WhEn ThE LaSt TeAr DrOp FaLLs PaRt 8

I jumped out of my chair.

"Oh thank god!" Karen cried.

"Can we see him?" Justin asked.

Dr. Morris shook her head. "I'm going to ask right now that only immediate family see him."

My heart sank.

Roy looked at me, happy, but sad for me, then followed Dr. Morris and Karen down the hall.

I sat back down in my seat just as Lance and Brittny same back, both carrying a can of Pepsi.

"Brittny!" Katie cried. "JC woke up!"

"Really? That's great!"

Both girls walked over to Danielle.

"Why don't you go see him?" Brittny asked.

"They won't let me. They're only letting immediate family go in." I replied.

"Oh. Well, at least you know he's ok."

I nodded. "I just feel so bad about it all. It's all my fault."

"Don't even think like that." Katie said.

"I can't help it. The reason he was shot was so he could protect me."

"You would have done the same thing for him." Brittny pointed out.

"Yeah." I whispered. "I would."


"Danielle! Guess what!" A hurried voice cried over the phone.

"Who is this?"


"Oh, hi!"

"Guess what!"


"We got signed!"


"Us! NSYNC!"

"Really? That's awesome!"

"I know! We're going to Europe!"

My smile dropped. "Europe?"

"Yep!" I could tell from his tone of voice he was grinning from ear-to-ear.

"But that's even further away then Florida."

"I know. But I promise I'll call you all the time."



"I guess it's all right then."

"God, I'm so happy."

"I'm happy for you."

"Shoot. It's seven. The guys and I are going out to celebrate. I'll call you later.

"All right."

"Love you!"

"I love you, too. Buh-Bye."


"Danielle?" Dr. Morris asked, looking around at all of us.

"That's me." I said, standing up.

"Mr. Chasez is asking for you.

Email: angel00165@aol.com