tHe LoNgEsT nIgHt PaRt NiNe

Downstairs, AJ had built a fire, and he and Danielle were sitting in front of it, talking about nothing in particular, trying to keep their minds off the events that had surrounded the last several days.

Not to far into the conversation, they fell silent, just starring into the fire.

"Fires are so sexual," AJ said, breaking the silence.

"What?" asked Danielle.

"I don't know what it is, but fires have always turned me on."

Danielle chuckled at what he was hinting to. "Yeah I guess fires have always been sensual."

AJ rolled onto his side. "I have to tell you something."

"What?" she asked. "Your horny and you want us to have insignificant monkey sex?"

AJ grinned. "No, but if you wanna do the monkey sex thing, I'm here for ya, babe."

Danielle slapped him playfully. "As if!"

AJ hopped up, pulling Danielle with him. "Let's go take a walk."

"Ok. And where are we going? We're in the middle of no where."

"Then we'll go to the side of no where."

Danielle rolled her eyes, as AJ took her hand in his and pulled her outside. Downstairs, AJ had built a fire, and he and Danielle were sitting in front of it, talking about nothing in particular, trying to keep their minds off the events that had surrounded the last several days. Downstairs, AJ had built a fire, and he and Danielle were sitting in front of it, talking about nothing in particular, trying to keep their minds off the events that had surrounded the last several days.

Not to far into the conversation, they fell silent, just starring into the fire.

"Fires are so sexual," AJ said, breaking the silence.

"What?" asked Danielle.

"I don't know what it is, but fires have always turned me on."

Danielle chuckled at what he was hinting to. "Yeah I guess fires have always been sensual."

AJ rolled onto his side. "I have to tell you something."

"What?" she asked. "Your horny and you want us to have insignificant monkey sex?"

AJ grinned. "No, but if you wanna do the monkey sex thing, I'm here for ya, babe."

Danielle slapped him playfully. "As if!"

AJ hopped up, pulling Danielle with him. "Let's go take a walk."

"Ok. And where are we going? We're in the middle of no where."

"Then we'll go to the side of no where."

Danielle rolled her eyes, as AJ took her hand in his and pulled her outside.

"It's cold!" she screeched.

"Oh don't be a baby."

"Fine," she pouted, pulling her hand away from him, and walked a couple feet in front of him.

Several yards away from the house, AJ jogged up to her. "I still have something to tell you."

She turned around. "What?"

AJ paused for a moment, looking into her eyes. "I don't know what it is, but, with this whole thing going on, it's been kind of forcing me to reevaluate my feelings for you. The thought that I could possibly lose you. . . I'm having all these feelings, and. . . "

"Feelings for me?" Danielle asked.

AJ nodded reluctantly. "Yeah. I think so."

A slight smile crept across her face. "What kind of feelings?"

AJ sighed. "You like to torture me, huh?"

She grinned, nodding. "Yep!"

"Well. . . very strong feelings. Like. . . " he struggled, choosing his words wisely. "Love."

"So, what your say is. . . ?"

"I'm saying if you keep doing this to me, I'm going to take back everything I just said."

Danielle giggled. "So, you've been feeling that, too?"

"What do you mean, too?"

"Well, for the past couple months, actually, I've been getting some strong feelings myself. But I knew how great we were as friends, and didn't want to risk that."

AJ grinned, taking a step closer to her. "What kinda feelings?" he teased.

Danielle wrapped her arms around his neck. "These kindsa feelings. . . "

She moved her head closer, as if to kiss him, then pulled away, and began running towards the woods.

"Hey!" AJ shouted. "Come back here with those lips!"

"You have to catch me!"

AJ chased after her for several minutes, before finally catching up, and grabbing her around the waist from behind.

"NNNOOOOO!!!" she screamed, struggling to get out of his arms.

"Why do you insist on acting like a four year old?" AJ asked her.

She turned around in her arms. "Because that's why you love me so much."

"Don't be so sure of yourself." he smirked. "You think I like it when I'm about to be kissed, and the girl turns into a screaming banshee, and runs off into the night?"

Danielle nodded. "It's the thrill of the chase. It's all a game, AJ, and we're just players."

"Well, you know what?" AJ asked.


"I think this time I won."

"Do you think It's possible for us to both win?"

"Maybe. When do I get my kiss?"

Danielle shrugged. "I guess you put up a pretty good chase. I mean. . . you did catch me. . . so. . . "

She moved her head closer to him, this time preparing to kiss him for real, when tiny drops of water began to fall sparatically around them.

Thunder crashed, and then rain suddenly began to pour down on them, as if a black hole had opened up in the sky, and dumped a bucket of water on their heads.

Danielle screamed, and they both bolted towards the house, laughing uncontrollably by the time they got inside.

Suddenly, starring at eachother, they both stopped.

Danielle noticed passion burning in his eyes, and she didn't know what it was-maybe the fact that she could die at any moment-but she wanted him as much as she knew he wanted her.

As the two of them entered the den where the fire was still ablaze, and Danielle saw the flames dancing across AJ's dripping wet, muscular body, she couldn't control her hormones anymore.

AJ sat down and looked up at Danielle. "What?" he asked at her intent stare.

Without saying a word, she walked over to him, and hungrily ate kisses from his lips, straddling his hips.

Slowly, she laid herself on top of him, and helped him pull her shirt over her head.

Meanwhile, whipping the blood from the knife, a dark figure darted down the hallway, into Officer Martin's room.

"This will be an easy one," muttered the cloaked body. "Your in sweet, sweet slumber."

The murderer walked over to the bed, positioning the knife so he could plunge it directly into the officers heart.

"Not for long!" growled the murderer.

Officer Martin's eyes popped open.


PaRt TeN
