STILL Part One

Nick Lachey peered through the curtain in his kitchen, watching as the rain poured down heavily, and lightning crashed loudly nearby.

He hopped his girlfriend, Danielle Fountaine, was not having a hard time getting here in such horrid weather.

It was one year ago tonight that the two had begun dating, and he was trying to recreate their first date.

He'd set up a candle lit dinner in the dinning room, with fettucini alfredo, garlic bread, and a large Caesar salad. It had been the perfect dinner-that is until Nick realized he had left the oven on, and set his kitchen on fire.

His one hope was that that didn't happen again tonight. But, with their luck, something probably would. It seemed like every time they got together, something bad happened. But the could had stuck to eachother and were very much in love.

Thunder boomed loudly, causing Nick to jump. He let the curtain drop to it's original position, and hopped up onto the counter. She was almost ten minutes late. This really wasn't like her.

"Come on, baby," he muttered to himself. "Hurry up."

As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

Nick jumped off the counter and ran to the front door, pulling it open.

Danielle stood, soaked to the bone-in a gown?

Nick blinked, and shook his head.

"Nick?" Danielle asked. "Can I come in?"

He looked back at her. Now she was wearing a lavender slip dress, that clung to her body because of the rain.

"Oh," he shook his head. "Yeah."

As she began to step inside, lightning flashed, and the house was filled with darkness.

Thunder rumbled, causing the ground to shake, and Nick to fall backwards, shaking his head against the wall.

The whole world grew still.

PaRt TwO
