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::chapter 21-the dress shop::

Justin pulled up at the dress shop, the last stop on today’s list. It was already quarter past nine, and hopefully this wouldn’t take too long. Symone hopped out and hurried into the store while Justin found a parking space. By the time he moseyed into the store, Symone was already in the changing room. He passed time, looking at all the different wedding dresses, and imagining how Symone would look in them, walking down the isle to him...

Wait just a second, what was he thinking! Symone was a girl, who, up until this morning, he couldn’t stand. Now he’s seeing himself getting married to her? It must be all this stuff with the wedding. All the talk, and planning has got him imagining things, he would be better as soon as---

“Justin?” Symone’s voice called to him softly. He spun around, almost gasping at the sight of her. Symone had loosely pinned her hair up, and was standing on a stool in front of a three-way mirror. She looked amazing.

The dress was a pale blue, kind of tight fitting on top, but with a really puffy skirt. She looked like a princess, her cheeks rosy, like she was blushing. Justin wanted to take her into his arms and hit him. He had never hated Symone, for even a second.

All those feelings he felt for her, they were love. That’s how she could get into his head, and mess with him. She had held his heart from the moment he saw her by the soda machine to the point where he was sprawled in the bathtub, looking at her. And now, here she was, finally, maybe, ready to hear this.

“You” Words failed him, as Symone laughed.

“I guess that’s good. I made someone speechless.” She smiled at him, and Justin felt it was a special smile, just for him. As the seamstress bustled around her, pinning here, tucking there, Justin just stared longingly at Symone. He couldn’t tell her how he felt, no, not after what happened before. She would hate him, or worse, laugh at him. Like he wasn’t good enough. Justin Timberlake could handle a lot of things, but rejection wasn’t one of them. He had to be sure she felt the same way before he made his move.

Symone stood patiently as the seamstress put the finished touches on the dress. Every once in a while she would look at Justin in the mirror. He was looking at he wanted her. Symone rolled her eyes. Fine feathers, she reminded herself. It was just the dress he was looking at, not her. But he looked so cute, staring at her with those eyes. Symone gave herself a mental shake. After all, it was just this morning the two decided they could at least be friends. Come on, she hated him for 3 months...right? Now she wasn’t sure. All those nights she had lain in her bed, thinking about Justin, were they really thoughts of hate? Or maybe, thoughts of love? No, it couldn’t be, Symone thought it was just all this talk of the wedding, getting her into a romantic mood. Still, she thought of the car, where he held her hand. She still got a funny feeling in her stomach.

She looked at herself in the mirror, thinking maybe, it was a wedding dress she had on, and Justin waiting behind her, was her groom, and instead of Chris and Terri walking down that isle, it would be her and Justin. Symone blushed furiously. Now she was just getting plain old silly. But she looked at Justin one more time, wishing he would pick her up and carry her away.

Symone had the dress bag draped over her arm, and was waiting for Justin to bring the car around. It had started to pour rain, and Symone didn’t want to ruin her dress, she couldn’t. Justin had been kind enough to make a run for it, and pulled the car up. Symone quickly got in, slamming the door shut behind her. She took one look at Justin, and burst out laughing.

“You look like a drowned rat!” she cried, laughing so hard that tears formed. His curly hair was plastered to his head, and his clothes stuck to his body. Symone had to admit he looked good in that wet shirt.

“Oh, hush up.” Justin grumbled. If Symone was laughing at him now, he definitely couldn’t tell her what he wanted to. They drove for awhile, Justin staring straight ahead, and Symone, still giggling. All of a sudden, the car spun to the side, hydroplaning.

Symone screamed and clung to the dash to keep from getting thrown around too much. Justin gritted his teeth and sank the brake to the floor. They came to a sudden stop, throwing Symone against the door. They sat, just breathing, trying to pull in what just happened.

“Symone, are you okay?” Justin unbuckled his seat belt, and slid over to where Symone was.

“I’m fine, just a little bruised.” She answered her voice shaky. Justin moved back to the drivers seat, and tried to start the car. Nothing.

“Shit, the engine won’t start.” Justin slammed his hand against the dashboard.

Symone sighed, and unclicked her seat belt. She hung her dress on a hook in the back seat and unlocked her door.

“Looks like we’ll have to walk.” she said simply. Justin grabbed her arm before she could get out.

“What are you thinking?” he asked, pulling her back into the car.

“How else do you propose we get home? Wait for someone to happen to drive by?” Symone asked.

“Cell phone!” Justin cried triumphantly, pulling out his phone. He tried to turn it on, but it was dead. “Fuck me.” he said tempted to throw the phone out a window.

“Maybe later, sexy. But for now, let’s walk. It’s rain it won’t melt you. I don’t think.” Symone joked, opening her door. It was raining cats and dogs out, but she got out all the same. She met Justin around the front of the car, and half dragging him by the arm, started towards Terri’s apartment.

The two soaked teens stumbled into the building at half past ten. Justin knocked on Terri’s door, before slumping against it. He nearly fell over when Chris opened it. “Holy Mother, you two what happened?” Chris asked, bewildered. Someone brought thick towels and dry clothes as Justin and Symone told their story. With Justin’s pissed off attitude and Symone’s wise cracks, everyone was laughing by the time it was over.

Terri pulled Chris off to the side. “Hey, look at that, they’re finally friends!” she whispered excitedly.

“You are such a little matchmaker you know that?” Chris said, kissing the tip of her nose.

“Yes I do. And I’m good, really good.” Terri giggled.

“You have no idea, baby.” Chris said, before re-joining the group.

::chapter 20::

::chapter 22::

::she got game::
