sAiLiNg PaRt 22

The next night the girls were all dressed up and waiting for the guys to come pick them up and show them their surprise.

"What do you think it's gonna be?" Katie asked anxiously, smoothing out her flower-print skirt.

Danielle shrugged. "I don't know. I just wish they would hurry up and get here. They're ten minutes late."

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

Brittny ran to get it, throwing the door open. A crew member of the ship stood before her. 'Hi." she said, disappointment apparent in her voice.

"Is this," he looked down at an index cad he was holding. "Ms. Abrahamson, Ms. McGraw, and Ms. Fountaine's room?"

"Yes." Brittny answered.

"I've been asked to show you to the ballroom by Mr. Bass, Mr. Chasez, and Mr. Fatone."

Katie and Danielle stood up off the couch.

"All right."

"This way, ladies."

Confused, the girls followed him to the ballroom. Mallory and Becky were seated at a table, and looked just as confused as they felt.

He showed them to the table, "Have a seat. You're server will be with you in a moment."

They sat down and he left.

"What is this all about?" Katie asked.

"I couldn't tell ya." Mallory answered.

A woman in a waitress uniform came over to the table and began filling each glass with champagne. "Hello," she said with a bright smile. "I'm Emily."

"Hi, Emily." Becky said. "What's going on here?"

Emily shook her head. "I've been asked not to tell you. Now, if you'll excuse me. . . " Emily left.

The lights dimmed and the curtain on stage parted. The music for God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On you began playing, as the guys walked out on stage, each holding a white rose, and began singing.

"Can this be true

Tell me can this be real

How can i put into words what i feel

My life was complete

I thought i was whole

why do i feel like i'm losing control

Never thought that love could feel like this

and you changed my world with just one kiss

How can it be that right here with me

theres an angel

its a miracle

Your love is like a river

Peaceful and deep

Your soul is like a secret that i never could keep

when i look into your eyes

I know that it's true

god must have spent a little more time on you

In all of creation all things great and small

you are the one that surpasses them all

more precious then any diamond or pearl

they broke the mold when you came in this world

And i'm trying hard to figure out just how i ever did without

the warmth of your smile

the heart of a child

that's deep inside

leaves me purified

Your love is like a river

Peaceful and deep

Your soul is like a secret that i never could keep

when i look into your eyes

I know that it's true

god must have spent a little more time on you

Never thought that love could feel like this

and you changed my world with just one kiss

How can it be that right here with me

theres an angel

its a miracle

Your love is like a river

Peaceful and deep

Your soul is like a secret that i never could keep

when i look into your eyes

I know that it's true

god must have spent a little more time on you ."

As the song ended, the guys hopped off stage and each handed his date a rose.

"I love you, Beck."

"I love you, Mallory."

"I love you, Katie."

"I love you, Brittny."

"I love you, Danielle."

They each said and each receive a teary-eyed hug and kiss.

Everyone sat down.

"This is sooo sweet!" Mallory cried.

"Well, we try . . . " Chris laughed.

"When did ya'll have time to plan this?" Katie asked.

"Remember that day when we said we had some business to discuss?" Joey replied.

"Yeah! I kicked Danielle Fishel's ass!" Brittny cried, proud of herself.

"Well, thats what we were doing."

Justin stood up. "There was one thing I was planning on doing that I didn't discuss with you guys. I's planned on doing this before we even got on the ship, but it just seemed like now was the perfect time." he pulled a small velvet box out of his jacket pocket, and got down on one knee in front of Becky, taking her hand in his.

Her eyes widened.

"Becky, I love you with all my heart and soul, and there is nothing I would love more then if you would be my wife. Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" she threw her arms around him. "Oh my god, yes!"

Justin pulled the solitaire diamond rind out of the box and slid it on her finger.

Everyone clapped as Becky and Justin embraced in a long kiss, tears of joy running down Becky's face.

The five couples spent the rest of the night together, partly sorry that they had to get off the ship the next morning, partly happy that when they got off they would be starting their new lives together.

Unaware of what lay ahead of them, they got off together the next morning, when the ship docked. As the called for three cabs, Danielle pulled Brittny aside. "You were right, you know."

"About what?"

"This world is a lot better when people think with their heart."

