WoNdEr BrA wOmAn AnD tHe SeVeN dOrKs

Suddenly, the room filled up with six other men.

"What is is?" one of them asked.

"Why, it-it-it's a girl!" replied another.

"Yo, she gots big tits!" another cried.

"Eh! She's a female!' shouted one. "And all females are evil!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Wonder Bra Woman asked.

They all just stared at her wide-eyed.

"She spoke!" one of them gasped. "What'll we do?"


They all leapt behind furniture-one even thought he could hide behind a lamp.

"Oh. . . my. . . God. . . " Wonder Bra Woman said, rolling her eyes. "I am surrounded by idiots!"

They all peeked out from behind their hiding spots.

Danielle cocked an eyebrow. "Um. . hello?"

They all looked at eachother, wondering what to do.

"I said hello!" she demanded.

"Yo, bitch, quit being so demanding!" one of them said, coming out from his hiding spot.

Danielle scowled. "Get your scrawny asses out here, before I beat y'all to death."

Slowly, they each came from their hiding spots.

"All right, I saw these whacked out name plates on your door. Let me see who you are."

She pointed at the tall, tan, dark haired muscular one. "Your Doc."

"Um, oh, well, why, yes! Yes!"

Danielle rolled her eyes, and turned her attention to the one with bright blonde spiky hair and yellow green eyes. "Your bashful."

Bashfull's face became crimson. "OOooooh, gosh!"

Next was a tall, skinny, dark haired man who was in the midst of yawning. "You just *have* to be sleepy."

"How'd you guess?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Your yawning dumb ass."

"A-A-A-ACHOO!" came a loud sneeze from an Italian, goa teed (sp?!) man.

"Your the sleaze who tried to feel up on me! Your Sneezy!" she said angrily.

Sneezy shrugged.

The short guy next to him with short brown hair and side burns burst out laughing.

"And your-"

"Happy." he pointed at the tall, chubby blonde kid. "This is Dopey. He don't talk none, cuz every word that comes out of his mouth is fuckin retarded."

Wonder Bra Woman nodded. "I understand."

Last was a tall, muscular boy with bleached blonde curly hair. He stood at the edge of her bed, his arms crossed over his chest. "Your grumpy." she said. "And let's get one thing straight right now. I'm not gonna tolerate your shit. So don't even come off with an attitude, or I will kick your scrawny ass."

Grumpy rolled his eyes. "Look, woman. We know who we are. Who the hell are you?"

"Oh yeah, right. I'm Wonder Bra Woman."

"Wonder Bra Woman?!" Doc cried. "The princess?"

"You better believe it."

"Well!" Doc continued. "We're-we're, we're please, we're, we're, were, we're-"

"Calling the police!" Grumpy put in.

"Calling the police!" Doc repeated. "Wait! No! We're, we're, we're, oh, Gosh! What was I saying?"

"Nothin!" Grumpy shouted. "You were just sitting there, babbling like usual, just to hear your own damn voice!"

"Don't you-" Doc began.

"Ah shut up, and tell her to leave!"

"Whatever!" Wonder Bra Woman cried. "I'm not going nowhere. If I go back that nasty ass drooling huntsman with try and fuck me again."

"Well. . . " Grumpy trailed off, thinking about whether to let her stay.

"All right, come here, Grump, ole buddy ole pal. Let's negotiate." Wonder Bra Woman motioned for him to come closer.

"You dorks let me stay, and I'll. . .uh. . . cook for ya. . . and keep this rats nest clean. Deal?"

"I don't know."

"I'll make it worth it for you." she whispered seducingly in his ear.

Grumpy jumped at least a foot off the ground in pure joy. "Hurray! She stays!"

PaRt ThReE

Email: angel00165@aol.com