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+third chapter+

When the caravan reached the palace, it was all the guys could do not to gasp at the beauty of it. In the style of older European structures, the residence itself was simply elegant. The lawn was a perfectly manicured expanse of green, which wrapped around the large stretch of pavement. The long driveway curved around a bronze statue of a man on a horse, which was now a green tint due to oxidation. Stone steps lead to the doorway. All in all, it was as it should be, palatial.
(AN-to see the palace, click here.)

One by one, the group stepped out of the limo, all the while looking up, the slight breeze sending the Norwegian flag above them on a slight sway. In their enchanted reveries, the king's approach went unnoticed.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Nokkentvend commented, following the young Americans' eyes.

A bit startled, they all nodded in response, as Justin said, "Yes, it's amazing."

"This grandeur is nothing compared to the inside," the king replied and bade them follow him. The large oak and glass doors were opened to reveal a marble entryway, decorated with pillars and works of art. To the right was a large staircase, the rail of which was lined with gold.

Justin spun on his heel to take it all in. For all the times he had traveled the world, his eyes could still not get enough of the magnificent sights it had to offer. After a few minutes, letting it all sink in, he spoke. "Your highness, could you direct me to a bathroom?" he asked with a reverent tone to his voice.

"Why yes, Justin. Just go past the stairs and to your right. The bathroom is the second door."

Justin smiled and nodded to the group before following the older man's directions. Polite talk about the palace and the country was held between the Norwegian royalty and the American singers in the youngest member's absence. The talk faltered however, when the scampering of sneakers against the marble was heard.

"Ah, here she comes…" King Nokkentvend mumbled, but the 4 young men's ears perked up, especially Joey's. A girl jogged into the room, her extremely blonde hair falling into her ice blue eyes. She wore hip hugging jeans and a dark purple sweater, which only served to enhance her curves and the light beauty of her complexion. She didn't even seem to notice the four men who seemingly got noticed everywhere they went. But in Chris' eyes a glimmer of recognition shone.

"Hi daddy, how was your day?" she asked sweetly.

Her father made a swift perusal of her attire, and then looked into her face. "Imajin, how many times do I have to ask you to dress for company?" he asked in their native tongue.

Lennon just smiled. "Almost as many times as I have asked you to call me Lennon, daddy," she replied indignantly. She almost laughed as a small sigh of defeat escaped her father's lips.

He turned toward his guests and smiled, pulling his daughter's attention to them as well. "I would like you all to my daughter, Princess Imajin-"

She cut him off before he could recite the long, laborious title under which she had been born. "Please, I beg of you all, drop the Princess Imajin thing and just call me Lennon. As much as my father hates it, I have grown to love the name." She looked directly into their eyes, but didn't find the cocky self-assurance that she was sure she would. They just seemed…curious. "You all needn't bother with the introductions. I spent the last few years in America, so…" Lennon shrugged in explanation and they laughed.

Lance cleared his throat, "May I ask, why Lennon?"

She smiled slightly. "My roommate in Seattle was a big Beatles fan. When I introduced myself to her, she said, 'Imagine? Like the Lennon song?' I guess, as they say, the rest is history."

That was all the confirmation Chris needed. She was in America for college, and more specifically, Seattle…she had to be Justin's Scandinavian chick. She certainly still had the same attitude. "It IS you," Chris said out loud, with a laugh in his voice.

"Who is who?" Justin reentered the room, but immediately his eyes fell on the girl. He knew her face; he hadn't been given opportunity to forget it.

Lennon tried to stifle her laugh as she saw the shocked look on Justin's face. "I was wondering how long it would take you to remember me Chris," she said, and then sauntered over to Justin and stuck out her hand. "Long time no see Mr. Heartthrob. I'm Lennon…or you can call me Princess Imajin and have me disdain you even more than I already do."

Justin's jaw completely slacked. "You-you're the princess?" he managed to squeak.

Joey and King Nokkentvend looked at each other and shrugged. "I think we missed something."

+second chapter+

+cant buy me love index+