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“Symone?” Justin asked, as if not believing his eyes.

“No, I’m her freakin' fairy-godmother's-evil-twin." She rolled her eyes dramtically. "Can I please come in? This bag is heavy.” Symone was about to push Justin out of the way as he stepped back. Symone set her back in the entryway, her and the blond eyeing each other.

Shai saw the look on Justin's face when he first saw this girl. Once he got past the shock, his face relaxed into a look of longing and regret. Even now, as he stared at her back while she set her things down and then turned and crossed her arms over her chest, Justin looked at the mystery girl with eyes of hurt--and love. After a moment of silence, Shai spoke up.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Shai stuck out her small hand.

Although she would like nothing more than to wring this little bimbo's neck, Symone cooled her anger and tried to act civil. "Hey, you too. I'm Symone."

"Shai," she said as they shook hands. As an afterthought, "Justin's girlfriend."

Symone pulled her hand back as if it had been in front of rabid wolves. She turned her head slightly and looked into Justin's clear blue eyes. Her vision began to blur, but she blinked the tears away. Glancing back at Shai, Symone gave a fake smile. "Really? Well, good luck to you two." Under her breath, she muttered, "You'll need it with Mr. Fidelity over here."

Shai was still rather oblivious to what was going on, and Justin hadn't spoken a word since her uttered Symone's name. "Symone, you look really familiar--would I know you from somewhere?"

"Well, ever hear of the band Asylum Star?" she sighed, running a hand through her short auburn hair.

Shai squealed. "That's right! I bought your CD last time I was in Spartanburg! You tour with Blink 182, right? Man, that Mark guy is fine!"

Symone, still not particularly fond of the girl Justin was now seeing sighed again. "Well, whenever Justin plays you, give me a call and I'll get you Marks number, all right?"

All of their eyes widened somewhat at the comment, Symone's in shame and astonishment but none more than Justin's

"Sym, can I talk to you for a minute alone?" he demanded. Symone nodded quickly. Justin grabbed her arm and pulled her into the small guestroom, all the while trying to ignore the tingles in his hand as a result of touching her skin. When the door was closed, he spoke again. "What the hell was that? And what in the name of God are you doing here?"

Symone rolled her eyes. "Like it matters to you, Justin. Go back to your blonde, I have everything under control here." Justin turned around, exasperated, ready to exit the room when he heard her mutter, "I mean, you always did have a thing for blondes. That one looks just like Joanna."

Justin spun on his heel once more. "Damn Symone, you are never gonna get this are you? I never cheated on you; I never wanted to brake up with you, none of it! I love you and you broke my heart.” ‘And still, even the shattered pieces long to be with you, and have you put it back together.’ Justin thought the last part to himself. When he realized what just crossed his mind, he gave himself a mental shake. He was with Shai now, and he thought really liked her. Symone had hurt him the deepest way possible, he could never feel that way again for her.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, Ms. Asylum Star, I have to get back to my girlfriend.” Justin turned away icily, as Symone seethed to herself.

“Hey Chris?” Terri asked from the warmth of Chris embrace. The two were laying in the hammock, just swinging and occasionally talking, completly oblivious to the world around them, and the fight going on in the house.

“Mmm?” he murmured, burying his nose in her hair. It was one of the things he missed most about her, the smell of her hair. It was sweet, like peaches.

“I have to tell you something.” she said, pulling out of his arms and sitting up. She swung her bare feet into the plush grass and took a few steps away before turning to face Chris. He slowly climbed out of the hammock, looking at her warily.

“I don’t know if I like the sound of this...” he began, but Terri was hiding a smile.

“It’s not bad, sweetie.” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist. “It’s just...unplanned.” Chris’s eyes widened.

“What is?” he asked, his voice cracking.

“I’m pregnant. They're twins. We’re going to be parents.” Terri said, her eyes shining with tears of joy. Chris started laughing and crying all at once. He picked Terri up into a hug and started swinging her around. He suddenly stopped, fell to his knees and pulled Terri’s baggy shirt up, exposing her stomach. It was already swelling slightly, as he placed light kisses all over it.

“How far along? When are you due? When did you find out?” he asked, wanted to know everything at once.

“I’m due in November, right around Thanksgiving, actually.” Terri smiled down at the man she loved.

Chris slowly stood up and kissed her. “This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time.”

“Symone? Is that you?” Symone heard the soft, deep voice of a man she had come to like and respect so much as a friend and mentor in the music business.

“Yeah, it’s me.” Symone forced a smile, but Lance saw her bloodshot eyes and puffy nose.

“You saw Justin already, didn’t you?” Lance asked, sitting on the floor of the barn next to her. Symone nodded miserably.

“And the bimbo, Shai. Have you seen Krysti yet?” Symone asked, trying to get the subject off of her.

“No, she’s here too? That’s great!” Lance smiled, he was happy to see his ex-girlfriend unlike a certain other curly band member. Suddenly, though, his face dropped. “Wait just a’re supposed to be on tour right now! What happened?” Lance immediately shifted into manager mode, looking worried.

“Well, that’s why we came. we couldn’t get in touch with you any other way.” Symone sighed. “Tony was acting like a dipshit, as usual, and he fell of the stage and fractured his arm." Lance stifled a laugh and she playfully swatted his head. "Its not funny, we have no drummer, and we need you to find us one. And we just needed a break. I’ve never been so tired in my life! Our manager is a slave driver, I tell ya!” Symone rubbed her eyes with her hands, still visibly upset by her encounter with Justin, although she cracked jokes to hide the pain.

Lance laughed a bit; she reminded him so much of Justin. “Well, I’m sure we can find new drummer, no problem. Now, up you go.” Lance grabbed Symone’s hands and hoisted her off the ground. “And inside for a nice dinner, a hot shower and bed.” He slung an arm around her as they walked back into the house.

Justin watched them from the window, laughing, Lance’s arm around Symone’s small shoulders. His eyes darkened with jealousy and anger.

“Hey baby.” Shai said, coming up behind Justin and kissing his neck. Justin turned from the window and tried to lose himself in Shai’s lips, but all he could see was Symone.
