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::the happy times-chapter 1::

"Daddy, can you tell me about mommy?" A little boy with a little Italian face said walking up to his daddy who was putting together a little play set for his son. The mention of the word mommy made him turn quickly at his son. He brought his son into his lap. "What would you like to know about her?" His father asked as he looked down at his son. "How did you meet her. Was she pretty?" His little boy asked. "She was beautiful. Your mommy and me fell in love the first time that we ever laid eyes on each other.... We..."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~*~Flashback~*~ (6 Years Earlier)"Joey get your ass moving I wanna go clubbing already!" A curly hared 18-year-old said as he waited impatiently at the door. "I'm comin. Damn boy, settle down. We have all night." Joey said as he grabbed his jacket and the two headed out the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Man I see lots of hot girls here tonight!" Justin said scrambling his way to the dance floor. Joey went straight to the bar and got a drink. While making his way to a table he ran into a girl and both of their drinks went tumbling to the ground shattering. "Oh my god. I am sorry." I said as I didn't even look at who I ran into. I just bent down and started to pick up the glass when the gentleman pulled me up. "Naw. Don't worry about that" He said as he snapped his fingers at someone and they came and cleaned it up right away. "I'm sorry." I repeated to him as I looked into eyes. He couldn't help but be attracted to this girl. He could not help but stare in her eyes. They were beautiful and complimented her long dark brown hair. We were both locked for a second with our eyes on each other before we snapped out of it. "No don't be." He said as he still looked down at me. "I mean if we didn't run into each other I may have never set my eyes on your beautiful face. " I couldn't help, but blush. The truth was that in my head I had been thinking the same thing about him. "So you wanna dance?" He asked gesturing for my hand. "Yeah." He led me to the dance floor where we danced about four fast songs. Then a slow one came on. We danced pretty close and made little talk during it. "So, since we never really brought it up, what's your name? "Joey, and you would be?" He asked as the song was ending. "Kourtney." I said as a fast song came on. "Listen, I'm pretty tired. You want to go somewhere less active and more quiet?" I yelled into his ear considering the club was really loud now since the slow song was over. "Yeah. Just let me tell my friend." He said as he took my hand and led me with him over to a curly haired guy. "Justin!" Joey yelled to him as he was dancing with a girl that looked about his age. The blond just shook his head and went back to dancing. About five minutes later we were by my apartment. We walked into it which it was very clean. "Dang girl, how can you keep this place so clean." He asked taking a seat on the couch. I just laughed at him as I put my jacket in a closet. "My parents are coming by tomorrow and if it was not clean I would never hear the end of it!" I said laughing. "Did you want anything to drink?" I asked leaning against the wall that led into the kitchen. "Do you have any Pepsi?" "Yeah who doesn't?" I asked smiling. Then I walked into the kitchen coming out with two cans. We sat and talked for a long time learning more things about each other. Normally I would never just bring someone home from a club, but there was something about this guy. Something special within him. We talked the whole night and before we knew it, both of us had fallen asleep on the couch. The next morning I woke up to the sleeping Joey. He looked so peaceful. The night before was strictly just getting to know each other. As he slept I got up and took a shower. After showering I got ready for the day. Wearing these blue shorts from American Eagle and a superman tee. I didn't feel like really getting ready considering the fact my parents were coming by later in the day which meant that I was not going to go out. At the thought that my parents were stopping by that day I thought it would be wise to get Joey out of my apartment. My parents would never approve of me having a guy stay the night which whom I have barely even known, but what a night. But inside, I had felt that I have known him forever. Getting back to my normal thoughts I went quickly into the living room and shook awake Joey. "JOEY! Wake up! Come on!" I softly yelled at him. After him finally awaking he yawned. "Hey beautiful." He said looking at me slyly. "All right pretty boy enough of the girl talk. My parents are going to be here any minute and if they see I had a guy spend the night they'll kill me. They wouldn't approve it. Now come on you gotta get going." I said pulling him up. He obliged remembering they were stopping by today and staying with me for a couple days. "I need a number Kourtney." He said standing by the door. I quickly wrote it down and opened up the door to see my parents standing there. "MOM! Dad!" I said surprised to see them standing there. Joey kind of just stood there not knowing what to do. My parents just looked in on wondering why I had a guy standing behind me. "Kourtney Marie Adams, who is here in your apartment. I would for sure hope to not have you bringing guys home that you meet at your little club rendezvous you go on. " My mom said very sternly at me. "Me? Mother, I thought you knew me better then that." I started knowing what I was about to do may make Joey mad, but it would get me out of trouble. "This is my boyfriend of three months Joey." "Your boyfriend?" My father asked. "Your boyfriend?" Joey asked at the same time as my father. I elbowed him in the side. He finally caught on. "Yeah.." He said clearing his throat. "I'm her boyfriend Joey. Nice to meet you." He said shaking my father’s hand. "Same here." My father said suspiciously. My parents then came in and I shut the door. We all took seats in the living room when my parents started bombarding me and Joey with questions about our 'romance'. "So, how did the two of you meet?" My mother asked. She had to approve anybody I went with. I knew I had to think answers up quickly. "Um...At work." "Oh really. You work at an interior designers agency?" My mother asked wondering what he would be working there before. "Um...I...well no." He said to my parents. "Oh really. Well, how come my daughter said you worked..." My mother started. "We met through work. She was decorating my managers house." He said covering for me. "Really? Your manager. Well, what may I ask what you do for a living." My father asked still very suspicious. Joey was silent for a minute. "I sing." He said. I looked over at him. That is something that had not come up the night before. What he had done for a living. "Oh." My father said glumly. "Must be another one of those guys who sing at a club and is all dried up." My mother said all bitchy. "MOTHER!" I said very upset. "Actually, I sing in a real group. We have a platinum record, and we are very successful. We’re called Nsync." He said making their mouths drop. I was also stunned. "Really?" My father said. The whole room was making me want to sink in. I had heard of his group. “Well, mom, dad. Joey's gotta get home, so I have to bring him there. I'll be home in a couple hours or so. I'm going to hang out there for a while. ‘Til then, just make yourselves at home." I said standing up. "WAIT!" My father said. "You two have been dating for months as you say. So why is it that you don't even hold hands let alone ever touch each other?" I couldn't believe my father had just asked me this. "Um...." And before I could even reply to my fathers comment Joey took me and gave me a kiss which swept me away. After the kiss I just stood there in awe and within seconds regained my stature. "That satisfying for you father?" I said. Then we both headed out the door. The drive to his place was somewhat quiet before I struck up a conversation. "Thanks." I said keeping my eyes on the road. "For what?" He asked looking over at me. "Covering for me. My parents would have rang my neck for bringing a guy home." He started to laugh at me. "No problem. But what are you going to do when they find out that you really don't have a boyfriend?" "Haven't really thought that far." Then I started to think about when he kissed me and how much I liked it. "Joey..." I started before becoming silent. "What's up Kort?" He asked. "That kiss…did it feel like anything to you?" I asked stuttering the words out. "Or did it feel like just like a normal kiss with no feeling in it?" He blushed. I looked over at him. "Yeah I felt some sparks if that's what you mean." "We've only known each other for a day." "HEY HEY HEY!" He started. "Yeah?" "We aren't going to get together today girl." I laughed at him. "I wasn't saying that!" "OK." He said laughing at me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8 Months Later… It had been six months that Joey and I had officially been together. Of course, I met the guys and we became friends. It was as if we were all a big family. I knew about the guys’ career and everything with it. The guys were finally home from their three-month tour, which meant me, and Joey got to spend quality time together again. The two of us sat in my apartment cuddled on the couch catching up with each other. "I've missed you so much." I said giving him little kisses on his face in between my words. "I've missed you too." He said kissing right back. "You know what I miss the most though?" He asked looking into my eyes. "What is that?" I asked trying to read his mind. "Let's go." He said as he picked me up from my spot and carried me over his shoulder toward the bedroom of my apartment. "JOEY!" I yelled at him.