sAiLiNg PaRt SiX

Danielle's eyes fluttered open the next morning at around 10:30. Last night had been one of the best non-date, non-sexual night with a guy in her life.

She and JC had been up until three in the morning just talking and eating popcorn.

They had talked about everything. Life, friends, love, food, movies, sex, music. . . just everything.

Danielle smiled, and got out of bed. She caught a glimps of herself in the mirror, and her smile broadened. She was wearing the sweatshirt JC had given her to wear when she had decided that JC's room was freezing. Mmmm. It even smelled like him.

"Morning sleepy head." Katie said, cheerfully, walking by her room. Danielle followed her into the sitting room.

Brittny's eyebrow rose high above her eye. "Somebody stayed out late last night. Does Danielle have a lil sumpthin sumpthin going on with a certain tall, dark, and handsom man with the initials J.C.?" she asked Katie, jokingly.

"I dunno, but somethings gotta be going on, cuz I know that sweatshirt isn't hers." Katie answered.

Danielle shuffled into the kitchen to make herself some tea.

"So, Miss Fountaine, or should I say Mrs. Chasez, what exactly happened last night?" Brittny asked.

"Abslutly nothing." she replied, putting the water on to boil.

"You were with that hella foine man until two in the morning and nothing happened?!" Katie cried.

"Three," Danielle corrected. "And no, nothing happened."

"I'm very dissapointed in you." Brittny shook her head.

"We talked all night. That's all. And it was the best time I've had in my life." Danielle sighed, a lovey grin on her face.

"Oooh." Katie chanted. "Danielle's got a crush! Danielle's got a crush! Danielle's got a crush!"

"Ok, missy, where were you last night? Hmmmm?" Danielle asked, in her best motherly voice.

"Right here on this couch, watching those shows the ship is playing on TV with Joey." Katie said matter-of-factly.

"Oh really?" Brittny asked. "What were you watching?"

"Um. . . well. . . " Katie blushed. "I don't know, I was to busy paying attention to the fact that Joey tastes damn good."

Brittny squealed with delight for her friend. "Katie got some! Katie got some!"

"All we did was kiss."

"For how long?"

"Two hours."

Danielle laughed, pouring the boiling water into a cup, and let her tea bag seep. "Your turn," Katie said to Brittny. "What were you doing last night?"

Brittny leaned back on the couch. "Lance and I shared a sundae, then we went for a walk around the ship."

"Wait, wait, wait," Danielle said. "Hold up a minute here, girl. Shared a sundae? As in one ice cream and two spoons. You do realize he has a girlfriend, right?"

"Yeah. Did you know there's a movie theater on this ship?"

"Oooh! Looks like Danielle Fishel has some competition." Katie laughed.

"Guess so." Brittny said confidently.

"Where are the guys staying, anyways?"

Brittny shrugged.

"JC and Joey's room is right next to ours, so the other rooms must be pretty close by."

Brittny's eyes widened slightly. "Next door? As in connected by that door in the kitchen?"

"Yeah. That's the door I used to come in last night." she replied.

Katie burst out laughing. "JC is the gay guy?"


Brittny started giggling. "Remember? The gay guy next door singing NSYNC songs."

"Oh my gosh! HaHaHa! I didn't even think of that." Danielle pulled some milk out of the mini-refrigorator, just as someone knocked on the door.

Katie jumped up, and ran to the door. She threw it open. Joey and JC were standing in the doorway.

"Hey sweetheart." Joey leaned down and gave Katie a kiss.

"Hi." she whispered, when they broke away.

Danielle, oblivious that JC was with Joey had her back turned to the door, and was searching the cabinets for sugar.

JC pushed his way past Katie and Joey, and suavly walked into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around Danielle's waist. She jumped. "What the. . . ?!"

"You look good in my clothes." He whispered in her ear.

"Well, if that wasn't sexy, I don't know what is." Danielle laughed, turning around in JC's arms.

"Sexy, huh? I like the sound of that."

"Well, from this view, your looking it."

JC laughed. "The movie theater on A Deck is playing Titanic this afternoon-"

"Titanic? We're on a cruise ship and they are playing a movie about another ship that got hit by an ice burg, and sunk, killing thousands of people? Are they trying to scare us to death?"

JC shrugged, laughing a little at the expression on her face. "Anyways, do you want to see it with me?"

"Why, Mr. Chasez. Would that be you asking me out on a date?"

"Only if you say yes."

"Then I guess you just asked me out."

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes." Danielle wiggled out of his grasp.

"Where are you going?"

"To brush my teeth. I have morning breath."

JC chuckled. "Good thinking. I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll see you later."


Brittny set the magazine she was reading on the coffee table just as someone knocked on the door.

It was 4:30 that afternoon, and Katie, Joey, Danielle, JC, Mallory, Chris, Justin, and Becky had been in the movie for only a half an hour. She had decided to stay because she would be the only one without a date, and didn't want to be like a third wheel. Now she regretted it. She couldn't be more bored.

"Lance!" she cried, when she pulled the door open. "What are you doing here?"

Lance looked up at her. His eyes were red and puffy, as if he had been crying.

"Oh my god! Come in! What happened?! Are you okay?"

Lance slowly walked inside, and sat down on the couch, zombie-like. Brittny followed him and sat down next to him.

"I didn't know where I could go. The guys are all in the movie, and. . . we had so much fun last night. I-"

"Slow down. Start from the begining."

"Danielle and I had a fight. She was crying, and screaming, and-and she told me to just leave her alone. To get out of her face."

"What did you fight about?"


"Me? What did I do?"

"She thinks you like me, and she thinks I like you back. And she's scared I would leave her for you."

"That's crazy."

"I know. She just looked so hurt and scared. I can't imagine-I mean, I-I-I-" Lance broke down and sobbed.

Brittny pulled him into her arms, letting him cry on her shoulder. "Shhh. . . " she whispered rubbing his back.

Lance pulled away, and wiped his face. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I just feel so stupid doing this to you."

"It's alright. That's what I'm here for."

"Ever since NSYNC got off tour, it's just been one problem after another. I don't think I can live like this anymore."

"Then why are you still with her?"

"I just keep thinking we can work it out. That things'll get better. I don't know what I'd do without her."

"You could do so much more without her. You're a great guy Lance, and I think Danielle is just holding you back."

Lance looked into Brittny's eyes. "You're amazing."

Brittny blushed.

"I've known you for a day, and you just helped me out more then any of the guys ever could have."

"No offence, but not guy I've ever met gave good advice."

"You have a point."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I guess-" Lance paused for a moment. Brittny searched his eyes for his answer. "I guess. . . " Lance stared back at her, and before she knew what was happening, Lance's lips were on hers. <

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