sTiLl PaRt ThReE

Nick awoke the next morning to a killer head ache. A stream of sunlight fell directly across his face, and somebody was pounding on his door.

Groaning, Nick stood up out of the chair, and, scratching his stomach, pulled open the door.

"Drew!" he cried.

Nick's brother's brow furrowed. "My name is Andrew. Where is your mind today, Nicholas? Father is furious with you!" he ranted, walking into the cabin.

"What?" Nick asked, confused. "Why?"

"You were supposed to work at the bakery with father at five o' clock this morning. It is well past eight."

"Sorry. I-I didn't know."

Daniella stirred in Nick's bed, catching Drew's eye.

His eyes widened. "Nicholas! Who is that that stirs in your bed?!"

"Daniella," he replied.

"The princess?" he hissed.

Nick looked at Daniella. "She is?"

"Yes, you bafoon! What is she doing here?"

"She knocked on my door last night, asking for a place to stay, and I let her in."

"Well get her out! If they king hears of this, he could have you put to death!" Drew cried.

Now Nick's eyes widened. "Killed?" he gulped.

Drew's eyes never left the bed as he nodded. "She is soon to wake. I mustn't be seen. I'll tell father you are ill, and take your place this morning. Make sure she returns to the castle safely, or your life may be on the line."

Nick nodded. "All right. Thanks, Drew-I mean Andrew."

Drew tipped his hat, and slipped out of the cabin, just as Daniella sat up, and stretched.

"Good morrow, good soul." she greeted.

"Morning." Nick answered shortly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is there something the matter?"

"Yes. Why didn't you tell me you were the princess?"

Danielle gulped, sinking back onto the bed.

PaRt FoUr
