sAiLiNg PaRt 12

"Danielle! What are you doing here?" Katie asked, in total shock that she was there.

"I came to see Bitchny-I-I mean, Brittny." she answered snidely

Brittny boldly stood up and walked over to the door.

"Britt, I think-"

"It's okay, Katie, I can handle this."

Katie backed away.

"What do you want Danielle?"

"My man back."

"Well, obviously, that's not gonna happen. He's with me now."

"Not for long."

"What makes you think that?" Brittny asked, in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Because he loves me."

"Yeah, that's why he dumped your ass for me."

Danielle laughed bitterly. "Your just a little fling. And easy lay. Your just a faze. Soon he'll want nothing to do with you, and be back with the one he really wants."

It was Brittny's turn to laugh. "Easy lay, huh? If he was already with you, and you were giving it to him the way he wanted it, why would he need me?"

"The only reason he went to you is he had an extra dollar and didn't know what to do with it."

"You have a lot of experience in that field, don't you, you fat ho."

Katie and Danielle, who stood by watching stifiled laughter. They had both seen Brittny in action and knew this girl had a lot coming to her if she didn't shut her mouth and leave soon.

"Oh, that hurt coming from someone who can't get her own man."

"This wouldn't be a problem if you could keep a man. Lance is with me now. He doesn't love you anymore. You are nothing to him. You never were."

A spark of anger shot through Danielle's eyes. "You slutty little bitch! You think you are sooo hot. You think your everything. Well you know what? You are not all you think you are, and Lance doesn't give a damn about you. He's not in love with you! He doesn't love you half as much as he loves me. He's just in it for the sex. That's probably all you do good!"

"We haven't had sex, you psycho bitch!"

Danielle glared at her, as if not having sex with the man she loved was a crime. In a sudden fit of anger, Danielle balled her hand into a fist, and swung at Brittny. She ducked, causing Danielle to whirl around. Brittny took this opportuinty to go Jerry Springer on her ass.

Quickly Danielle and Katie jumped in, pulling the two apart, Brittny still kicking as they pulled her away.

"You better go." Katie said, sternly, helping Danielle up.

Danielle glarred at Brittny.

"Bitch, you better watch your back. Sometime there will be no one to stop me, and you know you can't handle this!"

Before Danielle could respond, Katie pushed her out the door, and locked it behind her.

