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::the happy times-chapter 4::

The next thing I knew I was sitting in a hospital bed very weak. I did not know what I was doing there. As I woke up there were two people in the room with me, Ashley, Justin's girlfriend, and my father. "Daddy, Ashley what am I doing here?" I asked feeling woozy. "Kourtney. Do you remember what happened at the concert?" Ashley asked me, looking worried. "Oh my god." I said as I remembered now what had happened. I started to panic, not being able to speak. "Kourtney, settle down hon." She said. Then my dad spoke up. "Kourtney. You didn't lose the baby." He said. I just lay there shocked. "I what?" I asked still very weak. "You had a healthy baby boy." "I…I…Where's Joey?" I asked wondering where he was. At that second he came barging into the room with the other members of Nsync. "Kourtney." He yelled as he ran up to my bedside. "Are you OK? I came as soon as the concert ended. I just found out. Why are you here though." "I had the baby." " it OK?" He asked worried. "Yeah." And at that very second a nurse came into the room with a baby in her arms and handed it to me. "He's so handsome." "Aww...he looks just like me...." Chris said while making tears come from his eyes. Everyone just looked at him like what the heck are you talking about. Then everyone started laughing. "Like you? Kourtney you hiding something from me girl?" Joey asked. We just laughed. "Excuse me, " A nurse said. "But the lady needs to get some sleep. I have to take the baby back into the nursery ward." "OK. We will be leaving." My father said as they all headed out of the room and the nurse took the baby from me.

~One Month Later~"Are you guys sure you can handle it?" I asked looking at JC, Lance, Justin, and Chris. "YES! Now get out of here already." Justin said pushing us out the door. "ALRIGHT BUT IF MY BOY IS NOT ALIVE WHEN WE GET BACK TOMARROW ITS YOUR ASS!" Joey said joking with Justin "I'm so glad that we finally get a night alone." I said as we walked up to my apartment. We were living in my apartment for the past few months till our house was finished being built. The baby was staying the night with the other guys so Joey and I could be alone. "I know." He said as he slumped into the couch and brought me down onto his lap and started to kiss my neck. "I miss this to." I said as I turned around and started to kiss him. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom where we shared a night of romanticism, something we hadn’t experienced in a very long time...2 Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~"’re are such a cute little baby." Joey said playing with the baby which was squeaking at him. "You are a beautiful little boy. You look just like your mommy." He said laughing. "Jooooeeeeey." I whined from the bedroom. He went in carrying the baby. "I don't feel good." I said." You going to be OK?" He asked sitting the baby down in the carrier. "AuuuuuuHHHHhhh." I screamed as I fell to the ground "KOURTNEY!" He yelled as he ran to my side.