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Symone sighed again to herself. Ever since they had arrived, everyone had seemed to have gone their own directions. Terri and Chris were spending almost all their time together. Symone smiled, remember the announcement made a few nights ago. Terri had already asked her to be a Godmother to one of the babies. And Krysti and Emmi seemed to be pretty good friends. JC looked a bit homesick or lovelorn, but he had cheered up when he called Nic earlier that day. Anna spent most of her time avoiding Joey, like Symone spent a lot of hers avoiding Justin. She and Lance had been hanging out a lot the past couple days, just talking. Lance told her how he kissed Emmi, but now was slightly confused as to what was going on between them. Symone told him about what was going on in her head with the whole Justin situation.

Symone looked back at the book she was attempting to read. The rain had forced everyone inside, and Symone was hiding out in her bunk. Symone looked and saw she was still on the same page she had been on more than ten minutes ago. The door creaked open slowly, and Terri sauntered in.

“Hiding from the bogeymen?” she teased, laying down on the bed across from Symone’s.

“More like hiding from just one of them. It’s hard not to be around him on a day like this, but you know the rules. No boys in the girls room. I figured I’d be safe here, at least.” Symone smiled ruefully.

“Well, I know that rule might work for you, but trust me, making out with Chris in a barn just isn’t fun.” Terri grinned at the shocked look on Symone’s face. “You better close your mouth before you start catching flies. We’re married; we’re allowed to kiss when we want. And trust me, the first time you get pregnant, the hormones fly. Men seemed to be turned on by pregnant women.”

Symone started giggling. “I can’t believe you’re carrying two little babies inside you.”

“Trust me, neither do I. Now, why are you hiding from Justin?” Terri asked, rolling onto her back.

“Well, let’s see, a gravy boat and a blond girl come to mind.” Symone sighed.

“Oh, really? Well, let me tell you a story...”

****Flashback to yesterday****

“Justy, I don’t know what you saw in her.” Shai picked up a copy of the Rolling Stone issue and looked over Symone’s appearance.

Justin kissed her neck. “Now, now, no need to get nasty, dollface.” Shai spun around to face him, hopping on the counter.

“I mean, she’s not really all that pretty. And look at what she wears. What a slut.” Shai paid no attention to the fact that her shirt could have passed for an undergarment as she pulled Justin’s face closer to hers.

Shai’s words echoed in Justin’s mind, taking him back to over a year ago.

“Get over it Justin! What did I do to you that was so terrible?” ‘Besides kick your butt at basketball’ she said in her mind, containing the smile that wanted to creep onto her face by setting her jaw, her lips in a straight line.

“Do I have you spell it out for you? Y-O-U L-I-E-D!”

“About a stupid basketball game! It’s not like I conveniently forgot to tell you I have a kid or something!” Symone shouted.

“Whatever! I was raised to believe that a lie is a lie, no matter what.” Justin said matter-of-factly, staring down at her.

“Oh, OK Jim! I see how it is Mr. I-Never Dated-Britney-The Silicone Princess-Spears! Why is it that you can and I can’t?” She was mad, and the whole neighborhood probably knew.

“Those lies didn’t hurt anybody!” he claimed.

“And my saying I had important plans did? Please, get off your high horse! You need a serious reality check!”

“You also lied about liking Lance. He told me you said you liked me and only kissed him to make me jealous. Is that true? Or are you just really a little slut?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he closed it tightly, and then let it hang open, obviously surprised at what had come from it.

Tears had begun to spill from Symone’s eyes, uncontrollably now. She could not believe he had said that to her.

He started to speak. “Oh my gosh, I-“


Justin looked Shai squarely in the eyes. “As much as Symone hurt me, you will never, and I mean never disrespect her like that ever again! You know, I should have listened to Emmi. You just like to get what you want while making other people look bad. Goodbye Sharina.” Justin left the store to head back to the farm.


Symone looked at Terri. “He didn’t tell you this, did he?”

“Hell no. I had a craving for rocky road, so I was listening into the conversation.” Terri grinned. “Score for pregnancy.”

Symone smiled. Terri could always cheer her up, whether she was mourning a lost love, or seething over a bad grade.

“So, now that Justin is officially witch-free...” Terri started.

“Uh uh. NO way! We can’t even be in the same room without fighting. Not a chance, sister.” Symone sat up, shaking her head at the scheming woman.

“Never say never, my dear.” Terri pulled herself off the bed, and went to the main room.

“Hey Kid.” She said, sitting down opposite Justin. He awoke from his daze with a start.

“Hey, Terri.” He said, absently.

“I need to talk to you privately for a few minutes.” She said, tugging his hand like a little girl. “Emmi said we could use her room.”

Justin sighed. He hadn’t really been doing a whole lot else. Just thinking about Sharina and Symone. And how different they were. He dutifully followed Terri into the next room.

“Sit.” She commanded him. “Now, tell me why you’re not waking up to the fact that you have a beautiful, single girl, who is madly in love with you but so afraid to show it, right under your nose?” Terri asked him, before he could even finish sitting down. He stared at her blankly.

“Oh, not, do not pull that dumb blonde act on me, Kid. I know you, and I know everything about you.” Terri straddled a chair, resting her chin on the top rung.

“Because she’s a stubborn, melodramatic control-freak who wouldn’t listen to another person’s side of the story if she was locked in a room with them.” Justin said flatly. He had given up all hope of Symone and him getting back together.

“You, stay.” Terri said. She turned so Justin wouldn’t see the sly grin on her face, the look in her eyes. She hurried back to where she left Symone.

“Sym, come here. I need to show you something.” Terri half-lead, half-dragged Symone to Emmi’s room. Before Symone could utter a noise, Terri opened the door wide, pushed Symone in, and slammed it shut again.

Symone spun around at the door in time to hear the outside lock click into place.

“Terri, what are you doing?” She cried, banging on the door.

“Making you listen to each other!” Terri called gaily. She turned to find a room full of people staring at her. “What? Someone had to do something or they would never get back together.” She explained, sitting calmly onto the sofa next to Chris.

“That’s my girl.” He whispered to her.

Symone felt a cold chill when she heard Terri say ‘each other’. She knew who was behind her. She slowly turned and looked at the curly hair, blue eyes, pouty lips and amazing body she knew so well. “So we meet again.” Justin said, lamely.




::alternate reality::