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::part 9::

“So, Mackenzie, why are you here? What made you want to be a pageant queen?” Rochelle asked, after she had recounted her own story. Rochelle, or Shell, as she asked them to call her, had been involved in beauty spectacles since she had moved to California 5 years before.

Angela, Joe’s date had answered the question with a quizzical look at the guys, a glance at her body and a shrug. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” She had said, and the rest tried very hard not to laugh or make a rude comment. Joey was getting fed up with Angela’s attitude, as well.

Mackie thought for a second. ‘I can’t tell them the real reason I started doing this.’ “Um, well, I dunno, I just heard about them last year, and so 6 months ago, I got involved.” Mackie noticed the wide eyes from Shell and Angela. They had never heard of anyone making it in six months. In fact, it was a first. But, Mackie had been determined.

Justin stood up, as the whole group had finished eating. “I say we walk around the town for a while. It’s a beautiful night.” He said, taking Shell’s hand to help her out of the booth.

The rest of the group exited as well and they all spilt up outside, as not to draw too much attention. Justin, Rochelle, Joey, Chris and Angela went to the right, and James, Mackie, Shea and JC, headed left. James hadn’t said much to Mackie all night, but she noticed him looking. Every so often, their eyes would connect, and Mackenzie felt a charge from his gaze. ‘Looks like he’s finally noticing me in that other light.’ She thought. But, as much as she wanted James to fall head over heels in love with her, she wanted to tell him the truth about the last 5 years, the most recent one in particular. There just hadn’t been an opportune time all evening. She hoped she could get him alone on this walk, because she knew the next two days would be too hectic for the both of them. The group of four walked into a small café, to get some coffee and desert. The romantic little bistro only had tables for two, so Mackie opted to sit with James. She only ordered a bottle of water, saying she would try some of his if she really wanted. Truth was, she couldn’t have anything sugary for fear of gaining weight. It was harder to keep the fat that she lost off her body than it was to lose it in the first place. She hadn’t had a soda in almost a year, for crying out loud.

Mackie took a deep breath, knowing that if she didn’t talk to him now, she would lose her chance. “James, we have to talk.”

“Yeah, Mackenzie, we do. I have something I need to tell you, and if I don’t do it now, I am going to chicken out, so here goes. You are so amazingly beautiful Macks. I couldn’t take my eyes off you all night. I don’t know what’s going on with me, but it’s like since I saw you this afternoon, nothing else has been in my mind but you. I think…I think I fell in love tonight Mackenzie.”

Mackie felt her cheeks get red, but she wasn’t blushing. ‘This is NOT how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to look past the outside beauty…oh, God, he’s just like the rest of them! He’s not anything different…I did all this for him…I changed who I was, and he’s…oh, God, what have I done!’ Tears welled up in her eyes, and she ran from the table, “Just like the rest…” she mumbled as she moved away from James.