YoUr LeTtEr

The airport was especially busy on June 15th. Summer vacation had just started for most schools, and people were going to spend their summers elsewhere.

In the midst of all the craziness stood two guys and a girl.

The girl was about 5'5" with long, golden brown hair, green eyes, and a fair complexion. She was wearing khaki flares, a tight green spaghetti strapped shirt, and a khaki fisherman's hat topped off her ensemble, allowing her hair to flow freely over her shoulders, angling her round face. She wore a khaki backpack over her shoulder that was almost empty, and a much larger over night bag filled to capacity stood at her feet.

Next to the girl a tall young man with considerable amount of muscle, blue eyes, and curly, bleach blonde hair stood. He was wearing a baby blue Fubu jersey and baggy jeans, with a large golden necklace that had the letters JRT dangling from his neck.

Standing in front of the two was another man, just a slight bit older then the other. He was just a slight bit shorter then the other, also with quite a bit of muscle. He had black hair that he wore slicked back, and bright blue eyes that sparkled at the girl standing in front of him. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt over a white wife beater and khaki pants.

"I can't believe this is finally happening!" the girl, Danielle Fountaine squealed.

"I know," Justin Timberlake, the blonde said. "You've been working hard on this for years. I'm glad you finally get to go record your first album.

JC Chasez, the brunette stood silently, a sad look on his face.

"Ah, JC, don't be so sad!" Danielle cried. "Your gonna make me cry."

"Sorry," he said. "I just can't believe your leaving me for so long."

"It's only for a month." She pointed out.

"A month without my best friend."

Danielle tilted her head to the side. "You'll be fine. I'll be fine, and I'm going to be alone. You have other friends to keep you company."

"You have me." Justin said.

JC rolled his eyes. "That makes me feel better."

"Aren't you happy for me?"

JC couldn't help but laugh. She looked so cute yet so childish when she pouted.

"What?" Danielle asked. "Now you're laughing at me? She turned to Justin. "You see this? He's laughing at me."

Justin shrugged.

"I can't help it." JC said. "You look like a baby when you pout like that."

Danielle crossed her arms over her chest. "I do not!" she whined.

Justin started laughing as well. "Yes you do."

"You two are so mean." She sulked.

"But you love us anyways, right?" JC asked.

Danielle smiled. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Flight 797, Orlando to Sweden, now boarding in gate 12." The monotone voice came over the speakers, interrupting their conversation.

"Is that you?" Justin asked.

Danielle nodded. "I guess that means I have to go."

Both JC and Justin nodded.

Danielle looked toward the gate, where people were lined up, then back to the guys. She took a step toward JC, and wrapped her arms around him. "Bye," she said, squeezing him tightly. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too." He said, his whole body tingling at her touch. "Good luck."

She smiled, and then moved on to Justin. "I'll miss you, too."

Justin nodded as they hugged.

"Make sure you guys tell all the other losers who didn't come to say bye to me that I say bye." She said, pulling away.

"We will." Justin said.

Danielle picked up her bags. "Thanks for coming out to see me off."

"How could we not?" JC asked.

Danielle smiled, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. "Bye."

With that, she turned away, and got on the plane.

Justin turned to JC as soon as Danielle was gone. He was still starring at the gate.

"You love her." Justin said, matter-of-factly.


"Your in love with her."

The two began to walk to the parking lot.

"What are you talking about?" JC asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. The way you look at her, the way you talk to her . . . you looooove her." Justin teased.

"Whatever you say, man, whatever."

The two sat in silence on the whole ride home. JC dropped Justin off at his house, and then continued on to his own.

The truth was, Justin was right. JC's feelings for Danielle ran deeper then just friendship. Much deeper.

It killed him inside to see her everyday, and not be able to take her in his arms, kiss her, love her, and be loved by her.

But there was nothing he could do about it. Danielle had never given him and sign that she felt the same way. And he didn't want to risk losing their friendship.

So, he suffered in silence, never saying anything about his true feelings for her.

Sighing, JC pulled into his driveway, pulled the key from the ignition, and made his way up to the front walk.

JC unlocked the door, and reluctantly went into his empty house.

He had made it half way down the hall, when an envelope in the middle of the floor caught his eye.

"What's this?" he asked himself aloud as he bent down and picked it up.

It wasn't addressed to anyone, and it wasn't sealed.

Curious as to what it was, JC pulled out the folded paper, and began to read.

Hey hun,

JC stopped. It was Danielle's handwriting. Apparently she had written him a letter. But what for? He read on.

This must be the hardest letter I'm ever going to have to write, because it comes from the bottom of my heart. No, not just the bottom. . . .the middle. . . and the top as well. There are a million things I want to say, a million things my heart is aching to tell you, and I don't know how to say one of them. I guess the best way to do this is just to say it. So, here goes. I love you. I really, truly, whole-heartedly love you. I never knew I could ever feel this way about someone in my life, and it's so hard for me to go on day to day feeling this way and not knowing if my love is returned. I only hope that some day you could feel the same way. If you do feel this way, at all, even the slightest bit, you don't know how incredibly happy that would make me feel. But, if you have no room in your heart for me, can we just save us both the embarrassment and never mention it. You have a month before I see you again. So, if you don't say anything about this, I will know how you feel.

Love Always,
Danielle N. Fountaine

JC stood in the hallways, numb. Is this true? Does she. . . ?

Suddenly JC sprang to life. His heart was exploding with joy. He couldn't believe what was happening. Finally, finally, after all these years, his dreams were coming true. She LOVED him.

I can't believe she kept this hidden from me. It's the sweetest secret one could keep.

JC sat on the floor, so happy that he almost cried.

But what could he do about it? Danielle was on a plane to Sweden at that moment. He didn't know where she was staying, a number he could reach her at. . . he had to wait until she contacted him.

Well, I'll just wait by the phone until she calls me. JC stood up, shaking his head. I'm being ridiculous. I'll just. . . he looked around for something to keep his ming occupied. The continuous flashing of his answering machine was beeping on the table in the hall. I'll listen to my messages.

JC walked several steps down the hall, and pushed the button.

"You have one message." The automatic voice said.

"Hey JC!"

JC eyes widened. It was Danielle.

"I'm calling you from the plane, isn't this cool? Anyways, I got on here and realized I had somehow left a letter at your house."

JC looked down at the letter in his hand. She was calling to tell him to read it. She wanted him to find it as soon as possible.

"I had meant to give it to Justin before I left, so, if you could please give it to him. . . "

The rest of the message was a blur. JC starred at the phone, his whole body numb. The letter was not meant for him, but for Justin. She loved Justin.

JC crumpled the paper in his hand, fell to the floor, and cried like a child.

The End
