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The story exploded all over the media. After all, it was Lou Pearlman’s niece, and he was God of the boybands.

Skyler was hopeless that Christmas morning. It had been impossible to find an open clinic. She drive around for awhile, before realizing that she had never gotten JC a Christmas present. She pulled into a small strip mall, before she noticed she had no money. A quick trip to an ATM would do the trick.

She stopped her car, and walked to the closest one. Just as she was getting her money out, she felt it.


JC was still laying on her bed, holding the stuffed tiger he had given her for her last birthday, when the rest of the group had arrived. Chris had gotten JC to lay down, and started making the phone calls. First he called Lou, because he knew this would be a press thing, then he called Skyler’s parents. After them, it was Justin, Joey and Lance. Lance was first over, and volunteered to go to the airport to pick up Justin and Joey when their flights got in.

It had been a few hours since the phone call, and JC was still in shock. He didn’t have time to apologize, to say he loved her and would stand by her no matter what. He just stared at a picture of the two of them, taken only a month or so earlier, his arms around her, both of them smiling. Chris was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching JC.

He knew that with news like this JC was libel to flip out at any given point. Lance, Joey and Justin got there as soon as they could. Chris’s red eyes were mirror’s of their own. They greeted each other with hugs before looking at JC. It was a horrible sight, his face all splotchy and tear stained. His eyes were open, but it was as if he wasn’t seeing anything.

“He’s in shock.” Chris finally said. “The doctor said he should come out of it with time, but it might take awhile. I think this hit us all pretty hard.” They just nodded their heads in agreement, unable to speak.

“The police told me she was at an ATM and he came up behind her. She probably didn’t even know what hit her.” Chris choked out. “Just wham, and she was gone.”


Skyler felt the barrel of the gun against her back, and the cold, harsh voice in her ears.

“Give me the money now, bitch.” Skyler froze, and was unable to move. “I said give it to me, you little bitch, or I’ll kill you.” Skyler slowly reached for the money out of the ATM. It was only 20 dollars.

“This is all you have, little rich girl? Not good enough.” He slowly moved the barrel up her spine and to the back of her head.



Two weeks had passed since that Christmas day. Then band was taking time off indefinitely. No one ever knew Skyler was pregnant, no one but JC and Chris. Hell, no one knew she and JC ere even together. They just assumed he was in grief over his lost friend.

Chris buckled his belt as the plane descended into Philadelphia. He waited until all the other passengers were off before he moved. Donning a hat and dark glasses, he slowly walked off the plane and collected his baggage and rental car key. As he drive, for what seemed like hours, things started to look familiar.

He pulled up a few doors down from the small brick house with red shutters. There was a bike in the front yard, laying on it’s side on the ground. A basketball net was set up, and various other sports paraphernalia, like a football, was scattered across the ground. Chris just sat for a few moments, thinking about if this was the right thing to do.

Skyler’s death had brought new light to his situation. He knew he had to do this. As Chris walked up the front steps, stepping over a worn baseball mitt, he held the tears back in his eyes. He knocked on the stout wooden door, and heard a running pair of feet come flying to the door. It opened, and there he stood, 10 years old, a mirror image of Chris at that age.

“Josh?” Chris asked, his voice not sure of itself.

“Yeah...” the boy was confused, and Chris didn’t blame him.

“Is you’re mother here?” Josh nodded, and ran to get Lizzie. She came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel.

“Chris?” she stood, in disbelief. He nodded. “Josh, let him in.” the boy slowly opened the door all the way, and Chris stepped inside. They stood in silence for a few moments, not knowing what to say or how to say it.

“Chris, why don’t you tell him.” Lizzie said, not sure if she should believe her eyes.

“Josh, I’m you’re father.”

An Endnote Story Index