
Another door. It too was locked. Even her key wouldn't work. "Damndit. It's one of those doors that connects to the next room."

Katie rolld her eyes. "Your getting worked up over a door. . . "

Danielle grinned. "Wanna meet out neighbor for the next three weeks?"

"No! I want to go swimming!" Brittny whined, walked over to where Danielle was standing.

"Party pooper." she stuck her ear against the cool metal door. She could just barely hear a guy singing and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Katie asked, joining them by the door.

"I think our neighbor is gay." she laughed.

"Let me hear!" Brittny pushed her away, and smashed herself against the door.

"Why do you think he's gay?"

"He's singing an NSYNC song."

"Oh my gosh he is! He's singing 'I want you back'."

"So? That doesn't mean he's gay."

Danielle pulled herself up so she was sitting on the counter top. "How many guys do you k now who like NSYNC?"

"Well, Cy. . . "

"Who happens to be gay." Brittny pointed out.

Danielle smiled. "I rest my case."

Brittny pulled herself away from the door. "Too bad. He sounds cute."

"Oh well."

"Now are we ready to go hit the pool?" Katie asked.

Danielle hopped off the counter. "Yup."

The girls headed out the door, and up one deck to the huge pool.

They each got a chair to lay out on, ordered exotic drinks with umbrella straws in them, and layed back to soak up some summer sun.

Danielle put her ray bands on and layed still hoping to get her glow-in-the-dark ass some sun.

"God, this feels sooooo good." Katie said.

"I know! Finally, a vacation!" Danielle cried.

"Ya know what, I'm gonna go swim. Care to join?" Brittny asked.

"Sure." Katie replied.

"No thanks. I really need a tan."

"Your right, you better just stay where you are." Brittny laughed.

She and Katie stood up and left to swim in the pool.


"See ya!"

Danielle closed her eyes, enjoying the quiet and the warm sun, until she felt little droplets of water hit one side of her body. Someone was getting her back wet and standing in her sun.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, angrily. "Watch it!"

"Oh," a very sexy voice said. "I'm really sorry."

Danielle rolled over. An average height guy with dark brown hair and great abs was getting ready to sit down in the lounge chair next to her. He looked farmiliar, but she couldn't figure out who he was because he was dripping wet.

"That's ok. Sorry about the outburst."

The guy layed back. "No problem."

Damn. This guy is foine!

"I'm Danielle Fountaine." she introduced herself.

"Hi. I'm Josh."

"Hi Josh. Do you have a last name?"

"Chasez. Josh Chasez."

Danielle's eyes widened under her glasses, and looked over at the man sitting next to her. Oh my gosh. JC Chasez is sitting next to me, and he be looking migh-ty good.

"So, where are you from?" Josh asked.

"O-tOwN bAyBeE!"

"Really? That's where I live from time to time."

As if I didn't already know that. "Wow. What a coincidence."

Josh smiled. "Yeah. What do you do there?"

"School. I'm a junior at FSU, but I have lived there since I was in middle school. How about you?"

"Just pursuing a career in music."



"That's great."

Before anyone could say anything, a guy in dreds walked up to them.


"Hey, man, time to go. The guys wanna talk over some stuff."

"Alright." he groaned, standing up. "So, maybe I'll see you around?" he asked Danielle.

She smiled. "Definatly."



With that JC, er, Josh and Chris walked away.

PaRt 3
