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::part 7::

“I’ll be right there!” Mackie yelled, pushing herself off the bed and to the door. She opened it, and looked directly into James’ green eyes, which forced a smile upon her face.

“Hey James, this is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you for another 5 years or so.” When James didn’t laugh at her attempt at humor, Mackenzie added, “But, I’m glad you stopped by.” She opened the door a little wider, inviting him inside. He stepped inside the doorway, and held Mackie’s gaze. He still hadn’t uttered a word. She was lost in his soul for what seemed like forever and she swallowed back the intense feeling that had started in her stomach, and crept up to her throat. To ease the tension, she spoke again.

“So, James, what brings you by?” Mackenzie asked

“Are you mad at me, Mackie?”

She was startled. It was true, she had been angry with him for a long time, but she had gotten over it, her hate (for the situation, never James) being overridden by the desire to see him again…and other emotions she just couldn’t describe. “Why would you say that James?”

“See, that’s just it! You keep calling me James!”

Mackie giggled. “I’m so sorry, Lance, but…come on, Lance?”

He smiled, too. “No, you don’t have to call me Lance, Mackie. What happened to Jimmy? You only used to call me James when you got upset with me. But, Jimmy…that was your special name for me. You were Macks, I was Jimmy.” James started to pout, and he looked ages younger than his 21 years.

Mackenzie resisted the overpowering urge to kiss him at that moment. He looked so vulnerable. “I only used to call you Jimmy ‘cause everybody called you James back home. I had to do something different, you know me. But, well, now everyone calls you Lance, so I can have James all to myself!”

James’ smile grew wider. “Actually, you have to share that one with mom and dad!” They laughed together, just like old times. Together again. James and Mackenzie.


Mackie turned towards the room, and saw Shea standing there, a bemused smile on her face. “Gosh, Shea, you scared me! James, this is my best friend Shea Byer. Shea, this is James, but you can call him Lance. I’m sure you’ve heard him mentioned.”

Shea played dumb. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Umm, lets see, pop star, boy band, bleached hair…any of this ringing a bell?” Shea plastered a blank look on her face and shrugged. “Backstreet Boy wannabe?”

“OH! Lance! Nice to meet you!”

James started to laugh, but managed a half-hearted “hey!” in between chuckles. He turned to face her and stuck out his hand. She shook it, and he got a good look of Shea for the first time. “Nice to meet you, too Shea. Wow, you look…”

“Like the female version of you? Yeah, I get that a lot, especially back home. All the teachers at CHS are always like ‘are you related to that Lance Bass? I hear he’s singing in a little group now.’ It gets kinda annoying after a while, though.” Shea had James practically rolling on the floor from laughter. Although Mackenzie knew all of this, she too was in hysterics. Shea knew how to make a room a lot more fun. “Mackie, tell him about the ‘Green-eye Exchange Program’!” Shea pleaded.

Mackie proceeded to tell James the whole story. Shea had moved to Clinton just 4 months after the Bass’ voyage to sunny Florida. She had moved from Tampa, which is about an hour from where James now resided, and had moved into his old house. “Everyone kept saying that you were involved in a experiment called the Green-eye Exchange Program, cause you two had basically swapped lives, plus the fact that you look so much alike!” The three young adults had a chuckle about that, and then James spoke up.

“Do you guys want to come to dinner with the group?” he asked politely.

“Sure, I’m starving. Something fancy, or just to a diner?” Shea inquired.

“I think it would be fun to get a little more dressed up. James, we will meet you guys in the lobby in like 45 minutes, OK?” Mackie stated, already thinking of what to wear.

He nodded, and Mackenzie walked him to the door. She opened it for him, and James turned to her yet again. “I really miss you calling me Jimmy, ya know?”

Mackenzie smiled and kissed him on the cheek, her lips barely grazing his skin. “Well, if you like it that much, you will have to earn the privilege.”

“How do I do that?” James inquired.

“I’m not sure yet, but it will have to be something pretty darn special!” He smiled, and Mackie watched him walk down the hall. When he turned out of sight, she returned to the room to get ready.