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::part 2::

One Year Later

“This is still a lot of fun the 3rd time around!” 22-year-old Joey Fatone said to the other members of ‘N Sync, walking into the Miss Teen USA welcome banquet. They had been asked yet again to be the musical guest on the live program, and had eagerly accepted.

“That’s only ‘cause you like having 50 fine girls around you at one time Joe.” Justin Timberlake replied. “Not that I’m complaining!” he added as a leggy blonde in a black miniskirt walked by. At 19, he was enjoying being around teenage girls that didn’t scream in his face.

“Just remember, this is a TEEN pageant…as in jailbait!” JC Chasez, 24, said in a concerned tone.

“I’m just lookin’!” both of the guys replied quickly.

The other three had a laugh, and then they spread out to mingle with the crowd. For about an hour they talked to many different girls, mostly about the pageant and music. It was starting to get dull in the room, and as if sensing the lack of fervor of the guests, the DJ blasted the music through the stereo system. The girls immediately started to dance, pulling JC, Justin, Joey and Chris, the oldest at 28, out on the floor with them.

Lance, the somewhat shy 21-year-old, on the other hand, hung on the outskirts of the dance floor drinking a Dr. Pepper and swaying his hips slightly to the music. Dancing wasn’t really his niche, although he could adequately perform choreographed moves, he didn’t feel he had enough of his own style to dance at clubs or parties. He never danced to fast songs. Well, almost never…


“All you have to do is move you hips Jimmy!” 13-year-old Mackenzie Deal swayed hers in an attempt to demonstrate.

“It’s not that easy Mackie. I have absolutely no rhythm.” James, who had just turned 16, was attempting to get ready for the school dance coming up. He had asked Bethany Miles, the girl he had secretly admired for years. When she had accepted, he had been astonished. Then, he remembered one important fact: he couldn’t dance. Panicked, he had run to Mackenzie, begging her to teach him.

“James! You have to have some. I mean, you do all that two-steppin’ and stuff.” She made a face and he laughed. Even though she was born and raised in Mississippi, Mackie hated country music. With a passion.

James smiled at her, knowing she was growing aggravated. She only called him James when she was upset. If she added ‘Lance Bass’ to his name, he might as well dig his own grave. “That’s only ‘cause I know the moves and what I am supposed to be doing and when.”

Mackenzie threw her hands up in frustration. “Fine, we are going to the next plan. Give me your hands.” She placed his hands on her hips and then rested hers on his shoulders. “Follow me, and whatever you feel my hips do, you do with yours, OK?”

James felt awkward, like he should be slow dancing, but if this was going to help him not to make a fool of himself in front of Bethany. She started to move against his hands and about half way through the song, he was moving in time to the music, as well. Mackie started to laugh and James stuck out his tongue at her. That simple act made him lose the beat of the song, which prompted Mackenzie to laugh harder. She fell on the floor and he jumped on top of her, tickling her stomach. “I give, I give!” she giggled. He let her up, and they looked each other in the face. Laughter consumed them again.

*end flashback*

Lance hadn’t thought of that day in years. It had been so much fun, hanging out with Mackenzie. He had always gotten a lot of grief from the guys at school for befriending a middle school girl. ‘She’s not even cute, Bass’ they would always say. But, she needed a friend. Mackie had never really lost her baby-fat, and because of it everyone called her “Chubbs”. It was not a nickname she enjoyed very much, but she never let those people get the best of her. She always kept her brave face on, though Lance knew that she cried herself to sleep nights and had horrible nightmares. She would often call him at 3 am, and he would soothe her until she felt comfortable enough to go back to sleep. She was the single strongest person he had ever known, and not a day went by that he didn’t talk about her. The guys even called her ‘Lance’s long lost best friend’. He hadn’t talked to her in over 4 years. Things had gotten so hectic for ‘N Sync and he had absentmindedly lost her phone number. He really hadn’t spoken to anybody back in Clinton, but he desperately wanted to talk to her. ‘I wonder what she’s up to’ Lance thought for the millionth time since he last spoke to Mackie.