing. Was that better?"

Brittny pressed her lips against Lance's in responce. "Much better."

Their lips met again, and again. Lance rolled so that he could position himself on top of Brittny, and. . .

"Ow!" Brittny yelled, as she and Lance hit the floor.

Lance sat up, his face red. "Sorry."

Brittny burst out laughing. Her laughter was contageous, and soon Lance was laughing, too.

He leaned against the couch, pulling Brittny into his lap.

She straddled him and wraped her arms around her neck. She rested her forehead against his, and their lips were so close.

"Your beautiful." he murmured in his deep, sexy voice.

Brittny tilted her face so their lips, and their kisses deepened. His hands moved all over her upper body.

She let her tounge drift into his mouth.

Lance cautiously tugged on Brittny's blue HIC shirt. She didn't make any move to stop him, so Lance pulled her shirt over head.

They continued kissing. Lance was becoming more aroused with each kiss. He traced her lips with the tip of his tounge, as she moved his hand up her back to unhook her bra.

Suddenly the door was flung open, and the light was turned on.

"Oh my gosh!" Katie cried, as Brittny scrambled for her shirt. Brittny's face was all shades of red as she pulled her shirt on.

Lance stood up, clearly embarassed.

A sly smile spread across Joey's face.

"Britt, I think I'll be going now." Lance said, hurrying for the door.

"Go, Lance!" Joey cried softly as Lance ran out the door.

Katie elbowed him. "I am sooo sorry. I had no idea."

Brittny stood up. "It's alright. It was gonna have to stop soon anyways."

"Are you sure?"


Katie turned to Joey. 'It's time for you to go."

Joey groaned. "Alright. . . "

Katie gave him a quick kiss. "Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams."


"I love you."

"I love you, too."

pArT 11
