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After dinner, everyone was lounging around the common room, just sitting, or talking. Anna, still shaken over the earlier incident, was sitting on the opposite side of the room as Joey, who was casting annoyed glances at her. Anna had been making comments under her breath all evening.

"So, what exactly do you people do up here? I mean, no TV, no video games, no computers..." Justin demanded. Emmi glanced at her sister.

"We walk. We ride horses. We talk to each other. We sleep." Emmi replayed in a sickeningly sweet voice. Justin had complained about everything from the accommodations to the flowers on the table at dinner. She had about had it with him. Anna shot her a warning glance. After dinner, the two sisters had a private conference in Anna's room. Emmi was seething over Justin, and Anna was still upset with Joey. They had decided to just let it go, but Justin was making it very hard.

"J, man, chill. We've got three months, I don't want to have another war zone on my hands." JC had confronted Justin after dinner when the girls disappeared. He reminded Justin of the last time he had fought with a girl, and Symone kicked his ass.

"Whatever." Justin muttered stalking off.

"So, Emmi, what are we going to do tomorrow?" Lance asked from his spot right next to Emmi on the loveseat.

"Well, we're going to get up at 5, do the morning chores, eat by 8:30, I have to go to town for a bit, and Anna needs to do some things around the house, lunch around noon, go riding in the afternoon, evening chores, dinner, then relax." Emmi smiled coyly at him. She thought Lance was a real cutie, and definitely sweet.

"5? As in 5 in the morning?" Chris looked at her like she had two heads.

"No, I'm going to sleep for..." Emmi looked at her watch, it was almost 7:30. "22 hours and get up tomorrow night," she replied, the bite in her voice obvious. She was getting tired of all these wimpy city boys fast. So far, Lance was the only one willing to help her out at all. "In saying 'we' I was referring to Anna and myself. You guys can sleep till whenever, but breakfast is at 9 sharp. No latecomers will be served. We live on a farm, and running it correctly requires a tight schedule. Anna and I run this entire place, from feeding the stock to fixing loose door handles. Normally we hire a few guys to stay the summer and help, but this summer we have you. Do not make me regret saying yes to letting y'all stay here. I am counting on you to help Anna and I keep this place running smoothly," she paused, taking a breath and looked around at the faces, frozen in awe. "I do not want to hear anymore whining about how much you miss your city life. You are now country boys, for this summer at least, and country boys don't whine. If you can't cut it, leave. I am getting sick of all this bitching over no TV and our simple life. We like our life. So just shut up and pitch in, and this summer will fly by." Finished her tirade, Emmi got up and headed outside to the barns. It's where she always went to think.

"What's her problem?" Joey asked.

"Maybe she's just fed up with your attitudes. And I don't blame her." Anna said, shooting daggers at Joey. She stalked to her room and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Well, at least this summer won't be dull." JC mused, folding his hands behind his head.

Anna quietly opened the trap door on the floor of her closet. A flight of stairs led her down to the basement. Leaving the door open so she could hear if anyone knocked, she hit a button, and watched as the computer monitor began glowing to life. This was her place, her secret obsession. Emmi did a really good job of playing the life-long country girl upstairs with the guys, but the truth was this was new to the both of them. Their grandmother was the girls' last living relative; their father had grown up in the Valley. He and their mother had passed away 6 years ago in an automobile accident, just after Anna had turned 18. She went to college and Emmi finished up high school a year early; they were forced to grow up very quickly. When they had learned of their inheritance, they uprooted from Columbia, the bustling capital of South Carolina to the quaint little farm named after their grandma. Anna couldn't give up her computer though, for anything.

Almost immediately after she logged on to her account, she got an Instant Message from her best online friend.

RedHedFlirt: Annabella! Didn't expect to see you on today, with the new guests and all.

PrimnProper: Yeah, well, they are all upstairs whining about having to do work for once in their lives. I swear, city boys…

RedHedFlirt: As long as they are HOT city boys, you can send them my way! So, how is everything in Hicksville, SC otherwise?

PrimnProper: You need to remove head from gutter! Everything is cool I guess. A little slow…

RedHedFlirt: As usual;)

PrimnProper: You got it! So, how is Florida?

RedHedFlirt: Good, good. The little one is kinda sick, but other than that everything is swell. I have a hot date tonight, too.

PrimnProper: As usual;)

RedHedFlirt: Funny! Tell me the truth now, are any of those guys fine?

PrimnProper: Lust is a sin Jessica, how many times do I have to tell you that?

RedHedFlirt: Sorry, geez! Well Anna, I better go. Adrienne is crying and Nic is out getting her some medicine, so I am playing mommy.

PrimnProper: Poor kid! No seriously, tell Nicole that I will be praying for the both of them…and you too, as always.

RedHedFlirt: Its amazing that we are friends, you know that right?

PrimnProper: I like the word 'miracle'…

RedHedFlirt: LoL, you are such a smartass…OOPS, I mean butt…if any of those guys are attractive, give 'em my number!

PrimnProper: What am I going to do with you?! Bye Jess!

RedHedFlirt is not currently signed on.

Anna sighed. Jessica was really the only person she had become close friends with on AOL. Her, and her roommate Nicole. They were both really sweet girls, and Anna loved them dearly. Jessica was about as opposite as far as personalities from Anna as you could get. She was a party girl, loved to shop and be around guys, unlike Anna who was a homebody, and would rather talk to her Bible study group online than go to a kegger. She had made a commitment to God early on in her life, and she refused to back down now.

Now that she had no one to chat with, Anna decided to surf the 'net. She wasn't quite sure what she was going to look for, but her fingers seemed to have a different idea. In the Search For box, she swiftly typed Nsync. Of course, over 1000 websites came up, and she went to the first one that seemed interesting. She had been doing this for weeks now, ever since Emmi told her who their guests for the summer would be. Neither of the girls were fans, but Emmi liked all music, and had a copy of their CD. In any case, Emmi and Anna did know who they were; you would have to be living under a rock not to. Anna clicked on the biography section of the page, and immediately clicked on Joey's picture. Even before the incident in the bathroom, Anna hadn't liked Joseph Anthony Fatone. Everything that she read about him made him out to be a flirt, interested in girls only for their bodies for a night, and then he would send them packing. That was exactly the kind of guy that Anna hated, and she wasn't going to let him get away with it, especially not with her. Anna turned her chair around looked into the mirror that was opposite the computer. She had always been told that she was somewhat attractive, but she had never been vain or conceited about her looks. Her long, thick auburn hair was bordering on strawberry blonde due to all the time she spent in the sun recently, and her blue eyes had a certain sparkle to them. She tried to cover up her petite body as much as possible, and had vowed to go overboard with it when Joey was around. 'So much for that idea!' she thought. There was a knock at the door to her room, and she quickly logged off her computer and scurried upstairs.




::alternate reality::