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Sunrise Seahawk Swim Team Registration


Swimmer: Date of Birth:
City: State: ZIP:
Phone (Home): (Office): School:
Parent or Guardian:
Parent’s Occupation:
Previous USS Swimming Club, if any:
Date of last competition:




I, ___________________________, being a parent, or legal guardian hereby give the Sunrise Seahawk Swim Team the authority to authorize emergency transportation and emergency treatment for, ______________________ should ______________________ be injured or harmed in the above-registered activity or program, provided that I cannot be reached if I am reasonably unavailable to make these decisions. I only authorize the Sunrise Seahawk Agent to make these decisions until I am in a position to make them myself.


I will indemnify the Sunrise Seahawk Swim Team for the costs associated with the emergency medical transportation and the treatment authorized in my absence. Any pertinent medical information:




Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________Date:_______________