tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt pArT tHrEe

PaRt FoUr

"What?" Sarah demanded.

"He-or she-or whatever's after me is in this house." Danielle replied. "Whoever it is called from inside."

"Wouldn't we know if someone was in the house?" Howie asked.

"We didn't know when Pele was killed." Kevin pointed out.

"What are we gonna do you guys?" Brittny asked.

"We have to leave." AJ answered. "If someone is inside, then we need to get outside.

Danielle nodded.

"Nick, I'm scared." Katie said in a low voice to Nick.

He squeezed her hand in response. "Don't worry. Every thing'll be okay."

"Wait! Where's Elizabeth?" Howie asked.

Everyone looked around them.

"She went to go lock all the doors and windows, remember?" Brian said.

Howie nodded.

"Liz!" AJ howled.

"Yeah?" Elizabeth called back.

"Where are you?!"

"Dani's room!"

My room? Danielle thought. The person is in my closet!

"Liz!" she screamed. "Don't go in the clo-"

A shrill screamed interrupted her, followed by the sound of breaking glass.

Danielle immediatly darted into her room, everyone following close behind.

"Oh my God!" she cried.

Elizabeth was lying on the floor by the opened closet door, clutching her stomach. Drips of blood oozed through her fingers. The window near by was shattered, leaving thick shards of glass all over.

"Oh my God!" Howie repeated, rushing to Elizabeth's side. "What happened?"

"I was locking the window in here, and someone jumped out of the fucking closet and stabbed me!" she yelled. "Then he jumped through the window!"

Kevin pushed his way through everyone and knelt down next to Elizabeth. "Let me see it."

Flinching, she slowly listed her hand up and let Kebin examain the wound. "It doesn't look too deep. But, you should probably go to the emergency room."

"No!" Elizabeth cried a little too quickly. "I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?" Howie asked.

She nodded.

"We can't stay here." Danielle said, her voice shaking. "We can't."

AJ came up behind her, and rested a hand on her shoulder. We can all go crazh at my place, okay? Who ever is going this wouldn't know where we are."

Danielle nodded, starring off into space. "I hope your right."