tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt PaRt ThIrTeEn

"Now, hold on a minute." Elizabeth said. "We can't just run around killing people."

"Why the hell not?" asked Brittny. "That was the plan to begin with."

"I just. . . " she sighed. "Never mind."

"We need to take care of this bastard before he takes care of us!" AJ cried.

Brittny stood up and grabbed a gun. "Who's with me?"

Nick picked up another gun. "I'll walk around with you. This fag is going down!"

"Danielle, come down with me and get a gun from the stairs. You three take the other three guns, and we'll all split up." AJ said.

"All right." Sarah agreed.

She, Elizabeth, and Howie each grabbed guns, and headed out the door, followed by Nick and Brittny.

AJ grabbed Danielle's hand, but she resisted. "AJ, I'm scared."

"So am I. But, we have no other choice."

Danielle gulped. "All right. Let's go."

Taking her hand, AJ lead Danielle into the hall.

"Nick," Brittny said quietly, as they crept down to the basement. "Ya know, I was thinking."


"Maybe we should go for help. I mean, what if we can't take the psycho on our own? The sooner we get police surrounding the place, the sooner this will all be over."

"But, we can't just leave them alone here." Nick said.

"We could be saving their lives though. And our own." Brittny pointed out.

Nick nodded in agreement. "I guess your right."

As he spoke, lightning crashed loudly, and the power cut out.

"Let's go!" Brittny cried.

Gripping eachothers hands for comfort, they ran out into the rain.

Howie blinked in the darkness, as he headed up the attic stairs-alone.

Somehow, when the electricity went out, he had gotten separated from Sarah and Elizabeth.

Holding the gun protectively in front of him, he shakily took another step. "Elizabeth?" he asked. "Sarah? Where are you?"

There was no response. Only dead silence.

The only sounds he could hear was the pouring of the rain, and the beating of his heart. Oh, and the sound of feet walking up behind him. Wait. Feet?

Howie whirled around just in time to see a long, thin, shiny object rush towards him, plunging into his chest.

"AAaaaaarrrrgggg!" was all he could get out, as the knife was pulled from his chest, and he felt his life drain from his body.

"He fell to his knees. "E-"

The knife was shoved into his body, burning his skin.


Once again, the knife penetrated his chest, this time slicing directly through his heart.

Grasping onto his last breaths of air, Howie fell, dead, to the floor, and rolled down the attic stairs.
