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::part 13::

‘Why did I get myself into this?’ Mackenzie thought, as she pranced around the stage in a navy bikini with white piping. She could not believe that she made it to the second round, but she really didn’t care. Her real purpose for being here wasn’t to win. But, she had never been a quitter, so she was going to see it through to the end. Mackie stopped walking and looked into the camera. She tired to be as genuine as possible, smiled and gave a little wink. The judges obviously thought it was cute, because her scores were the highest in that category.

The music finished, and the 10 finalists all walked backstage to get ready for the evening gown competition.

Shea walked up to her, and gave Mackie a huge hug. She helped her into her dress, which, unlike those of the other contestants, wasn’t very modern looking. It had an empire waist and cap sleeves. But, the shimmery blue-green color stood out, and it made her look otherworldly. They pulled her hair up and curled the back. Very light blush and eyeshadow were applied to her face, as well as some mascara and lipstick.

Shea almost started to cry. “Mackie, you are the most beautiful person. Inside and out.” She knew that there was only about 5 minutes until Mackie had to be on stage again. Shea hugged her best friend, and handed her the envelope. “Read this before you go on, OK?” She kissed her cheek and walked away.

Mackie sat with her hands wrapped around the envelope. It plainly said "Macks" on the front, in James’ handwriting. She was almost afraid to see what it said. But, she opened it anyway, and read the words her love had put down on paper.


There are a few things that we need to get cleared up. There is no way that I can leave you alone. You are too much a part of my life now. We have so many memories, there is too much at stake to give up now. Please, come talk to me. I will be waiting in the tourbus at midnight. For the sake of our friendship, and my sanity, meet me there.

Yours, forever-


She wanted to cry, to laugh and to scream all at once. But, she had no time for any of that. The stage-manager called 30 seconds, and she had to get up and get in line with the other 9. She knew that the guys were already on stage, standing on the platform at the back. Mackie would have to pass by James. ‘I can do this!’ she repeated over and over to herself. The music began to play, and she immediately recognized it. It was her favorite song off their new album, a cover of the Beatles' “And I Love Her.”

I give her all my love,

That’s all I do.

And if you saw my love,

You’d love her too.

I love her.

She gives me everything, and tenderly,

The kiss my lover brings, she brings to me.

I love her.

A love like ours will never die,

As long as I have you near me.

Bright are the stars that shine

Dark is the sky.

I know this love of mine

Will never die

And I love her.

A love like ours

Will never die

As long as I

Have you near me.

Bright are the stars that shine

Dark is the sky

I know this love of mine

Will never die.

And I love her.

I love her.


Halfway through the first verse, Mackenzie heard her name called, and she stepped onto the stage. She could feel James looking at her, and she turned slightly. As soon as she saw him, the tired, heartbroken look on his face, she had made up her mind. He was right; she wouldn’t be able to remove him from her life. Even if she distanced herself physically, James would always be there, in her dreams, in her memories, and in her heart. Mackie would be on that tourbus tonight.

She finished her walk and stood in her designated spot, smiling from her heart for the first time since she last spoke to James.

The final girl, Miss Tennessee came onto the stage in her long metallic purple dress, and soon after, ‘N Sync stopped singing. They broke for commercials, and the girls were arranged on the stage. Not too long after, the 5 semi-finalists were announced. Mackie was in that select group of 5. They each had to answer a question, and Mackenzie was first.

“OK, pick a card Miss Mississippi.” The host, James Van Der Beek said with a smile.

“Sure James!” She picked the card in the middle, and he read it aloud.

“Do you feel that television, the media, and pageants have any kind of negative effect on teenagers in today’s culture?”

Mackenzie gulped. ‘I would get that question, wouldn’t I? Oh well, the truth can hurt.’ “Well, this question is a perfect one for me to answer. I haven’t always looked the way that I do tonight. The media and this very pageant influenced me, and I changed my self-image. But it wasn’t for me; it was for society, so that I could say that I was somebody at one point. I wouldn’t say that it has all been bad, but I have lived in both worlds, and the way that people treat those who they don’t think are good enough is horribly wrong. That’s the negative effect that I see.” She heard gasps from the audience, and from the contestants in the wings behind her. But she didn’t care. America needed to realize that treating people that didn’t fit into their mold of perfection differently was unjust. She smiled, glad that she could be the one to tell them.

Despite the shocking answer, Mackie made it to the top 3. She was just as astonished as everybody else was. ‘I guess a few of the judges know where I was coming from.’ She thought. Shell had advanced with her, and they both kept smiling at each other. The other girl was Miss Minnesota, who looked happy and petrified at the same time.

For the next question, Mackie was 2nd, after Minnesota (whose name was Gabriella, if she remembered correctly.) Rochelle went last. The question was this.

“The suicide rate in teenagers was at an all-time high this past year. What do you think that we can do to help teens realize that there are other ways?”

Mackie thought for a second. “Love. Love is the only thing that will keep people going. If someone is stripped of all the love in their life, they naturally assume that there is nothing else out there for them. Parents, teachers, friends…they all need to make sure that every teenager knows just how much they mean to them.” Mackie smiled and stepped away from him. She crossed her fingers behind her back, and prayed.

Rochelle’s answer to the question was flawless. “Teens need to find the thing in their life that makes them happy, for themselves, and nobody else. You have to live your life for you. In that, you will always have purpose.”

The tension was building, and 10 minutes later, the envelope was brought onstage. “2nd runner up, is Miss Minnesota.”

Mackie and Shell hugged her, and she got her flowers.

“If for any reason, Miss Teen USA cannot perform her duties, the 1st runner up will take over. This year, the first runner up is…Miss Mississippi! Miss California is Miss Teen USA for the year 2000!”

Mackenzie hugged Shell with all her might. She deserved to win that crown, she was everything that Miss Teen USA should be, and Mackie was proud to call her a friend. Shell took her walk around the stage, beaming bright.

Then, all too soon, the night was over. The 3 girls were made to sign contracts, and then they were free to change and leave. Mackie threw on some sweatpants and a white baby-tee, and took a cab over to the hotel. Shea had left with the guys after congratulations were given out. The legal meeting was so long; Mackie didn’t want Shea to be sitting around waiting for her. She glanced at her watch. 11:45.

‘Well, I guess its better to be early than late.’ She thought, and made her way around the back of the building, where the bus was being parked. The door was unlocked, so Mackie knew James was already there. She made her way to the back, where she assumed he would be waiting. She took some deep breaths and opened the door.

"And I Love Her" copyright 1964 J. Lennon/P. McCartney

part 14