sAiLiNg PaRt 15

When Lance and Brittny entered Lance's cabin, they found JC sitting at the table, his head in his hands.

"JC, man, what's up?" Lance asked.

JC looked up. His face was red and his eyes were puffy.

"What's wrong?" Brittny asked, concerned.

"Katie and Joey have been in that damn bathroom for the past hour fucking as loud as they can!" JC said angrily.

Brittny's brow wrinkled as she pulled up a chair. "You're mad because they are having sex?"


"Then what's wrong?"

"I majorly screwed things up with Danielle."

"What happened?"

"She asked me why I won't sing to her, and I kinda said that I do't feel comfortable singing to someone personally unless I love them. But I do. I realized I really do love her. And it's driving me crazy inside."

"Then go over and tell her that."

"I tired! I sat at her door for a half an hour, telling her, and she just kept telling me to leave." JC burried his head back in his hands.

"The best advice I can give you is to just give her time. She'll come around. Are you going to the dance tonight?"

"We were gonna go together, but since she won't talk to me. . . I guess I'm not going."

"No, no, you're going. Just show up, I'll drag Danielle, she'll see how sad you are, and take you back." Brittny said.

JC shrugged. "I just don't know if I can believe that. . . "

Brittny burst through Danielle's door less then an hour later, and began looking through Danielle's drawers.

Danielle was lying on her bed, burried under blankets and pillows. She pocked her head out from under the covers. "What are you doing?"

"Picking out something for you to wear to the dance tonight."

"I'm not going."

"Yes you are."

"No. I'm not."

"Yes. You are."

"Brittny! JC and I just broke up! I just want to lay here and be alone!"

"I know, I heard, but what you need is to have fun. Forget about him."

"JC's gonna be there with the guys and I don't feel up to seeing him."

"Please. JC's next door moping more then you. He's not going to a dance any time soon."

"Are you sure?"

Brittny nodded. "Positive. Now, are you coming or not, cuz I just picked out the cutest outfit for you."

Danielle sighed. "Alright, I'll go."

Brittny and Danielle were met by Lance at the door of the large room the dance was being held in.

People crowded the dancefloor, and a DJ stand was set up on the stage. A table filled with food lined one wall, while tables lined the others.

The second they walked in the door, Danielle turned right back around and walked out.

Brittny grabbed her arm. "Where are you going?"

"You said JC wouldn't be here. Well, why did I just see him then?"

"Oh, come on, Danielle. You can't put your life on hold for him."


"Come on. You're going in there." Brittny dragged her inside, and over to a table. Danielle sat down in a huff.

"Lance and I are going to go dance. I'm here if you need me."


"It wouldn't hurt to dance with someone." she called as she and Lance walked onto the dance floor.

Danielle looked around the room. She spotted Katie and Joey grinding on the dancefloor, Chris and Mallory at the snack-bar, Justin and Becky making out and dancing at the same time (how they did this was unbeknownst to her), and JC was sitting in a chair, starring at her.

Their eyes met, and Danielle quickly looked away.

"I still believe" by Mariah Carey started to play. The lights dimmed and bodie moved closer.

JC stood up and walked over to her. "Danielle, do you want to dance?"

"No." She said coldly, turning away.


She looked up at him and shot him an icy stare. "I said no."

JC sighed.

"Now, please, leave me alone."

He hung his head and walked away.

An hour had passed. JC had made several attempts to talk to Danielle, but each time he was shot down with a cold remark.

Suddenly, he got an idea. He grabbed the four other members of NSYNC, pulled them away from their dates, and told them his plan. They all agreed, and went up to the DJ, filling him in as well. He agreed, and got them set up with microphones.

Katie and Brittny joined Danielle at the table.

"What are they doing?" she asked, noticing the guys onstage.

"Singing." Katie replied.

The lights dimmed, placing a spot light on stage as the music bagan for "I Drive Myself Crazy".

Chris began his part: "Lying in your arms

So close together
Didn't know just what I had
Now I toss and turn
'Cause I'm without you
Now I'm missing you so bad
Where was my head?
Where was my heart?
Now I cry alone in the dark."

"Can I go now?" Danielle asked.


Danielle could feel JC's eyes burning holes in her body.

"I lie awake, I drive myself crazy
Drive myself crazy thinking of you
Made a mistake when I let you go baby
I drive myself crazy wanting you
The way that I do... "

All through Justin's part she felt him starring at her, but wouldn't give him the satisfaction of looking up.

"I was such a fool
I couldn't see it
Just how good you were to me
You confessed your love, undying devotion
I confessed my need to be free
And now I'm left with all this pain
I've only got myself to blame
I lie awake, I drive myself crazy
Drive myself crazy thinking of you
Made a mistake when I let you go baby
I drive myself crazy wanting you
The way that I do... "

When it came to his part, JC jumped off stage. "Why didn't I know it?

(How much I love you baby) "

The spotlight followed him as he walked over to Danielle's table.

"Why couldn't I show it?
(If I had only known)
When I had the chance
Oh, I had the chance "

He took her hand in his.

She glarred at him, but he ignored it as he sang the last lines, and pulled her so she was standing up. "I lie awake, I drive myself crazy

Drive myself crazy thinking of you
Made a mistake when I let you go baby
I drive myself crazy wanting you
The way that I do... "

"Come with me." he whispered, leading her out onto the dancefloor, the spotlight still on them. She didn't resist, but she looked anything but happy. . .

PaRt 16
