tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt PaRt ElEvEn

"Oh thank God!" Danielle said, putting her hand over her chest, sighing, when she and AJ, dragging Sarah, Nick, Brittny, and Brian into Elizabeth and Howie's bedroom. "Everyone is still alive."

"What?" Elizabeth asked groggily.

"Yeah, Dani, what's this all about?" Nick demanded?

"Officer Dade and Officer Martin are dead." AJ said, locking the bedroom door behind everyone.

"What?" gasped Sarah.

"We just found both of them, and they were dead. The murderer is loose in this house, and we saw him." Danielle answered.

"Well, who is it?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know. We couldn't see his face, but, he attacked me." AJ replied.

"What are we going to do?" Howie asked, worriedly, sitting up.

"Call the police!" Elizabeth replied.

Brian shook his head. "Kevin didn't have any phone lines installed.

"What the hell?!" Brittny cried. "Was he living under a rock or something?"

Brian shrugged.

"I think the only thing to do is kill the killer before he kills us." AJ said.

"Well, how do we do that?" asked Elizabeth.

"Well. . . " Danielle thought for a moment. "The police Officers both had several guns. I say we split up into groups of two or three each group taking a gun, and go searching for the killer."

"But. . ." Sarah trailed off. "Why would we go looking for a murderer? Isn't that like. . .a death trap or something?"

"Well, there are eight of us, and one of him. We can do it." AJ replied.

"Kevin has a collection of old rifles downstairs, too. We can divi them up." Brian suggested.

"Good idea. Why don't you and I go gather up all the guns, and you all stay here with the door locked, ok?" AJ asked.

Danielle nodded. "When you come back knock three times, pause, then knock three more, so we know it's you."

Brittny rolled her eyes. "When have you ever heard of a murderer who knocked on the door."

She shrugged. "We just have to be careful."

"Ok, we're careful."

"Ok, we're going now." AJ said.

"Brittny?" said Brian as he and AJ were leaving. "I love you."

As Brittny kissed Brian for luck, Danielle and AJ glanced at eachother, both remember that evenings events.

After taking two guns each from each Officers room, and ten different rifles from the gun hutch, both Brian and AJ began their way back upstairs.

"Did you hear something?" Brian asked, jumping a little in front of AJ.

"No, your just being paranoid." AJ replied.

"But, I swear. I h-"

Brian was cut off by a loud gunshot.

AJ's eyes widened at Brian's limp body collapsed on him, causing them both to role down the stairs.

As quickly as he could, AJ hoisted Brian up over his shoulder and struggling, ran upstairs.

PaRt 12
