PaRt FoUr

"Bye, Brian," Danielle said, kissing him softly on the lips. "I'll see you later."

"All right." Brian gave her one last kiss as he ducked out the door, shutting the door behind him.

Danielle locked the door behind him, and grinned at Brittny, who was sitting on the arm of her navy blue couch.

"He's sweet." Brittny said.

"The sweetest."

Brittny laughed.

"So, how about you? Do you have any hot guys swarming around you?"

"Hot guys, yes," she replied. "Hot guys with brains? No."

Danielle giggled. "Well, maybe I can hook you up with one of my hot, brainy guy friends."

"Sounds good to me."

"Either way, we are going to have fun this week!"

"Hellz yeah."

"Well, we only have an hour before we're supposed to be at Nick's, and I told him I'd stop off and pick up a couple things for him, so, I guess we better start getting ready."

Brittny nodded.

About a half an hour later, both girls had changed, and were on their way to the supermarket.

Danielle was wearing a pair of khaki cargo flares, and a long sleeved, red Tommy Hilfiger shirt, and Brittny a pair of black flares, and a silky, baby blue ¾ length.

Finally, they got to the store, hopped out of Danielle's dark green Blazer, and ran inside.

They'd barely even gotten inside the door, when they noticed a small mob of people gathered near by.

"Shit," Danielle mumbled. "I forget my hat and glasses. I hope nobody recognizes me."

Brittny rolled her eyes. "Conceited!"

Danielle laughed. "Not conceited, fact of life."

"Here," Brittny pulled Danielle into an aisle. "You hide behind the cereal boxes. I wanna see what the crowd is there for."


Brittny took off. Moment later, she returned.

"So, what's all the commotion?"

"Nothin much. Just a bunch of people trying to get Joey Fatone's autograph." Brittny replied.

"Joey? As in NSYNC Joey?"

She nodded.

"Oh my God, I haven't seen him in AGES!" she grabbed Brittny's arm.

"I thought you didn't wan anyone to notice you."

"Oh well." Danielle pulled her over to the crowd.

She tapped someone on the shoulder. "Excuse me, could I get through?"

"No!" the girls said. She turned to glance at Danielle, and she did a double take. "Oh-My-God!"

Danielle smiled. "Would you mind if I got through? I need to see an old friend of mine."

"Uh-oh, uh." The girl was tongue tied. "Yes!"

"Thank you." She and Brittny pushed they're way through the corwd.

"Hey, Joey!" Danielle cried.

He looked up. "Dani! Hey!"

The two greeted eachother with a hig.

"This is a great friend of mine, Brittny." Danielle introduced.

Joey took her hand. "Nice to meet you."

Brittny smiled. "You, too."

"What'd goin' on?" Joey asked.

"Nothin. We're on our way to a party. Would you like to come with us?" Danielle answered.

"Sure! I'm always up for a party."

"I should have known." Danielle laughed.

Joey grinned.

"Britt and I have a couple things to pick up. Try and wiggle your way out of this, and meet us at the ATM in ten minutes."

Joey nodded, and the three parted ways.

PaRt FiVe
